The last 9 months have been one gigantic Psyop

Hi Yas Forums. I wanted to take some time to talk about the various strange world events that have taken place since around August of last year. I believe that we've been embroiled in the largest psyop/indiscriminate Human Experiment in history. I have evidence. A lot of this info has been memory holed, but today I will remind you all.

>August 2019:
>El Paso, Texas Shooting
This shooting, in conjunction with the Christchurch shooting earlier in the year, was the apparent final straw that broke the camel's back for infinity chan getting shut down. But why though? This wasn't the first time illegal content was disseminated on the website. Why now, after all these years, was THIS what got it shutdown. And furthermore, why stop at Cripplechan? Why wasn't this the "causus belli" for deplatforming Yas Forums and other "problem" websites? Human consciousness has been primed to accept deplatforming and restrictions to privacy.

>September 2019:
>Massive Anti-Vaping Campaign Worldwide
Bear with me on this one, because as much as I believe smoking is absolutely degenerate, this was certainly a part of the psyop. Never before had I witnessed such a pervasive and nonstop shilling against something, so fast, hamfisted, and shoved down our throats. Any other anons here with an attention span better than a goldfish will remember thread after thread, news article, every news pundit and politician, and all at the same exact time, going into a mass hysteria over Vaping products. How kids were dying in droves from them. It's far too coincidental, and we all know that when the elites, media, and institutions are all in lockstep with one another, it's a clear psyop at work. Human consciousness was being primed for decadence to be punished and rescinded. That the media will tell you what's healthy for you and the government will enact policy to enforce it on you.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>October to November 2019:
>Timeline reset
This one is the biggest stretch argument I have, but please listen. On Yas Forums, there was a continuous push by anons claiming that a "Timeline reset" was imminent between October and November. The claim being that on a specific day during those months, we'd all suddenly be sent back to say, the year 2012, and relive the events of the last 7 years in a loop. Of course, theres no way to prove that this ever happened, so it was easily dismissed as the usual LARP/Nothingburger. But what if I told you this was actually just priming our consciousness for the great "change" coming? A return to "simpler" times.

>December 2019:
>Australian Wildfires
I don't have much to say on this, other than it fits in perfectly with the continuous Climate Change narrative shiller constantly. It is interesting to me how quickly it seems to have left public consciousness though. I think this was meant to prime us for a "natural collapse" imminent.

>January 2020:
>Signs of WW3 brewing
The tensions between the US and Iran have been building for many, many years. However, I don't think they've sunk much lower than when our government killed Solemani. Public consciousness was being primed for war, for a period of upheaval.

>February to April 2020
>COVID-19, The final step.
Now, this brings us to the last three months. What the previous 6 had been building up to. A Worldwide Pandemic not seen since the 1920s. The shutdown of all non-essential economic activity. The rescindence of decadence and public health mandates. A "changing" world. A "natural" collapse. Government/Police drones spying on its citizens to enforce law and order.
Ring a bell to anyone?

>But why the need for all these psyops? What is gained?
Well hold onto your asses folks, because I'm just getting started. See pic related. Biorhythms.

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So, what are Biorhythms?

To put it as simply as possible, they're the biological waveforms that govern our day to day lives, personalities, feelings, habits, etc. The theory on biorhythms purports that, using the mathematical wave functions, you can predict how a typical human will react when confronted with certain stimuli.


>The effect of biological rhythms and personality traits on the incidence of unsafe behaviors among bus drivers in Shiraz, Iran

>Unsafe behaviors are main causes of accidents mostly influenced by personal characteristics, social environment and also individual biorhythm cycles. This study was carried out to find out whether personality traits and biorhythm could affect the incidence of unsafe behaviors among city bus drivers.

Now, the thing about biorhythms is that they are malleable and can be manipulated. Whenever something shocking/trauma inducing occurs, our biorhythms are driven in a certain way. Why is this important? Think back to what I outlined in my first two posts.

