What's next for him?

Will he go full Pinochet or buckle under pressure and resign/be impeached?

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Bolsonaro is really retarded, he is losing control of his government AHAHAHAHA

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or losing the elections

it's a nothing burger I heard

why is the nu-right so retarded? its base is even stupider

>its base is even stupider
yes, have you seen how monkey evagenlics love israel more than Americans
they are the best goys in latin america

He's fucked. There's no way he will go full Pinochet, no one supports him anymore.

>Listening to Latuff the Towelhead Spic

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>no one supports him anymore.
but why though

Cause he is a retard who sold out the health of his people for shekels you dumb spic. Stop feigning ignorance.

it is over that stupid virus?

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I hope he goes full Pinochet and goes on a rampage against the civil and political "opposition".

And the truth is that Bolsonaro has literally done nothing wrong. The econony has grown at a really great pace and he's had an iron fist with crime.

Said the commie country that just like Canada is only relevant internationally because is next to the USA.

Latuff is pretty based on Israel/Obama

Literally using fag-images from a literally commie site. Go kys, mutt fag.

He doesn't care about our health, US dollar price is skyrocketing, he didn't do anything he promised, he is trying to interfere in the Federal Police (something not even the leftist government tried to do when the police arrested Lula), the minister of justice just resigned and so on and so on

>A zionist going full pinochet
Either this will be a nothingburger or he will be ousted by the real nationalists

He should have died when he was stabbed
That way the brazilian right would have a martyr instead of a buffoon

He is spot on when he draws all this
thats what happens when you elect a literal right wing retard

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Cállate, mexindio de mierda. Hay que ser imbécil para apoyar el viejo retrasado comunista de tu presidente a estas alturas.

He's too much of a dishonest pussy to go full Pinochet. If he wasn't retarded, he would resign right now. As things stand he'll probably get impeached in the next few months.

Having friendly relations with the US ≠ Being a US puppet.

Holy shit, you are retarded.

Being a puppet president for the Centrão I guess.

It was either him or the guy whose government plan was explicitly to control the media.
Bolsonaro's plan during the election was far better, but of course every single politician is a fucking liar.

Deja la droga mano.

>Brazil soon to enter into chaos

>It was either him or the guy whose government plan was explicitly to control the media.
true, both candidates were terrible, the best that can happen to brasil is if there is a civil war

I don't think anything after Bolsonaro will be worse than this shit.
It will only get worse if he somehow does a successful auto-coup.

Latuff is an idiot and he's always wrong, the reasons for him shitting on Bolsonaro are just common lefty delusions, instead of the actual legitimate reasons that will cause his government to collapse. Not that I expect a fucking Mexican to understand shit though.

>No apoyar a Bolsonaro.
revísate, marico.

He's a self proclaimed cuck

A stupid chinese bat is going to destroy his whole government

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you're fucking retarded. you don't have to be a rainforest destroying fascist to deal with crime

So Huebro, how is the corona shit over there? Here things are still dire even with the lockdown, but just some few places are Ecuador tier. How are you guys doing over there?

You are a eternal grass cutter, mutt. Go kys, useless country, Mexico.
Again, if you din't live next to the USA your commie choice of president you blow you the fuck up of the map of the world! Just like Venezueira!
He was not, fag. Bolsonaro has more to do like taking care of the several commie/socialist party's in Brazil. He had all against him and only the people on his side. He just gave up on that protecting his sons that are corrupt.
Is not like he has the media and the congress/senate on his pocket like Lula had, that's why Lula son from a elephant poop cleaner in a zoo turn in to a multi-millionaire after his father got elected. And he never had any problems with his family doing fucked up shit because he had everyone on his corrupt pocket using the country money.
And that is just a alliance you fucking piece of shit! Is better to have the US as allied instead of Russia, China, N. Korea, Cuba! If your country was dependable on fucking Cuba instead of the USA you guys wouldn't be SHIT.
Brazil in the other hand even with massive blockage by the commies cause for decades of them in power we still have our own country.
He just lost all his voters, that would be hard to cup.

>Latuff is pretty based

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Do you even know what that term means? Grab a book, you uneducated leftie mutt.

>Rainforest destroying.
The rate of fires hasn't been really different from those of previous administrations, because guess what, retard, all Brazilian governments have had the same agends regarding the Amazon.

You're not wrong, but he lost the political game. He let the other powers take hold of him through his children. It's pretty obvious all this shit against his son is fabricated, but by playing right into their hands he handed them the government. He should have gone on attack the moment they tried to build a narrative to discredit his children. Alas, the moments is past now.

I thought he was going to be a lot better when he was first elected, Zionist infiltration of the "right" is so tiresome.

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LMAO what's up with the fucking Venecos? They either go full left wing Dictator like Chavez or full righ wing jew puppet like Bolsonara. Is there not a middle point in your mind gaiz?

>It's pretty obvious all this shit against his son is fabricated
hahahahahaha, you were mocking Lula for saying the same thing, and now bolsominions do exactly the same thing