How is there still any debate on whether this is the president with the lowest IQ the US has ever had

How is there still any debate on whether this is the president with the lowest IQ the US has ever had

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Are you doubting Israel? What is your address?

Bush was second lowest. Can you see the pattern?. At this rate the next Republican president will be literal (and I do mean literal) down syndrome.

The only people who honestly believe that repeat whatever they heard on TV even if it's the opposite from the day before and then never notice the discrepancy.


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>if we lean really hard on another media misquote it'll realliy stumpf him this time! it may have been pointed out as bullshit the like 300 times but we're due! Due!

Gamblers fallacy in a nutshell.

nah brad this aint it. the clip is a hundred percent non ambiguous. the POTUS is a moron stop dodging reality

he is the loser that personifies MIGA

>president with the lowest IQ the US has ever had
Bush. He was borderline retarded.

Bush was actually very smart he just didn’t speak well. Mother fucker went to Harvard.

Yeah, it's totally have nothing to do with his family, he got there thanks to his brain

There is no debate. Everyone knows this, unless you're a bible-thumper who would rather pray than do real science.

This. They're trying too hard. They always try to hard. He's set them up for free wins constantly, and liberals literally throw it away. Even if he actually is dumb, liberals still play into his hands, so what does that say about them?

You're trying too hard.

sage all shareblue/leftypol/shill slide threads

The GOP can have a dog in the white house as long as it approves all the tax cuts for billionaires.

Trump’s family could only get him into Wharton LOL

>people believe Trump is a retard because somebody on TV told them he is
>people know Trump is a retard because they've heard him speak

So this is why the bots were silent this morning. They were all being set up to shill this shit.

shouting shill is not an argument brad

sagt der, dessen Land von niggern und scheißhäuten geraided wird. 20 jahre später werden hier nur noch nigger türken und moslems geboren. geilen high iq präsidenten hast du

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>'trump is a kike shillboi' posting all stops in favor of 'LMAO DRINK BLEACH' posting
you fucking media kikes were just foaming at the mouth for that soundbyte weren't you? hell, it's all hearsay right now since i've yet to see a clip of this supposed advice

you misunderestimate him. he’s the stablest genius this nation has had in a million years

guter scheissepfosten du opfer. geh doch nach australien wenns dir nicht gefällt

Yeah, I know. He's playing the media like a fiddle so he's obviously not dumb.

I've been thinking about this for a while, but the real shitshow is that nobody famous is allowed to tell a fucking joke. They can't be snarky or sarcastic. They can't have a dry sense of humor. They can't troll a little bit and have some fun. They can word things in a silly way to keep the mood light.

Because every. Fucking. Word. Is parsed as being serious by the media headlines. You can't say a damn thing without the media taking it seriously because it makes for more shocking headlines, which means revenue for them.

So, here's a question: Was Trump being serious? Was he just taking liberties with his wording to make it sound more upbeat? Did you see him moving around on stage and engaging the others to their face like he was just chatting, or was he reading a statement at the podium? Did you WATCH it? Do you REALLY think he was telling people TO INJECT DISINFECTANTS VIA SYRINGE?

You ask me who the stupid one is? The media, and the dumbfucks that believe them.

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What have you achieved in life?

His IQ is actually well over 150. People who think he told them to drink bleach should drink the fucking bleach and shut the fuck up so the rest of us can have real discussion of this president and his pro Israeli and anti European policies.

That's a lot of words to just say "Trump was just pretending to be retarded."

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Anyone that wants to become a politician has to be retarded. If you really wanted to be powerful, you would graduate with an MBA from Harvard, do your analyst time at Goldman for a couple years, and then transition into a job at Blackrock. Then you can have an actual impact on international politics and foreign affairs. That's what intelligent people do. They amass wealth (not money) to gain control over the institutions that help attain their goals

Guess what faggot, we’re going to re-elect that motherfucker again
Fuck your feelings

My nigga, at this point trump makes a box of niggers look intelligent.

Liberals keep falling for it. Says more about them than him, doesn't it? Sometimes he doesn't even bait them, he just waits for them to screw over themselves.

ich bin gekommen um euch eure frauen wegzuficken. wenn hier zu viele musel sind, bin ich hier weg. keine sorge

Quote one thing. The whole quote from start to finish with context.
Do it, faggot.

>twump is only pretending actually hes much smarter than them they all just dont understand!!111

is it just me or do MAGA idiots sound like 13 year old fangirls at this point

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