How can we implement Nation Socialism in western countries? Is it even possible?
How can we implement Nation Socialism in western countries? Is it even possible?
check weimar republic
America is lost.
Other countries though.. possibly?
You're gonna need a revolution for that. Good luck with that.
You would absolutely need to seize control of the Media away from the InterNational Banking Cartels.
Only then can you solidify NatSoc.
Otherwise you will have a hostile Media constantly telling the NPC sheep that "You are BAD!"-----and you will never get the full support you need
You had your chance, burger.
Nationalism socialism wouldn't work in the modern world
An economic collapse is necessary if you want to do it democratically. Otherwise violence is required.
It's the only thing that could set the world right again at this point.
Why would you, it was a trainwreck before why repeat it.
It would work for eons, leaf
No, the Nazis will never rise again. It's LARP.
It was a LARP in 1932.
>You would absolutely need to seize control of the Media
This, plus control (or at least heavily influence) the means of production. Business owners need to stop importing 3rd world workers. The workers must be homogeneous to eliminate racial divide. As long as one race can be instigated against the other the workers cannot unify. If the workers can't unify, they can't function as a government body.
>How to turn your country into a 3rd world shithole in 5 easy steps.
The chinks would fucking bury you.
You have to brand it as something else. Focus on small, local issues in your area that normies can relate to. Act local, think global.
>stop importing 3rd worlders
>this somehow turns your country into a 3rd world shithole
Credibility: 0%
BIDEN 2020
yes it is possible
The large point with mass immigration was to make a democratic national socialist election impossible.
It's possible. But not democratically.
Democratic ideologists, with their heads buried deep in the sand, say that maybe a bad monarch will appear. But the imperative of History is not to produce a perfect system, but to fulfill the historical mission. It was this that produced Democracy and it is this that now pays no attention to the whining of the Past, but only to be the rumble of the Future. Good or bad, the monarchs are coming.
On the front of the tottering edifice is printed in gaudy letters: Democracy. But behind it is seen to be a cash-till, and the banker sits, running his hands through the money that was the blood of the Western nations. He looks up in terror, as the sound of marching feet is heard.
The Future of the West demands the committing of great forces into the hands of great men. The erection of a Tradition of politics is a hope; from the chaos of 1950 there is no hope. Only great men can bridge the gap.
Probably not. NatSoc requires a high level of ethnic homogeneity and pride. This is dangerous to every other country, so you need to be able to win a world war on your own as well. Germany came close, but close isn't good enough. The United States could do it, technically, but it'll never happen here. Our racial makeup is too fucked up now and would require ethnic cleansing to achieve which is highly unlikely to occur.
You'll have two choices
1) Have cheap labor to manufacture goods and work in agriculture
2) Import your shit from countries that have cheap labor.
Nobody's going to pay $10 for a fucking apple nigger just because "muh white people grew it"
>Is it even possible?
It was done already kek
How'd that turn out for yah?
You're assuming our financial sector would remain the same. We'd also fix the money.
>You have 2 choices
Realizing this lie is why we're here, in a NatSoc thread.
Not sure you got my point, Nazi's were fucking LARPers in 1932. They've always been a joke. A sick joke at that.
We really have no other option but to try it.
But as other anons said, demographics are way to fucked for it to happen democratically.
I just kind of bank on NatSoc taking flight when ZOG come to confiscate the guns, which should be soon.
How would you fix it? People want cheap shit, ideology never overcomes economics, same reason communism always fails.
Gold standard, whatever you want, doesn't change that basic psychological fact. Rich people want to get rich, and they will always do it on the backs of low paid labor. So is Nat. Socialism going to magically remove that basic human instinct?
In Germany I could only imagine it through overthrowing the current government by either military action, a people's rebellion /revolution. Achieving it through politics will take many years or is just plain impossible
If it happens it probably won’t be under the name national socialism. That label attracts too much antisocial trash right now.
They have no where to go, may as well make a last stand when the time comes.
China basically does everything that post describes. They’re practically natsoc now except without giving a fuck about the environment.
>"Don't blame termites, they would have never invaded if you were a better house builder!"
You think China is racially pure just because you think they all look alike?
they are communist, dipshit.
The amount of money we would save in healthcare, welfare, and law enforcement would be more than enough to subsidize the agricultural industry.
not in america, you faggots don't give a fuck about your own race.
All forms of left wing economics are functionally impossible without ethnic nationalism. There is no world in which you have a multi-cultural society that works with left wing economics. There is no world in which ideological and class unity is strong enough to overcome the latent flaws in a left wing economic system. Literally the only way left wing economics works is via ethnic homogeneity. The farther left your economic policies are the farther right your social policies must be to counteract doctrinal flaws.
The more we (whites) interact with non-whites, the more we become racially loyal.
That is not a national soialist soldier on the picture tho, he is WWI.
maybe, still you americans put individualism first, so good luck convince people to put white race first.
>LARPers who were the first civilization to enter space, built the first electric computer, and produced arguably the finest philosophical mind of the 20th century, Martin Heidegger, in addition to building a military so strong that it took 4 globe spanning empires 5 years to barely beat a country 1/3rd the size of Texas
pretty good as far as LARPs go