Global incidents and events designed to impact human consciousness and manipulate us all into accepting current events as "normal". That is the purpose of a psyop. I wouldn't even call this a psyop anymore at this point. What it really is, is a massive, indiscriminate Human Experiment. They're trying to see just how far they can push us. Just how crazy they can make us all. So that in the end, when they come to bring their "Order" out of the "Chaos", we'll accept it all without a second thought.

More background research on Biorhythms:
>Mathematics meets biology to uncover unexpected biorhythms

>A novel mathematical approach has uncovered that some animal cells have robust 12-hour cycles of genetic activity, in addition to circadian or 24-hour cycles.
>The method, published in the journal PLOS ONE, assessed the periodicity of gene expression data and compared the results with those obtained with other computational methods.
>As opposed to the other methods, this novel approach showed not only the existence of unsuspected biological cycles, but also that the 12-hour cycles work independently from the 24-hour cycles, which has been confirmed by laboratory experiments.
>These findings open a new area of study of how gene functions over time influence health and disease.

>how gene functions over time influence health and disease.


>Statistical analysis of Biorhythm effect on performance of students

Remember the GATE rabbit holes Yas Forums has went down in the past? GATE kids are particularly susceptible to Biorhythm manipulation and psychological attacks

So the QRD is that we're all fucked, and I should eat the 1 pound brick of chocolate I've been saving for an emergency.

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Very interesting read OP. I definitely agree with you that something fucky has been done to human consciousness at large. I remember hearing about biorhythm research on here a long while back, but its definitely been memoryholed by now.

I was a GATE kid from elementary school. I was pulled out of regular classes and made to hang with other GATE kids, and hated it. Prior to that, two men from a research hospital in Boston approached my mother and wanted her to go to some weird boarding school where I'd live for two weeks of the month. She said no. Good thing too.

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Theres more frens

I'm sure some of you recognize this website, as it's been in the news here quite a bit, with the prediction of the Oil Price crash on monday.

These scientists running this project are right on the money. The "Global Consciousness" they're studying and Biorhythms themselves are one and the same. They're wavefunctions governing both collective and individual human thought and emotion

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there is such a fucking thing going down that is so held back by all sides engaging in the thing, that the laconic profound of this statement can't even begin to scrape the surface of the thing going down

you're completely right that a massive operation is being conducted over this planet's being, and it does involve biorhythm you are correct

as all things consciousness do

The question I want to ask all of Yas Forums is:
Is the scenery your eyes reflect the real thing?

The world, and the things inhabiting this reality, can be reduced to electronic devices. Humans are no exception to this principle.

Right now, your eyes are recieving light in the form of action-potentials, which is then converted to electrical signals by your optic nerve, which then tells your brain what you are "seeing".

But the brain can be tricked. For over a decade, technology exists that can allow people who've been blind since birth the ability to see again. Through the use of a something similar to a recording device. The camera picks up video and relays it to the optic nerve, which the brain percieves as reality.

So, what does that mean? If this is possible, would it not also mean that our other 4 senses, touch, taste, smell, and hearing, could all be controlled and manipulated in a similar manner?

Just some food for thought

psyop indeed
no reason to shutdown everything short of Armageddon

Indeed. We as humans are all interconnected through this larger consciousness.
Now, how do we know then that reality itself is even real?
When I observe a red cherry, how do I know it's a "red cherry"?
Is it because it tastes like one? Looks like one? Smells like one? Feels like one? Sounds like one? How do I know this "red cherry" I'm perceiving isnt just a delusion created by my brain?

It's because another human being can come to me, observe said "red cherry" and also come to the conclusion that it's a "red cherry". It has shared recognition as being apart of reality.

Hmm. I've never really thought of this before. I mean, at the end of the day, the world we live in is just what we can see. You'll never see a movie or some shit ever address how a lot of "Perception" is just the result of neurons and neurotransmitters trading information.
I like this example a lot. Because, and I'm just inferring based on what you've said OP, is that if reality wasn't real or was different for everyone, then someone could see that Cherry and say its something else entirely, right?

