Why hasn't anyone kidnapped a high IQ white couple and forced them to have as many kids as they are biologically capable of?
Why hasn't anyone kidnapped a high IQ white couple and forced them to have as many kids as they are biologically...
Stop calling Aryans "whites", mutt. Fucking hell, enough of your Hollywood-promoted rootless "white" "identity".
Bunching all ethnicities together and calling them "white" is just about the most damaging thing you can do to those ethnicities and their ability to resist the jews and the other invaders.
because fuck you, that's why.
Have sex, incel.
This is the diffrence between Swedes/Norwegians and D*nes/F*nns. D*nes and F*nns are servants. I will give it to the F*nns though, they make good servants.
Cuz youre ass Is a weeb ass chink gf living cuck.
you know what?... it would be interesting to patronize white familes if they have many children, helping them with daipers food etc...
You just described the Catholic church
Golden? Wypeople a golden NOW?!?!?
My dad is African, and his skin is of a Light golden color, sow am I bc I look like him and stuff. Does that Make me White? Wow the judens really got ur ass this time
I saw Jews that look like both pic related, keep playing with urself like that :D
Your a jew
Finn-swedes identify as Finns, when they do their glorious deeds.
Dolph wanted the role because one of his grandparents was Russian. Leonardo DiCaprio also had a Russian grandparent.
wasn't dolph dating a black woman?
Why haven't we shut the borders? Oh right, Donald is a manchurian candidate.
Great Russian actor, made for action, as if trained by KGB's Putin himself.
So aryans only exist during the summer months? After that we devolve into (((whiteness)))
You call Dolph Lundgren high IQ???
Americans like to show how whites are violent, but even with all that fake statistics, niggers are still 3 times more violent.
Yeah, but he had regular swedish kids.
I don't know if he knocked up that black woman though. Apparently the story behind Dolph becoming an actor is that black woman saw him, asked him to be her body guard, and then asked him to fuck the shit out of her.
he has a masters
Photo shoot for Vogue
So you really think that this makes someone high iq???
He is high IQ. He has a PhD in some STEM field.
No, she asked him to be her body guard, fell in love with him, and got him into movies.
IIRC they had degnerate multiwoman fuck parties
It's chemical engineering. You think he's low IQ because he's buff? Those are linearly independent variables
No, i do not. Chemical engineering is Nothing Special.
It's already been done. Epstein had a private island where he had a bunch of children, but they all had too high of an IQ. The government feared that the rest of the population would find out that whites are naturally smart, so they killed him off and covered up the operation.
Well he's white and got accepted into MIT
His daughter posted this
Actually, muscular builds and high development of physical coordination and physique are associated with high IQ. Getting fat is associated with diminishing IQ
Is linus posting this?
Because not everybody has psychosis or thinks like an inbred redneck.
thi is the weakest divide and conquer example i have seen so far, please consider what you are doing, go outside for a little bit, if everything else fails please kill yourself
Have sex incel
? No My name is older than that. I just love to put traitors like D*nes in their place.
It's just like the dimwit/midwit/highwit meme. The dimwits and highwits tend to be buff and the normie midwits tend to be fat
Many brits are high IQ but they are stupid as fuck.
Intelligent idiots, useful idiots.
Maybe the world would be a better place if we all did
Who told you that shit, what the fuck would Africa be like if it were true ............Wakanda?
Nonwhites don't give a fuck what you call yourself, they just see you as white, whitey. It doesn't make sense to defend yourself on any other basis, we're stronger as group.