I just finished college and I cant game anymore

I just finished up the hardest semester of my college career and I busted my ass to get straight A's

I have nothing to do today since finals are finished and I turned on a videogame.

I could not fucking stand it
I cant play these fucking things anymore
I literally feel like I'm wasting my fucking life playing it for even a few seconds
I was fucking repulsed by it

I used to be able to enjoy video games all day every day and now I cant fucking handle them

I went on a run instead and now I'm teaching myself SQL

Can anyone relate to this moment?

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Yeah that happened to me before but eventually my life got dark and so I turned to video games and porn. Trust me bro it’s not going to make you feel better long term.

Quitting videogames isnt going to make me feel better long term?

nigger what

Installed Red Dead 2 today, thought I'd have as much fun as I had back when Skyrim came out, but I just can't fucking stand it.

For some reason, even I have grown tired of open world games lately. If at all I play nowadays, its mostly linear gameplays. Enjoyed RE2 a lot though.

Good luck in the soup lines

>hardest course in college
>still doesn't know sql

>I went on a run instead and now I'm teaching myself SQL
Just try Exapunks or Shenzen IO, most of the fags who repeat they stopped playing games, only played casual games in first place.

It is the start of your blackpill. Dark times ahead of you as you mature. You will be beyond depressed and no old time "fun" will entertain you. Your brain will slowly get deprived of dopamine. Inching you closer to a decadent prospect of nothing but melancholy and suicide.

Farewell happy man, for you are happy no more.

quitting will make you feel better, I’m trying to say I made the mistake of going back into it.

Drugs help

Yes i went through that with movies too. I more or less force myself to watch the most interesting. I have more entertaining things to do than literal entertaining products

i certainly burned myself out on rdr2 online, and then after the fucking chinks started hacking the shit out of it that was the final straw.

why do those fucking bugpeople have to ruin everyfuckingthing they touch?

No, because gaming is a reward system and I don't use guilt as a driving force in my life to fulfil an arbitrary standard of success.
Maybe start off with freecell or solitaire and work your way up.

same boat user. focus on working out, developing skills, getting laid, etc. vidya is a meme, and when you want to pick up one again it will still be there.

>i cant game anymore
k, lol

Hey you finally became an adult!

I do have fun but not with old fun things. Imagine having fun with a yo-yo as a 30 year old.

Congratulations you’ve escaped the doomer lifestyle many 20 year olds normally would face. Now get out there and learn mma so you can be the next ufc champion

Every time I go for a run I think about how dumb it is to do a sport where going 1 second faster or running one mile further is the only progression.

Meanwhile some stoned kid is learning all about bearings, the coeffienct of friction, strength of materials via layering, using tap & dies, woodworking, concrete work and rehab after ankle injuries while actually having a good time at the skatepark.

Nah, his interests will change to things to things that matter. They already are -- exercise and coding are far better than porn and CoD. Life is a damn interesting game should you chose to play.

I'm bored all the time I have ADHD, the only way I can enjoy gaming is stoned.

Take focalin. It’s Ritalin but better and less addicting than adderall. Tolerance for it takes a long ass time and weekend breaks only extend that. You get the benefits of feeling in the zone like weed, but it makes you do stuff too so you’re not a lazy bum all day

This is called "growing up" although it typically starts occurring during middle school and not when you're fucking finished with college.

I have an occasional twinge of nostalgia for video games I loved as a kid and I'll try to hunt down the roms and emulators and play through them. After five minutes, I become bored and delete them. Every. Single. Time.

I feel that. I used to do all sorts of crazy stuff, was in a band, did lots of sports, even raced cars (SCCA) for a while.. But it all seems like a waste of time now. Because most of that IS a waste of time.
There are better things to focus on. Be happy you're discovering this early in life. I was in my 40s.

runescape is pretty fun desu

try ff7 remake. i bet you wont feel the same way

the programming was successful

now sacrifice your life to the machine like a good little cog should do

congrats on growing up

Absolutely. One day just decided to pack up a bunch of my video games, only keep out the ones I use as media players. Tried playing some games a few times during the corona shutdown, not only did I fucking suck at video games (used to be ace) but I felt like I had to force myself to give a fuck.
It's retarded how I have about a dozen newly-bought video games that have been sitting untouched since I bought them 3+ years ago. They are still in the plastic wrap. I haven't bought any games in awhile, either.
You're not alone, user.

