Go cry, shillfags. We're rising

Go cry, shillfags. We're rising

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Inject bleach


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Der ewige blatt.

naziism is the same cringe fad that atheism was. you’re just still wearing your fedora.


you have to be 18+ to post on this site

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Heil Hitler.

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So get out

As long as something can inject shock and anger into the average blue pilled nigger lover, it can never become cringe. Something can only become cringe when its socially normalised but annoying aka Atheism and Gayism.

found the burger king shill

>reeeeeee nobody takes my pseudo-pagan larping-nazi beliefs seriously not that i would ever voice them in public because im a wimpy faggot in real life but i would have people on this site believe otherwise with my neato fashwave folder XD

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Will fascism rise again this great depression or something new?

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It’s okay user, have a seat.
We can talk about this all day.

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talk about what? your online seething and confirmation through nazi memes you found on this site? not much to discuss there

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>We're rising
Whatever floats your boat.

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/leftypol/ newfags need to go find their own board instead of leeching off others. But thats what Leftists do best I guess.

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It’s gonna re-arise under a different name, be accused of Nazism, and start embracing the label to make a statement, before you know it Hitler’s spirit has risen. But it’ll probably be called national populism or something (that’s the name I came up with before finding out it’s already a thing).

rising black birth rates

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Is that what you call losing? lol

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>We're rising
About time you got out of bed faggot, now go take out the garbage like your mom told you to do last night.

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The worst part is that I can't tell whether it's leftypol trying a new strategy, or if they're just t_d refugees, either way it's funny watching it fail so badly.

Based 14/88

what was uncle adolfs take on alcohol
was it kosher?

im waiting fashfags

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Project more

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Time for your daily dose of bleach!

>they disagree with me so it must be b8, maybe even SHILLS. should i argue and counter them with what i know? no, because i know nothing. i will just fling shit with me fish meme XD

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You're not wrong.

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You must drink. Dr. Trump's orders.

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R I S E !!!!

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Yas Forums dominates the online consciousness.

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read malcolm x and make your own nationalist movement

Time for another barbecue..

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Just in time to get cut down, faggot.

Commies and Nazis are both enemies of civilization and need to be thrown off the tallest mountain.

cope and keep seething

circumcised reddit niggers can't handle the truth

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Got that right

you’re mistaken sir, pol is a board of knowledge and understanding

Indians are rising?

go back to Yas Forums with your XD’s

the shame we will bring upon you will annihilate your pathetic genital mutilation cult off the face of the earth. we are going to rub your big fat noses in this until you look like michael jackson.

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if they have the determination

The new influx of shills is just gays on lockdown venting because they can't fuck a new arsehole every night.

>trump tried to walk it back by saying it was sarcasm

Yeah, even he doesn't deny he said it.

>First time I saw a jet, I shot it down.
Chuck Yeager.

Hell even the "Nigger" pilots of the Tuskegee Airmen were shooting them down.

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>doesn't get what a greentext is and how it's used
go back to plebbit

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hear that sound?
you can't run
you can't hide
we see you

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unhindered liberalism is the enemy of civilization

check this out and COPE and SEETHE redditnigger
not a SINGLE tuskegee airman was an ace.

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Fap more storm fag.

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>Thinks Aces win air wars
Germany had more aces than any other airforce yet they still lost, why is that?

Social Nationalism

imagine flying for international finance and baby genital mutilation lmao
you are a fucking brainlet

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Wow, what the fuck do you know, every negative response is just a condensed 4 to 5 word meme. What a fucking shithole this place has become. Fucking shills and bait is 90% of "content" around here.

I understand green text, but you still used XD which is Yas Forums tier dialect

I hope, 88 brother

this level of being dense is appropriate for someone like you who falls for the larping-nazi garbage. again i reiterate, you must be 18+ to post on this site lmao

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The reasons Germany had so many aces is that they had a "fly till you die" policy. Other air forces could rotate pilots, use those pilots to train other pilot, thus increasing the quality of the whole air force.
Germany was simply out classed, out gunned, and never had a chance. Cry more about your fantasy past, the reality was far different.