PLUS What if i wanted to launch a social app and base my operation in the baltics. What's the best option? What will the govs do if they saw some people saying naughty things? Would they try to take my business down and force it to do something?
Baltics. How's your freedom of speech?
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Much like America, their constitutions allow for Freedom of Speech, but unlike America, they don't allow for Freedom AFTER Speech.
based KGB agent
we aren't as pozzed as USA or western europe so you won't get cancelled for posting politically incorrect opinions, but it will be looked down upon. Our governments and "public" people hate russia so the moment they learn this app is russia property it's getting axed.
sorry mate what the fuck are you talking about
just launch it, dont be a pussy
Russian women got BLACKED at the world cup lol
"We are victims of communism"
*cluck* *cluck*
Russia bad! Please upvote baltics on Reddit.
I hate Russia too so it's no issue hahaha. That's the reason I don't wanna start here
Lith It's not a free endeavor. That's why I'm asking.
Polska. It's just business. I don't care for your commie bullshit. I know I can't do that in Russia. I know I can't do that in Poland either. Your gov isn't that better than mine
Kys nigger
The best option for you would be to kill yourself.
We have enough of you faggots already. Nobody needs another stupid social app, faggot.
If I was you, I'd shut the hell up. Or at least hide my flag. Nigger
Considering the suicide rate in Lithuania you should really take your own advice LOL
Make me fag. You welcome to cry harder over some commie bullshit with the polka here
Well, in America, you can stand outside the White House and yell 'Down with Trump!' and nothing will happen to you. In Tallinn, you can stand in front of the Stenbocki maja and yell, 'Down with Trump!" and nothing will also happen to you.
Based Latvian
He's a Lithuanian you imbecile hahahaa
At least learn the neighbors' flags first, vatnik
What’s the difference?
I wasn't even talking to you my Ivan. Apologize
If you compare a nigger to a monkey it's hate speech here.
Say that to cops and you're arrested.
>A man was recently sentenced to 28 days behind bars after he likened black people to monkeys and said they spread disease
What if you create a media that shills for p*tin? Will they shut it down?
Ok ok I apologize for making you make Шпpoты for the whole of the USSR
Sincerely Yours Ded Moroz
Probably, it already happened with sputniknews and yandex taxi which was banned for a while because they share data with Kremlin.
We have NATO STRATCOM in Latvia which especially monitors Russian influence in Latvia. They even develop bots that do mass upvoting and mass commenting on our news sites to change the public opinion in liberal direction - in support of gays.
Those are not always bots, but there are many shills under that NATO organization and they are everywhere shilling for NATO (US jewish) agenda.
Putin is the modern day Hitler
Astroturfing is real, so is shilling. Even on this website you can’t have a proper discussion without 100 shills derailing it. There are paid shills from both sides. Thanks for the reply.
The pic is 100% cringe. Sputnik is a state propaganda and yandex is the Kremlin's bitch nowadays.
They do share their data with Kremlin. It's a known fact
You get you're dirty vodkabrewing, potato-eating, oily, million-project, forceworking, reclaiming, coldbeaten fingers of my lan..lads.
They're OUR people and most of them are fine people.
Next time we meat vladimir, you'll be a true "easterner"
Just like any other company who shares data with government..
Facebook and google, skype, microsoft shares data with US government. (NSA Prism program)
TikTok, Baidu and WeChat shares data with Chinese government
Yandex, MailGroup (VK, OK) shares the same data with Russian government.
It's nothing unusual.
Btw Zuckerberg and Mail Group owner Yuri Milner are both Jews who seem to be friends. Milner owns a house not far from Zuckerberg in Bay Area.
they'd rather be filled with niggers and muslims than russians