Yes, welcome to being an adult. Had the same thing around 2013. Still feels a bit strange that I have zero desire to play them anymore.

that's the problem with those games though, they take a lot of time and energy. video games are so broad and your time playing is controllable

I only play Dark Souls series, Sekiro, DOOM online and Quake III now and I own over 60 Xbox One games, soulless shit nowadays

Consider training BJJ. Aside from excellent physical conditioning, it's fantastic ego conditioning. And it teaches you how to think and act several moves ahead. Like chess, but in real-time. And those skills can be applied to real life, outside of combat sports - business, for example.
Just... careful not to let it suck you in and completely take over your life.

it is 2020, not 1983 grandpa

>hur dur congrats on #adulting now
Yet you're still here on an anime site, posting larps, sharing memes and jerking off to hentai

Me too bro, games are too long these days. I have red dead redemption 2 and unironically I can watch other people play it but I can’t play it myself. It’s feels like too much effort now

Same. Was on a good track. No porn, no video games. Then some things happened and I turned back to my old vices.

nope. video games are mind numbing once you are an adult and can do many of the things that were in the games you'd use to play.

car games, fucking pretty gay compared to actual cars.

shooters, fucking pretty gay compared to actually shooting guns, paint ball, laser tag, airsoft.


was building computers since I was a kid and have had pretty much every console since the nes

>t. moron
enjoy your (((medias)))

And after you spend all that time and effort to get really good: Congratulations, you're good at Dark Souls or whatever. Well done.

>t. normie
if only you had a good taste in vidya

its because you're not playing with friends. Try out an MMORPG and making some friends in game that stick around for the long term... try some Guild Wars 2, broh. Stop playing solo and you'll enjoy vidya again.

try atom rpg, isometric rpg like old fallout. not bad... but i still haven't finished it.

i have about 30 games installed and i just dont care... maybe this is why normies date and everything?

Dark Souls then

Play a game which makes you read/think/strategize a lot so that you're not just sitting there on autopilot shooting at shit like a zombie. Isometric RPGs are a good bet.

I'm currently playing divinity original sin 2 and it's fantastic. Brainlets hate it but if you have an average/above average IQ you will love it.

Thanks for the warning, asshole. For almost a whole year I’ve played nothing but shitty mobile games. And once I graduate I don’t plan on playing GTAO or Skyrim 6 hours a day like I used to, maybe like a few hours a weekend, if that. Pick up a hobby that improves you and makes you feel better about yourself. I’m thinking of upping my Yas Forums game, diving into /k/, and finishing off with some /out/.
The hard part is looking at my big brother who already graduated, has more than enough references, better grades than me, yet all he does is play call of duty. It’s soul-sucking, but whatever, fuck him

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I've gone through cycles. I realize its just my compulsive tendencies where I have cyclical hobbies. ill rotate like 6 months into firearms training, then 6 months into powerlifting, then 6 months into video games, then 6 months into cooking then back around. I don't do any hobbies unless I go hard.

yes I can relate. Only my difference is im 34 now. I have been in denial of enjoying games for a few years now. Although I did enjoy Prey 2016 when i played it last year.

Congratulations on this realization at your age, sky is the limit for you. Now go out there and bang some pussy.

i don't watch anime and don't jerk off to hentai. i'm also getting $80 an hour while i am pretending to be programming. this work from home thing isn't that bad

give us some depressing greentexts you saved, we need to feel the doom pill
same for me but only with anime. currently into retarded as fuck light novels. i am seriously bored as fuck. i have thousands of forms of entertainment literally waiting for me yet i cant be bothered.

21st century was a fluke, a fluke i say!

Happened to me but the exception was pokemon. For some reason playing the old games again was relaxing to me. I can play it for a short amount of time each day and complete the game at my own pace. Every other video game turns me off and I can’t play vidya for more than 30 mins now. I used to be able to play them for hours on end

You have grown up user.

Totally. The only reason I play videogames nowadays is to keep in touch with friends and have some minimal social interaction so I won't go an hero.

Soon you'll realize that learning pointless skills such as "SQL" or a foreign language is also a complete waste of time

What's wrong with that? Yo-yo's are the shit you reminded to buy one.

Same. I'm tired of living in this modern world.

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your ego is inflated
dont worry you'll fall again
that's when you want to go back to video games
but your skills have deteriorated and you have lost your edge
you'll be a soulless dumb fucking normie

lol, there are no better things to do and that is the sad reality. look at average people, even their YOLO lets party it up lifestyle is not enough anymore.

i dont think anyone is really happy these days...

I would play ARMA if I were you user. At least I could then play it irl if it got boring.

if only you got to experience L2 before WoW ruined mmos. entire servers vs slant eye'd farming bots. will never have anything like that again :(

I just have more fun making things instead of playing things now, so I can totally relate.

Only games I play are Sonic games cause they're pretty linear and short.

That's a terrible game tho, slow as fuck. The entire game feels like busy work

Happened when I graduated for the first time. I was just depressed.

Jo bro you sound like me. Im starting a software company atm, if you wamma join hit me up on discord "ze Food Tobi#7681"

Yeah, means you’re getting a little older and wiser.

maybe it is what they call growing up and maturing??

People always played games even as adult, cards, dices, throwing things. Video games are not different.
Paint ball or laser are fun, but i dont see how they prevent me to enjoy the last Doom.

Growing older i only became more picky, but i still get as much fun as i had when i find the good one.