The question remains though. How can we fight back against the reality the powers that be wish to throw us into?
You must first learn to recognize all the shit that happens for what it is: a Psyop. An experiment designed to get you to react or think a certain way.
That's not to say everything is a hoax. All the events I've talked about are undoubtedly real, however, they happened to serve an agenda.
Ask yourselves, "Who benefits?"
And most importantly, seek equilibrium and happiness in your own life in order to in turn, bring your own biorhythms back into your control.

The Yas Forums secret server is discord gg 2hc3gS6
We will interview Alex Jones this week. Get in.nnnn

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Exactly mate. You've hit the nail right on the head.
Biorhythm control relies on fear and hatred to keep it going. Fear of the future, hatred of hope, fetishism of despair and anguish. As they say, 1 negative comment can ruin 100 positive ones.
As humans, we must break this cycle to escape our chains.

there is an objective reality, whatever that looks, and subjective reality, which is confined to the 5 perception organs our brain interprets. All tools and technology are just extending our 5 perceptions, hence we cannot ever perceive the objective reality as how it is and what the absolute Truth is, but we can get an approximate truth by combining all the subjective realities conscious observers perceive.

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>there is an objective reality, whatever that looks, and subjective reality, which is confined to the 5 perception organs our brain interprets. All tools and technology are just extending our 5 perceptions, hence we cannot ever perceive the objective reality as how it is and what the absolute Truth is, but we can get an approximate truth by combining all the subjective realities conscious observers perceive.
This. As humans we cannot even percieve the full electromagnetic color spectrum. The only true wavelengths of light we pick up are red, green, and blue. Every other color we think we can see is just our brain's best guess

I love Helena!

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Kek, didnt post the full size for some reason

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I think it's more than color. Our brains are entirely dependent on the primitive sensory input of the five organs. Your brain doesn't even possess the ability to feel pain directly, on its own. If there was a way to remove your brain from your body, but keep it alive, floating in a tank of some kind, plugged into the basic sensory inputs, would you be able to tell you were a tankbrain? Or that what you were seeing and feeling wasn't real?

I appreciate the memory jog. I forgot about some of this already.

I have nothing valuable to add. I'll point out that Ruth Ginsberg hasn't been seen alive in over a year and this work from home climate is the perfect opportunity to roll out hologram representation.

Could i get some further info om what GATE is? Feel like ive seen it just once in a thread

And he said unto them, "Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world. I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins."

Back on track though, where are we headed from here?

If the recent mass protests and unnatural seeming shilling of the Trump inject disinfectant meme is any sign, the people's biorhythms appear to be fully subverted at this point. People are grasping onto any straw, lashing out, and becoming more and more insular and angry by the day. This is all by design.

If the rise of people's biorhythms does not stop, and continues until it reaches a fever pitch, then very, very bad times are ahead for us.
By July, you'll see worldwide rioting. Breakdown of society at large as a result of the biggest Human Experiment in history. The experiment to see just how long they can truly boil the frog before it either dies, or fights back foolishly.

In truth, this has been going on far, FAR longer than just the past nine months. It's only become more obvious during that time.

Yah hey uh my anus needs to be tongued, get on that ok thanks

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That's a very good question. I would be inclined to think that, without any nerves or optical input, you would experience the closest thing to true "Nothingness". You'd be in a void, with nothing but your consciousness and thoughts remaining.

Ever heard of Woodburn Heron by chance user?

GATE was supposed to be the identification of gifted and talented children, by the government. There's all kinds of theories about what it was, but being in the program, it just felt like like I was under observation. They would give you supplies to make or do things with, and watch you, and make notes. That's mostly what I remember. There was a man and a woman, who weren't teachers employed by the school, and we had a separate room. We started with about twelve kids in my group, and went down to eight, then five. I don't know what they learned, or what they used the information for though.

vaping kills coronavirus
they didn't want their little weapon not working on people who vaped

>But why the need for all these psyops? What is gained?
The truth about the media and the elites getting out to the public is what they're trying to stop. Keep in mind that their endgame is world government and enslavement of the people.
All of these operations served different purposes but most of it was targeted to do political damage to us. We're the one place with smart people who aren't controlled.