He was obviously being SARCASTIC

>he was obviously being SARCASTIC

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I've never seen the left more desperate.

I wonder if some trumptard will actually drink bleach like the idiot that drank fish tank cleaner lol

I just fucking hate his supporters, honestly. They foist this madness upon us. They rape the fucking Earth, fucking over every human being and animal on it, then when you complain they say "Hahahhaahha cry harder SNOWFLAKE! 4 MORE YEARS!". They're just the worst, most backwards and inverted people

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Trump didn't mean X when he said X

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kek, Canadians are truly based and redpilled

Why would they? Only the left reads left media headlines.

Maybe if you're a good goy and parrot the blue US talking points they'll let you in paco!

>It was just the media making shit up again for a headline. Huhuh trumpfags so retarded for pointing this out for the 300th time. like our propaganda machine will ever stop XD

>president saying injecting bleach might cure it isn't desperation tho

>his own words

When Pumkin tried to say that thing he was told earlier but said this other thing, he clearly meant the thing he didnt say, so stop laughing and calling him a dumb retarded fatass. I bet they paid you to laugh about his mistakes!!!

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>They're just the worst, most backwards and inverted people
Clearly you've never met a Polish person

Lol it's international news all over the planet. Even if you stay closed in your safe spaces, you are bound to hear about it. I'm willing to bet some trumpanzee will actually do it
>God Emperor GEOTUS said to drink bleach and the darn libtards are making fun of him! All show them by chugging down a falling of the stuff! WW1GWGA

Its contextual you illiterate fuck. Holy fuck basic english. I bet your bitch ass gets mad over text messages too when you cant comprehend context or emotion. Faggot.

Still voting Trump no matter what, all the red states will support him

did you take your daily vitamin?
a healthy boy is a happy boy

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Still your president. Buckle up we aren't even half way thru his tenure.

>you cant comprehend context or emotion.
I can tell you're mad.

>Its contextual you illiterate fuck
no it isn't. nothing about the "context" goes against the fact that the Stable Genius™ was legit wondering if injecting bleach or UV rays "inside of you" could kill the virus

you trumptards are pathetic

The couple who "drank" fishcleaner was about a woman who gave a ton to her husband, who wanted to divorce her, and she hates trumps. She drank enough to get sick only so she could have an alibi for her murder.

If people died from doing this then so be it, our president like to crack jokes so what

He's not my president. Speak for yourself, bro. I think he's scum and I think you probably are too if you continue to support him.

The Yas Forums secret server is discord gg 2hc3gS6
We will interview Alex Jones this week. Get in...

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>It was just a joke bro!

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>inject uv rays
let me load up some ultraviolet light into a syringe
imagine being you right now. maybe you can learn some basic mastery over the language then talk about the complexities.

??????? What about the dick cutting trannies and annoying af PC people that never stfu. Democrats had a hand in making trump's supporters what they are, if they would have shut the fuck up after the 1st year in office, life would be so much better on all sides but they stayed continuously bitching and crying and muh impeach. How do you expect them assholes to act?
I dont support any politician right now because they are all still getting full paychecks while everybody else is told to hold on tight, we got free money coming (yours).

I meant injecting bleach OR having UV rays shining inside of you, as your retarded President suggested, as a joke of course right?

but what precise language would they use to deny that they are causing the tactile hallucinations?

"We swear to God"

>i meant
whoa what? are you attempting to "clarify" what you said? in the context of this "glumpf bad for clarifying what he said" thread? you can't do that.

Is this the great browning of america? Summer comes and everybody is forced to tan for 15+min a day to kill the virus and in result turns us all into brown people?

There are now about 30 anti-Trump shill threads in the catalog
We are being flooded with shills right now. I don't know what forum or discord they are from, but this is spamming.

>If I yell loud enough in my echo chamber I'll be right!

