Why does everybody hates us Germans?

Only dutch and french people like us. Not even austrians like us which is weird because they are basically german.

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Jesus... fuck off, ahmed

depends what part of the world you're from and what part of germany YOU'RE from

The left hate Germans for who your grandparents are.
The right hate Germans for who you are.
I mean, Merkel... and you make fun of us for a president who says inject disinfectants as a joke but you import mudslimes

Reminder Germany is still occupied territory and has virtually no foreign policy therefore independent immigration policy.


Because you're pathetic cucks

You stupid jew cock suckers started the damn problem by occupying Germany after WW 1

You got the money to pay my denbts, right Hans?

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Romanians love Germans and Germans love Romanians.

We didn't, France did. Also we left many years ago. You're still squatting.

Show us your shelf toilet

you open the door to arab and turks
you are still under marshal law form the american
russian is your main support for oil
east germany is full of russian rape babies
west germany is full of american rape babies
a fukken woman rule your country

I like you guys I wish you would have won ww2

Idk, very weird
But could you check why every country in europe is wired up (((FED))) via central banking
Almost as if some German chancellor purged whole continent, killed himself and rest of countries at the mercy of USrael

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This is bullshit. The French hate everyone.

because you lost WW2

>It's your fault my country is destroying your country.
Americans are fucking shameless.

the jews want them to, quite spiteful creatures

>It's your fault my country is destroying your country.
Americans are fucking shameless.

we don't really get much of a say what globo homo does with our sacrificial goy

why are we still blaming the krauts for these wars, read a book user

You’re the new smug Americans. Get over it.

not even dutch people like you fuckwits

I like Germans.

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Das rite. Go vote frau Merkel some more.

U want pet niggers for your uber economy? Not over my border. Grow some decency you spineless cowards.

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I was about to say.

Germany should be split in fours and never be allowed to unify ever again.

Then stop bragging, slave.

because you have an unwarranted superiority complex and pretend that you should have a monopoly on ethno nationalism

>Not even austrians like us

superiority breeds jealousy

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I disagree with unification preventing treaties, but splitting Germany for each state to decide their own destiny would be better for everyone, Germans included. The child-eating chosen trolls couldn't allow that.

because you suck at playing world war.

Yes, because yours is so much more respectable.

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you despise us, we despise you.

Scheiß Holland.

What abdul been saying for years

>Retard opens his mouth
Ger"men"s have the biggest self hating complex, deal with that first before you ask why anyone else hates you.
But you guys are faggots~Afuckinleaf


stop arguing with scenarios you come up with in your small brain and projecting them onto people. nigur

Aaaaand there goes my germans aren't all bad post .

Too naive

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>because they are basically german.
>why do they hate us
You basically answered your own question. Piefkes need to hang

Say "nigger", nigger.

>smell like shit
>ugly women
>create wars that kill millions of whites
>shit tier culture
>ugly women
>shit food
>dress like retards (tube socks and sandals)
>ugly language

German pornstars are HOT but they do some STRANGE FUCKING SHIT