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Other urls found in this thread:


>there has been a additional
Nice faux and homosex shop

>inb4 its a copycat of the guy from a few days ago

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I think you overestimate our education system

It's just ricky and the boys up to no good.


Three different active shooters in at least 2 locations

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Link or faggot



I hope so, I hope it becomes common for you

very edgy bro

Possible 4th gunman just reported

Attached: Screenshot_20200424-162225_Chrome.jpg (1080x2220, 652.6K)

Well, this makes you not a faggot. I hope you don't get raked, leafbro

Attached: Screenshot_20200424-162345_Chrome.jpg (1080x2220, 523.23K)

ehhhhhh this is looking bad now boys

Inb4 they start causing trouble in there neighborhood, get in one little fight and move in their aunties and uncles in bel air

Canadians are gonna ruckus if they dont get their hockey

Better let em outta the barn

The chinese plague zombies are here! So it begins.

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With social distancing in order, this might be the worst time to be a mass shooter. How do you expect to get a high score?


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US emergency alert to americans in ns

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Is halifax a guetto shit stain of a place?

I was just joking so calm your tits, Pierre. I've literally told jokes in the middle of a firefight before with our interpreter (whom was also shooting back at the Taliban), I find humor hits differently in times of crisis not sure how else to explain it

Dartmouth certainly is

Possible shooter located

Attached: Screenshot_20200424-162755_Chrome.jpg (1080x2220, 668.39K)

Someone really wants to take your guns.

Happening confirmed

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It looks like its in the country, probably some guy plinking out back of this house. The RCMP are going to act like complete faggots because they fucked up with the kike dentist.

We keep the niggers on the other side of the harbour. Dartmouth is trash

It's usually a fairly boring place.
Wonder if this is copycat shit from this past weekend.
Also, timeline related:

the fuck is going on leafs?

Its in sub divisions and busy strip mall districts ackshully

Oh, was hard to see with that map screenshot.

They'll ban all the guns AND Dodge Challengers lol, just wait until they start correlating it to Charlottesville. It'll become like the trench coat of the 90s after Columbine. I want a Challenger unironically now, though I love my truck and which is also a Dodge

It's almost certainly an attempt to disarm Canucks. They tried to capitalize on the Jew dentist shooting, but it flopped because everyone pointed out how ludicrous the RCMP was, so now we go Port Arthur x 2.



The fuck is going on up there? Either of you leafs got any of them links?

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Canadians, hold onto your guns.

Fucking leafs man, they social distancing properly but no masks on. ngmi

oh for helicocksuckers? no

Best scanner feed I could find...
Anyone have anything better?

all the good ones are encypted

Say goodbye to your guns, you better start warning your neighbors now. Unironically go clear out all the sporting good stores of ammo while you can. There may not be any this time next week. If you're going to be autistic about something, let it be this, BUY ALL THE AMMO YOU CAN! Tell everyone you care about to do the same. Don't forget to stock up on 22 for training and small game, that gets overlooked by a lot of people. Also shotgun shells. I bet everyone will go for the intermediate calibers first along with pistol calibers. DON'T GIVE UP YOUR GUNS!

Government coming for our guns to implement NWO after false flags incoming

I need Frankie Mcdonald to give me the breakdown.

If they try to take your guns, remember what your American cousins did in 1774, too bad most Americans even think about that.... You're never going to vote the government out of your gun safe. We certainly didn't vote the British out and this is a chance for UK Jr (Canadian government) to put you one step closer to being like Europe. I will be praying for you, brothers, even if you are filthy poutineniggers

>hot update
pic related

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your 2nd amendment has already been infringed and you're doing jack shit about it. pot meet kettle

that's just q pulling the kids out of the t unnels, relax it's all part of the plan

We may have a border between us and a different history, but we are Americans.
King's Loyal Americans, but Americans.

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Canadians only care about whichever candidate sounds progressive and nice and offers the most handouts

That sucks...
I wish they wouldn't do that... It's actually good PR. I used to dislike them... Got a scanner, and now I have a better Idea of what they go thru. Most of the cops out here are actually pretty chill... Only one douche as far as I can tell.


Sounds like a helicopter?


fake & gay.
EHS paged for a shooting in milford though.
Given they're featherniggers, that's not surprising.

probably nothing
just some nigger smudged another niggers puma and it came to shots
but the police are super paranoid now since they didn't issue alerts for the mass shooting..

Fuck off unless you got a source