Nurses do fuck all

Nurses do fuck all.
>Work for 3days a week
>8h a day
>70% of the time they just fiddle on the phone and whatnot
Source: sister is a nurse
>Now they're actually required to do their job for a month
>Somehow that's unfair
>Now they ask u to stay home and not go to hospital so you don't get sick and whatever
>In reality is so they have less work
Why should we praise these dumbasses as heroes?

Attached: women_nurse_1_0.webm (576x1024, 2.51M)

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Fuck off

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Based. Agreed. Its just their fucking job

>Source: sister is a nurse
Nice single datapoint retard.

Slandering heroes - the new trolling.

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I like watching their tits bounce in these videos

In the USA it's typically 3 days a week, 12 hours a day. That's still under 40 hours a week.
Depending on what part of the job they do, it could be easy or rather difficult. But yes; the less patients they have, the easier it will be for their specific set of tasks.

Imagine unironically defending this.

Attached: women_nurse_2_0.webm (576x1024, 2.53M)

12 hour shifts....usually engaged with patients 5 minutes every 3 hours.

Imagine wanting to get praised for doing your job how fucking full of themselves are modern women seriously

if those tossers were prancing around like that in any other job, they'd be fired on the spot and rightly so

Im a biomedical engineer and all the shittalking nurses get is completely justified. Like holy shit the lack of respect they have for patients is astounding and the fact that they could kill someone with a very expensive machine I helped make without any remorse then blame it on equipment is infuriating.

Niger do you know how much downtime soldiers have?
Have you not seen pictures of entrenched soldiers in the past playing sports or playing pranks on each other?

Let em have their fun jesus christ. I'd like to see some of you go through a nursing program and put in what they're doing. Im all for shitting on tik tok cringe but these aren't thots or welfare queens flashing their asses for gibs. They're trying to cheer each other up.

My super power is not having to pat myself on the back for doing my job.

Most of them clean up shit for 14 dollars an hour and fuck up doses of medication


that was the cringiest fucking shit

couldn't make it past 7sec

>USA is having 3 911s worth of deaths every day
>nurses are dancing in the hallways
The absolute state

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>6000 dead soldiers per day in ww1
>soldiers play cards and drink to unwind during the little free time they get

Man it's almost like being under insane pressure necessitates leisure activities to balance it out

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Why do adult women behave like children?

Never underestimate a woman's ego.
She has been told all of her life than she is special, brave and brilliant for doing nothing more than wearing a low hanging shirt.

Context for pic: world War 2 soldiers playing dress-up like pretty princesses in their free time

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Reminds me of those dances we used to have to do in high school.
Or fucking around on company time.
Soldiers live on base faggot. These people put in 8 hours a day and go home
Because mentally they are children

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Those soldiers were the ones to die next day. The nurses are not.

Except when they're on call and have to stay at work for days at a time

Exactly. No different than firemen. They get a lot of downtime. But their job can literally go from fucking off with nothing to do to craziness within seconds.
It's a warzone stop shitposting my cousin has Corona

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It’s pretty busy in our covid unit, 60 something patients, about 20 on vents, of those probably a dozen Legit almost dead critical. They’re mostly wetbacks.

But we do waste a ton of money on a bunch of bullshit for the unit, we already running out of money. They feed us free food though.

Most of the little 20 year old chick nurses are the entitled boo hoo ones. Everyone else, especially the dudes are pretty chill about it.

I did take out a life insurance policy tho, so there’s that.

You mean the extreme outlier?
There are a handful of trauma nurses who are working 24 hours at a time, the same way firemen and other emergency workers have to work. Most of these cunts are working 8 hours in a hospital and spending 3 of those hours actually working.
They are treating the flu on steroids, their biggest risk is exposure. It's not difficult. They aren't curing cancer. They are just making sure the patient is comfortable.

I know someone who got an occupational nursing job.

she works at a food manufacturer factory and all she does is take everyone's temperature at 6 am when the shift starts and then again at 3pm when it ends, sending anyone with a fever home for 2 weeks.

the rest of the time she does literally nothing

50 bucks an hour, 100,000 a year before taxes

it's perverse
Try again, dipshit.

Goto college bro

>Everyone dying around you
>Scared for your life
>Moment of refuge in your office
>Asshole comes in on his phone
>Hey wanna rehearse a dance routine for several minutes then record the finished version? It'll lift your spirits

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200 out of how many?

The point isn't percentages. It's that they stand a real chance of getting sick and maybe dying. Deal with that shit day in and day out, and you tell me that you don't need some kind of outlet.

Why do women do this?

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So do corrections officers, police, hospital janitorial staff, grocery store workers, factory workers, farmers, warehouse workers, postal workers, nursing home employees (many of whom are not nurses)
I just don't see why we are thinking a bunch of associate's degree holding cunts for something that everyone else is doing.
The left has spent the last 40 years shitting on the military maybe it is time to shit on their heros

Dude you just listed off a bunch of careers that everyone is thanking right now. You proved my point that people who do the jobs that make society work deserve a little slack, especially when they're doing it in their downtime

women are idiots

This hospital sure looks packed