Im a geospatial information systems major
knowing code is a "bonus"
so Im completing two coding bootcamps

the ultimate key user is looking at life as if it were a video game

I felt the same way about video games, then I bought a VR headset and it reinvigorated my enjoyment for them again.

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it's called depression and anhedonia
welcome to the club, it's not the game's fault

You finally woke up OP. Same thing happened to me now I only keep a wii and wiisports in case people come over. Never looked back my life is observably better.

>an hero

isnt bulgaria comfy though? why an hero? does your work suck? for me its just the mediocrity of everything, just meh.

>Can anyone relate to this moment?
Sort of.
I attribute it to actually having other better shit to do now, which I just didn't as a child.
I was born in a shitty area and broken home and beyond working to escape, there wasn't much else that could be done until that first step had been achieved.
Most of the /sig/ shit wasn't really possible, since anything that required going outside invariably required dealing with niggers and junkies, and by the time I got out, I'd already missed the chance for most of that.
Games basically filled the social niche during the wait, but I have actual friends now so it isn't as necessary.
>Still feels a bit strange that I have zero desire to play them anymore.
I think it's mostly a matter of lacking direction.
Once you actually know wtf is going on and what you need to do, there is less of a need to kill time, since time actually becomes valuable.
Children need it since they have no context, and young adults are trying to navigate an increasingly deconstructed society, so the age at which people normally grow out of things gets higher as it takes longer for people to overcome the confusion.

You're mentally training yourself to wagecuck for 40 years, by making fun the enemy.

Good for you, I guess.

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This tho. All memes aside OP, video games are meant for all to enjoy. Hell most popular games are even meant for children, but adults like you (rated M) Yeah, don’t get addicted to them, but there’s no reason to abandon them. They’re made to be enjoyed especially with friends. Take a break for a while, and hop back in. We all will be waiting for you

Too bad you can’t reload old saves

Racing and car games are doing it for me when I was losing interest in FPS and RPG games. Just machines, no people. The more simulation like the better

>t. low IQ

> cards, dices, throwing things

socially oriented, entertainment games for friends. kinda different. you need to go out for that stuff.

also, i want a cute k-pop girlfriend.

So many better things: learning skills (coding, languages, martial arts, exercise, gardening), creating things, making media, starting a business, starting a family

look at all these republitard pseudo boomer wage cuck normalfag invasion trumpkeks talking about how video games and anime are for kids while posting on a video game and anime board because some Q forum told them that this was where they should go next. fucking nuclear bomb this faggot country

Im not much of a gamer but what games can i play on a 2015 macbook pro?

Maybe the bias has to do with being a programmer who doesn't mesh well with the stereotypical programmer.

I actually did make an exception for doom 2016 and that was the most fun i had playing a game since sfiv first came out. But even then i could only go about 20 minutes before i would feel guilty for wasting time.

i just hope vr games will be like those crazy asians imagine them to be in their delusional fantasies.

Welcome to adulthood. If you unironically enjoy video games after 20, you are probably mentally ill

No video games are not the same
Go fly planes on a sim
Manage a farm with a sim
Race competitively on GT5
Increase your productivity with RTS games
Increase your critical thought with puzzle games
Fuck you faggot i could go on for hours

Haven't enjoyed video games since high school. Nothing weird about it. It's healthy. Good for you.

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It's called growing up, dumbass.

That's how I feel about business and finance once you learn how the real game is played. I used to love prototyping startups and trading algos but now I find it all boring since it's so manipulated to hell and back. Not sure what to do for "adulting" now since the entire world has this fake veneer.

The trick is to work yourself until exhaustion, THEN you crash in bed or sofa and vegetate with some calm game that doesn't raise your adrenaline. Like civilization or animal crossing or mud runners

Kek & based

I graduated from college a year ago and I feel ya OP. It’s impossible for me to engage in a single player/campaign style game anymore, I loved Skyrim and thought Fallout 4 would provide the same levels of replay-ability but it just didn’t.

Now I only play multiplayer vidya as a way to stay in touch with my lads BIA Discord. If I didn’t have the lads I wouldn’t touch a video game again.

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i don't understand how you guys can't play video games because you feel like you're "wasting your life", yet you're on Yas Forums

I have to be really fucking drunk or high or both to play multiplayer games. But i can still play gta v sober and have fun for an hour or so.

mehhhh... it's all to make money, which i just cant be bothered, i work an okay job and i basically have no desires to spend it at all.

making media, why when there is literally so much of it i am drowning in it?

start a family? hmmm, i would like that.

>I literally feel like I'm wasting my fucking life playing it for even a few seconds
>I was fucking repulsed by it

Good. You're not a manchild and will probably have a good life.

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Learning these skills will provide my children with a better life than I had as a kid.

I dont mind breaking my back so that my kids are better than I am. This is the problem in modern western culture and even you faggots fall prey to it.

Society grows great when old men plant trees they know they shall never sit in.

You want to change this pozzed society? Raise better people that are aware of schlomos tricks
Raise them to be successful and turn this diseased temple on its ass.