ITT: Things liberals say or do to make themselves think they are smarter than others:

ITT: Things liberals say or do to make themselves think they are smarter than others:
>Use the word "cannabis"
>Be atheist
>Drink microbrews
>Quote late night comedians as if their jokes are deep observations
>Claims to love science but doesn't understand it

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Say they meditate. But they don’t.

Pretend to read voraciously but it's young adult lit or coffee table self help garbage

>won't inject bleach into their asshole to cure corona
stupid libs

"Thats racist"

this. Libs always talk about meditation, but never really do it or have an understanding of it really. They've just read some shit on twitter about it.

They don't "love" science, they "believe" in Science.
It's their religion.

Say they hate Nazis but they're actually Nazis.

"educate yourself :^)"

When I used to hang out on reddit they would ask me who hurt me a lot and tell me I must be fun at parties

They're also very careful about the products they consume, while being completely bluepilled throughout all their choices
>oh you buy butter? that's unhealthy! I buy Butter Light!
Not knowing that animal fat in real butter is extremely healthy, while the mystery butter is literally not even food

>being male feminists while they are 34 y/o and virgin
>having black friends only to make pics to post on IG
>getting their gf blacked because they are open minded

Lol owned

That must've been epic if you were the first person to drop one of those lines

We prefer the term national socialists bigot!

it's all so tiresome.

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You have to go back

Breath. Liberalism must be exterminated.

>Be atheist
That's what anyone with a brain is.

Use words like
>evidenced based

They say words that have jumbled definitions. They barely function as words. They instead are just “IM SMART!!!” signals.

Real smart people speak with complex grammar with speed and fluidity. They also have a vocabulary of words that describe specific things, not the typical arsenal of fake smart words.

Tell people to listen to doctors instead of shooting up bleach

Fuck you nigger jew, I drink microbrews

Arguments from ((authority)) like "they say", "scientists say", "According to the numbers...", when all they've done is heard some ((journalist)) cite some politically funded study

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>I drink microbrews

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Add some salt to that hippie food you queer

damn Faber is getting old sad

Use young adult lit themes as allegories for modern political debate.
>lol drumpf is voldemort

>>Claims to love science but doesn't understand it

That deserves a bump

You're 100% correct, OP. It's a psychological thing. They have to convince themselves that their work is important and their hobbies are refined. Even if their work is billing cancer patients into bankruptcy and their hobbies are getting shitfaced on the weekends, they'll say:
>I'm a certified medical coding and billing specialist who's into double IPAs, science & nerd culture
No. You're a drunk parasite monster who provides no value to society, does evil for a living, and deserves to die.

"social distancing"

Overuse the words literally and unironically

Peter Pan syndrome; implying they’re so smart that they can act like children as an outlet to their superior brain power but they’re stupid as fuck with mental issues

You forgot:
>Every other country in the civilized world has X

>>Claims to love science but doesn't understand it
You fuckers don't understand science either. "Global warming can't be real, it snowed last January."

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