Red pill me on things the glow niggers have scrubbed from the internet

Red pill me on things the glow niggers have scrubbed from the internet.

I'm specifically looking for things they wouldn't want me to know.

Also this is a no-glowie thread.

Also I propose Operation Lights Off. An operation to show how cucked the internet at large, but specifically reddit, is a hive of glowies.

Attached: glowie.jpg (640x360, 78.77K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Also I propose Operation Lights
whats the method

also why is that man glowing

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Not 100% sure. However I've noticed a marked shift in multiple websites I visit. The reason I focus on reddit is I know for a 100% fact its a glowie hub despite the fact that I can't prove it.

Take /r/unpopularopinion, there was a period of time where gun rights, privacy, and negative government sentiments were incredibly high there. Now political opinions are scrubbed there. I've seen this all around the internet. IMO they want everyone divided. We need a hard message of unity. If the glowies get wrecked on their blue pilled bullshit, they just shut down shop there and move on. I think that realistically the glowies are using the corona virus as an excuse to 'test' their improved MK Ultra type experiments on a wider scale just to see who would stay obedient. I think its a convenience thing as the corona is real.

But its not just reddit. Its Yahoo answers, its the entire 'storm area 51.' They have 'bubblized' everything on the internet and I think it was at glowie suggestion. What I mean is that everything is broken into definitive in groups and out groups. We need to 'purple pill' the normies. Make them see that just because someone is on the right, and another person is on the left they don't just disagree on everything.

Glowies are on the left. I can't prove it but I know. Everyone just needs to listen to that. They are hard left and hate Donald Trump for the most part. Now I don't much give a fuck for Drumpf myself, but the glowies need their power de-expanded hard.

that's not glowniggers it's just unemployed trannies weaseling their way into moderating positions

I think the real pill is black. The thing is, the most absolutely damning documents are already out there fully on public display. But very few people read them, and even fewer act on them. Nobody is even paying fucking attention. And even if some small group did put together enough clout to oppose the whole NWO shit, they'd be dispassionately slaughtered because it just isn't feasible to create a united front against these people in the world as it is today. But there is a storm coming, and it's coming soon. Maybe in those times things can change. We'll see.

Damed truth. Again I can't prove it but the glowies generally don't like the rules the government plays by.

That's true. The real agencies of power don't like democratic controls, and in fact the military is practically totally divested of such control.

Here, this is a good place for you to start, if you haven't read it before:


I haven't. Thanks!

Anyone remember and Return of the Nephilim (.com?) Those were the days.

Glowies tried to hire me, and bro this reads exactly like how they operate just starting off.

It is exactly how they operate. All that you know about democratic institutions is basically lies. It's all a facade to exercise the real levers of power and fulfill the necessary functions of society at large. You can either rule with feelings or rule with knowledge (it addresses that about halfway into the document).

Truthfully I'm not even sure that anyone is in control of the government at large:

Justice is all over the place. Someone will clearly break a law and get away with it (even the poor) and then someone will do virtually nothing and go to jail. That doesn't even get into the patriot act. I know that the glowies think they are doing the right thing, but ...well they aren't.

It's not about justice, that is just another lie. And I promise I'm not just being pessimistic. The name of the game is protecting the powerful from the rabble. Everything else is just a narrative meant to keep you from noticing what's real.

Banned simply for replying to a thread. Fucking jannies. I remember when you could actually speak your mind here. Ban me again when you see I evaded the ban.

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I have a feeling the controls are on autopilot at this late stage. Ruled by rules.

>4 dimensional cum-dispensing slurpee machines
keep away from women, not human
>esoteric carbohydrate free turkey sandwiches
speaks for itself
futurevision telephone
a telephone that lets you see things

they want you to be in the dark about all these things

Was that /g/? That is a pozzed board.

checked and enjoyed
care to expand on any of that stuff?

Pictures of fat commies...can't find them anywhere now. At least not pics of fat people where it's clear they are also commies. Anyone have some?

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there are thousands of these halfwits online bringing the war to the people, cunts

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>things they wouldn't want me to know.
Jewish antinomianism exists and it rules the world.
What's missing?

I wonder if we'll get a new virus next year and the year after that

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Probably. Global pandemics are the new "war on terror," and after pandemics come aliens. I'm not sure what's after that, perhaps rapture.

have to get the mark of the beast before rapture. I imagine I'll wake up hungover one morning with one in my forehead

Hmm.. now that you mention it, maybe aliens and rapture are one and the same. There isn't much time left until endgame after all.
I hope the mark looks like a kickass tribal tattoo or like a sexy demon girl tattoo

one of the things I was afraid of, if this goes too well for the people in power, and it certainly has so far, they will make this forever.

>glowniggers are anti trump
go back to ptg shill

>mark of the beast
"on your right hand and on your forehead" is an idiom that means "how you think and behave". the mark is genetic code, you were most likely born with it as most people in the west are generations into worshiping the beast

Well, they set a stupid precedent this year, and since the Corona virus is very common, and we HAVE been dealing with it every year, if they don't it will expose their asses to all. Not that it already hasn't.

Interesting. That idiom has its roots in esotericism right? The left/right hand path stuff?