/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3429

► Detected: 2,804,559 (+81,390) ► Died: 195,594 (+4,675) ► Day: 106 (-06:42:07)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 10x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 70 vaccines and 273 treatments announced —
— 3,516 strains have been sequenced —


DIY facemasks can be made as safe as N95

Blood thickening associated to infection

New symptom: purple or blue lesions on feet and toes, mostly kids

Some strains 270 times more infectious than others

Sweden doesn't test or count suspected deaths

Patients remain on ICU for 20 days on artificial ventilation

12% of deaths in Italy had no previous conditions

Reinfection possible and even deadlier

Virus manifests as lung abnormalities

Thailand hiding cases as "viral pneumonia"

Virus might be an escaped vaccine trial

Coronavirus is now 1st cause of death in the US

"Germany doesn't test post-mortem", Spanish biologist

▶ 19774 new cases and 903 new deaths in the United States
▶ 46 new cases and 1 new death in Uzbekistan
▶ 255 new cases and 2 new deaths in Israel
▶ 267 new cases and 4 new deaths in South Africa
▶ 577 new cases and 220 new deaths in Ireland
▶ 20 new cases in Venezuela
▶ 190 new cases and 3 new deaths in Morocco
▶ 734 new cases and 62 new deaths in Peru
▶ 49 new cases in Sri Lanka


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Did somebody say Big Brain time?

Experimental chinese firewall triggers coming through
splicing HIV SNP AML 983 coronavirus
wuhan bioweapon 武汉病毒学研究所
China shipped test kit swabs contaminated with 983 中国发货的被 983 污染的测试盒拭子
Test kits were fictitious and infected anyone who was tested 测试工具包是虚构的,并感染了任何经过测试的人
china will fall because of 983 中国将因983而倒台
Chinese new year flu season, chinese new year biological weapons test
Chinese trade agreement with the US made them do this attack
Which plan will western leaders pick? Accept that china attacked and punish them or sit on their ass and do nothing while china wipes their populations out because of a trade deal? So far they pretend to not know what they were briefed on or what these forums knew 4 months ago! "It will go away with summer heat", "just inject some disinfectant bro"

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Who do you believe more? TV fauci or This fauci: archive.is/ljwYK

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holy fucking shit cvg trannies and fags btfo in ten minutes.

can any of you fags rebut this?


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>tfw no mommywife to quarantine with
its not fair bros

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>one third of cases are from the US

Does Corona-chan have hard nipples?

What is the /cvg/ consensus on baked beans on buttered toast?

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post face when corona offs people in your neighborhood

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I would like to welcome Ireland and Mexico to the 1000+ death club today! Let's all give them a round of applause!! The people of these fine nations honor Corona-chan with their glorious sacrifice, may this be the first of many more thousands to die in your lands by her embrace!!

Rawl for decimation of the eastern states, Great Plains posters report in

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Remind me again what this is supposed to accomplish. Does it chase away the chink shills who do it for free?

only recommended for amerifats

>Imagine at sporting events or concerts. To enter you have to first go through a far-UVC light portal like an airport metal detector. Kills any viruses on you. Good idea.
This is why the pandemic was halted completely when they advised people to wash their hands.

Roll and april 29 of this year will be a major happening


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where are you niggers getting your food?
I drastically over estimated my preps, plus gf moved in

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>another day in quarantine
>no more dopamine from happening
>spent a good three hours just staring at my clock with the fluorescent light buzzing
What do I do now, /cvg/?

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Sometimes, she gets really turned on when she scores a big kill count.

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eat gf

Rate my PrEP boyssssss

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#1 United States 906,216 (51,139) #2 Spain 219,764 (22,524) #3 Italy 192,994 (25,969) #4 France 159,828 (22,245) #5 Germany 154,159 (5,653) #6 United Kingdom 143,464 (19,506) #7 Turkey 104,912 (2,600) #8 Iran 88,194 (5,574) #9 China 82,804 (4,632) #10 Russia 68,622 (615) #11 Brazil 51,073 (3,407) #12 Belgium 44,293 (6,679) #13 Canada 43,551 (2,294) #14 Netherlands 36,535 (4,289) #15 Switzerland 28,677 (1,578) #16 India 24,434 (780) #17 Portugal 22,797 (854) #18 Ecuador 22,719 (576) #19 Peru 21,648 (634) #20 Ireland 18,184 (1,014) #21 Sweden 17,567 (2,152) #22 Saudi Arabia 15,102 (127) #23 Austria 15,071 (530) #24 Israel 15,058 (194) #25 Japan 12,368 (328) #26 Chile 12,306 (174) #27 Singapore 12,075 (12) #28 Mexico 11,633 (1,069) #29 Pakistan 11,155 (237) #30 Poland 10,892 (494) #31 South Korea 10,708 (240) #32 Romania 10,417 (567) #33 United Arab Emirates 9,281 (64) #34 Belarus 8,773 (63) #35 Qatar 8,525 (10)…

#1 United States +19,774 (+903) #2 Ecuador +11,536 (+16) #3 Spain +6,740 (+367) #4 Russia +5,849 (+60) #5 United Kingdom +5,386 (+768) #6 Turkey +3,122 (+109) #7 Italy +3,021 (+420) #8 France +1,645 (+389) #9 Brazil +1,581 (+94) #10 Belgium +1,496 (+189) #11 Canada +1,441 (+147) #12 India +1,395 (+59) #13 Saudi Arabia +1,172 (+6) #14 Iran +1,168 (+93) #15 Mexico +1,089 (+99) #16 Germany +1,030 (+78) #17 Sweden +812 (+131) #18 Netherlands +806 (+112) #19 Belarus +751 (+3) #20 Peru +734 (+62) #21 Ireland +577 (+220) #22 United Arab Emirates +525 (+8) #23 Bangladesh +503 (+4) #24 Chile +494 (+6) #25 Ukraine +477 (+6) #26 Portugal +444 (+34) #27 Indonesia +436 (+42) #28 Poland +381 (+40) #29 Romania +321 (+22) #30 South Africa +267 (+4) #31 Israel +255 (+2) #32 Kuwait +215 (+1) #33 Philippines +211 (+15) #34 Serbia +207 (+5) #35 Dominican Republic +206 (+2)…

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Would anyone like to take bets on who the next country to break 1000 deaths will be? Portugal is the closest, but their death rate has stalled considerably, I don't think it will be them. Meanwhile there's strong competition between Russia, India, Peru and Indonesia, all posting strong numbers today.

It keeps freedom loving chinks away. Chink glownigger get a free pass.
It's probably a slit eyed glowie posting that spam.

>Great Plains posters report in
Czech'd and plainspilled.

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post and lurk on /cvg/, nothing better to do

it just makes them seeth which makes shilling less effective

drop the cunnypill

4keks org

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