Imagine being a magatard

It's not a shill, I literally saw the video and laughed so hard I almost pissed myself. Then I opened Yas Forums because I knew everyone in here would be having an aneurysm

>nooooo my safe space echo chamber noooo not my trumperino my god king emperor cheeto boy nooooo
your boy fucked up so bad that it's literally impossible to defend him anymore unless you choose to be retarded

>wtf i took the position of knowing about context but then it was quickly demonstrated that i have no fucking clue what it is. as a last attempt at salvaging my credibility i'll just launch a random attack about magatards

“50,000 Americans dead! I know what the country needs — sarcasm!” You rock, Donald!

>So supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful, light — and I think you said that hasn’t been checked but you’re going to test it — and then I said suppose you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that, too. Sounds interesting.

>Then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. Is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside? Or almost a cleaning, ‘cause you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it’d be interesting to check that. So you’re going to have to use medical doctors but it sounds interesting to me, so we’ll see but the whole concept of the light. The way it kills it in one minute, that’s pretty powerful.

can the resident magatard explain the "context" that will make this word salad of retardation not, you know, retarded? I'll be waiting

Or you could actually go watch the briefing and see how incorrect those headlines are.

You won't though, you exist only to parrot what your rags tell you to say and think.

>The most useful of idiots

hahaha, who is the shill here?

When did he say bleach? Only thing I heard was disinfect with UV light. Never chemicals.

>leftists are literally too stupid to understand sarcasm
you literally can't make this shit up.

>??????? What about the dick cutting trannies and annoying af PC people that never stfu.
Honestly, if you vote for Republicans and suffer the worst aspects of capitalism just to "stick it to the libs" IDK what to tell you. Those people you mention only make up like .01% of the population anyway. And the rest of the people, whether they lean left or right, don't give a shit about any of that. You prob just spend too much time in online echo chambers full of idiotic political radicals
>Democrats had a hand in making trump's supporters what they are, if they would have shut the fuck up after the 1st year in office, life would be so much better on all sides but they stayed continuously bitching and crying and muh impeach.
I agree with you about Democrats behavior over Trump-Russia and to a lesser extent Ukraine (Ukraine was a little more substantial, but still not impeachable IMO). But fact is that Republicans impeached Clinton over something unimpeachable in the 90s, too. And Republicans gave us the Bush administration. Gave us Reaganism. Tried to take Obama down on a whole bunch of nothingburgers (not that Obama wasn't corrupt, but Republicans went after him for the nothingburgers, too).

It's just the same on both sides with regards to that.
>I dont support any politician right now because they are all still getting full paychecks while everybody else is told to hold on tight, we got free money coming (yours).
Honestly the only people who want to give you any free money though, in general, is Democrats. Republicans just want to outright enslave you. And the free money thing on the left, it's not about "gibs", but it's about not having to pay rent in order to exist on the planet. I don't have any problem capitalism in principle. But there's a limit point with it. And there's a lot of statism with institutions like banks and landlords that just amounts to enslavement at the hands of the state.

So IDK yeah I think anyone is crazy not to be a left-winger


they were talking about using bleach less than a minute before that quote, and he is directly referencing what they were talking about then.

raped, idiot

Noooooo! Daddy was just pretending to be a retard!

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It was liberal Democrat Hillary supporter that did

get absolutely raped. minimum wage slaveblue intern bitch.

nice memeflag but also, how is it sarcastic to discuss cures in a press conference, suggest lethal methods to your scientists in front of the entire world in the official stage for you to talk about your actions against a pandemic, and then the next day say it's sarcasm?

If Hillary had done this, you guys would have been keeled over crying at how retarded it was.

I just got told that he worded it badly but there’s real treatments that he was referring too.
Poor Trumpiepie

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hear that? It's the sound of Trump's superior IQ and sense of humor going straight over your head.

Stop being such a fucking nigger and do some work against it then, you fucking faggot

>how could obvious sarcasm possibly be interpreted as sarcasm
everyone knows the English have no sense of humor.

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