There’s faggots destroying the swastika

There’s faggots destroying the swastika

Help if you want to,1793,-10892,0

Attached: 3ADB7458-DC8A-499C-A80D-9559674FEADA.jpg (2732x1747, 584.3K)

Other urls found in this thread:,-20,-11526,16,1782,-10911,-9,-22064,-7784,34,1766,-11145,17

Good. Fuck you Nazis, left wingers will always win because we know how to organize

Thanks for the bump, leaf

if it takes this bullshit to make you people mobilize en masse, think how easy it is to lead you astray and waste your time

You don't lead the game anymore.
You follow.


It's not a swastika, it's a Hakenkreuz
It's not Nazis, it's National Socialist.
stop listening to jews.
And on the flag, if the Hakenkreuz is centered, it's the DNSP flag. If it's to the left, it's the national flag of Germany
Have a nice day.


Btw wtf happened to the british swastika lol

this is gay, there's like an army of trannies hell-bent on destroying it

It’s been worse than this several times
It always gets rebuilt

>can't even organize enough to vote for Bernie




I can't seem to place anything, do they IP ban you if you do stuff like this?

liberal capitalist political parties are controlled opposition


bump I like the “fag die” fag in the upper left corner flag. p based.

Bump they are going left

How does this even work? It looks like you can place 1 pixel at a time but what are the +- points for?

The forth riker must endure
Doychland Uber Alley !!!

Attached: mine furryer.png (2339x1016, 1.21M)

The KKKleanup crew

>There’s faggots destroying the swastika
>Help if you want to
sure i will help destroy it, we can't let the nazis win !

You can place as many pixels you want until the top timer goes over 53. The bottom timer is only if you are placing over pixels that you have already placed.

Alphabet flag at,-20,-11526,16

nice trips

More autists needed. Papa swas nearly repaired.,1782,-10911,-9

alright, i'll help them fuck up the windmill of autism.

need some help:,-22064,-7784,34

Wow, they really admin-removed my half-ready botted Hitler portrait.

holy shit israel is fucking gone
its still there come and get us nigger

these fags only organize online


Attached: 1587679456783.jpg (1280x1920, 597.08K)

We are under attack,1766,-11145,17


bump ing

Attached: 1586968040068.webm (400x500, 1.83M)