hmmm, pretty good question i would guess who did jews know about the new world if my question is correct since i think columbus knew about it before exploration
James Ward
how did the jews*
Christian Thompson
That's easy, American guns.
Iirc, it's pretty much accepted that he knew something.
Me, dunno. The root of evil maybe?
Gabriel White
The moon
It will collapse the world overnight
Governments will never rule again
Noah Sanchez
The moon itself? lol
John Sullivan
That's a tough one. There's so many to choose from.
Samuel Lee
which one would have the biggest implications in today's society, if it were true? And keep it a bit realistic, dont say something like "If we found out the Earth was made of chocolate"
Oliver Barnes
id do sandy hook.
Isaiah Sullivan
he might be referring to various clues that indicate the moon may be hollow, anomalies in its density, detection of reverberations upon landing on the moon, etc. The most extreme theories postulate the moon itself is artificial and is populated by a non-human intelligent race that is either descended from dinosaurs or from another world beyond our solar system, who remain there to study humans or to extract valuable enzymes from us
William Long
is op a faggot?
Ayden Cox
Na I just mean once the truth of it ever came out
Gabriel Adams
>which one would have the biggest implications in today's society, if it were true? Holocaust being fake. Imagine - the whole "creation myth" of the world post WW2, gone? No idea what would happen.
Christian Nguyen
how many dicks did OP suck today?
Jeremiah Adams
9/11 or Kennedy /thread
Elijah Rogers
the church new about it. apparently due to the crisis going on in europe at the time the church gave the go ahead to "discover" the americas. I forgot exactly why maybe it was over population? I forgot why. That is the rumor i heard on William Coopers radio show anyways. That guy has read a lot of books written by elites and occultists.
Jeremiah Carter
>The truth on the Holocaust, and how many died? LOL What about Santa Claus ? >The sinking of the Titanic? LOL Who cares ? >Who really did 9/11? LOL The jews did it. > The moon landing? Could be interesting, or Roswell. I just want to know if Ayy have made contact.
James Roberts
JFK bc it ties in so many factions and generations.
Asher Cox
The genesis of The Civil War of course.
Christopher Cooper
WTF guys. Truth about Jesus Christ by far.
Leo Peterson
Assange did God's work getting glowies rekt. That should happen daily.
Jack Young
"What's the origin of this world" obviously. Any other historical question is beside the point. If you feel like that's too broad then I guess "why did magic actually exist in previous eras but doesn't seem to work now". Or, less important but still interesting - "what was the actual nature of the entity that Abraham made a covenant with".
Christopher Morales
I want to know which part of Antarctica the ayys live in.
Kayden Powell
9/11 because it's still historically relevant. the holocaust and its consequences are well integrated already
Nicholas Richardson
the truth behind america. >illuminati letters discovered: 1776 >american revolution: 1776 >turboconspiracy shit everywhere on the money, government buildings, monuments, etc. come on. you cannot tell me america isn't the shadiest thing ever invented
James Fisher
i don't know about you but i will start sucking our new lizard overlord's dick starting now
Zachary Jenkins
Who starts the racemixing propoganda? Why? And how can I stop it without violence?
Mason Gray
>stop it without violence
name one worthy revolution done without killing not a single person.
9/11 beyond a doubt. Revealing the truth about what happened would be catastrophic to the cabal. Think of the implications Saudi relations Israel relations The current police state in USA Can’t even list them all
Noah Robinson
Tech revolutions. Fundamentally change society, no direct bloodshed.
Julian Taylor
>i would guess who did jews know about the new world if my question is correct since i think columbus knew about it before exploration The basques had been fishing off the grand banks for decades by the time he left. Probably heard about it from some drunk Basque merchant. Also why the jews? They were kicked out of spain in 1492. Or do you think there is a connection there?
Tyler Mitchell
Vegas is better, desu. More people are sketched out by it.
Brody Williams
We know it already though.
Isaiah Green
Flat earth
Adam Davis
I would want to know everything that happened on and underneath Little St. James.
Jackson Torres
that's not an actual revolution, i'm talking about taking the power of those that rule over us
Ryan Lopez
*sips tea* >is op, dare I say it, our guy? >look at this outrageous tweet guys >Lets team up with niggers >what do you think of Rogue One? Redpilled? >look at this reddit post guys >It doesn't wo- >mic drop >change my mind. Protip: you can't >here's why onions is good for you >thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes >APOLOGIZE RIGHT NOW >uses memeflag *sips tea* >not all niggers >Miss me yet? >How can Yas Forums even compete? >You mad white boy? >drumfkins >take this jewish DNA test goys >Yas Forums BTFO >not all jews >well? >hello fellow white peoole >BERNIE 2020 *sips tea* >why is x like this? >am I white >whats his/her problem? >Look at this qt jew >gays are people >defend this poor shitskin >POWERFUL >Can I get a quick rundown guys? >random nigger porn >I am forgotten >what did he mean by this? >will x be allowed into the ethnostate?
I don't have the pics but some user did a story on it. It was an failed killing of the Saudi Arabian prince
Carson Davis
Lincoln’s assasination. I have a hunch that the Jews are behind it but it’s so far back there isn’t any evidence.
Kayden Fisher
I don't know what's a bigger waste, this or my 888899 link to it
Michael Reed
What exactly are "shadow people"?
PS there is one behind you right now OP, but dont turn around. You may SPOOK it.
Asher Anderson
Hmm...This is hardest thing ever. I would choose alien conspiracy but it's too complex and multilayered for one agency to have all information. So Instead I would go with WTC conspiracy of planned incompetence or Kennedy assasination.
Jonathan Morgan
Justin Cook
I would choose to know the truth about the annunaki, or maybe just aliens in general
Camden Cruz
So be it
Angel Morris
none unless i can make profit of it application: if any conspirator wants me on board im p loyal if the pay is good
Ayden Moore
The trick is that would only be revealed to me and not a public disclosure.
Jack White
You can know the truth of it all irl. Funny games they play.
Hudson Nelson
> how? You have to counter-shill harder than JIDF and MSM.
Luke Gutierrez
The building of the Great Pyramid >inb4 kangs that used sound and a blanket to move the stones
just to caveat my massive get, i mean conversations, any bodies dropped in the ocean, all people who entered/left, how long, when the buildings were built, by who, all phonecalls received or made on the island, basically a fly on every wall of time on Little St. James...
Ryan Jackson
There is only one conspiracy theory, so I choose that
Who here would deny the influence of Bill Gates, or Steve Case, or Jeff Bezos? If you headed a tech company and made alot of money from it, you'll have power.
Dylan Rodriguez
Probably the building and operation of the great pyramid. I'd like to know how all the ancient monolithic stone sites were built in general, but the great pyramid in particular is clearly some kind of electromagnetic machine. It's built above a natural aquifer, had a gold cap in the past, is built from conductive material, and once had an insulating layer on top. All the design principles were eerily similar to Tesla's tower in Colorado Springs, and to this day you can still measure unusual electromagnetic activity there. I suspect we may have had some kind of help. In any case, I'd love to see what they were like then they were new and still operational. Second to that would be any of the exceptionally intricate and detailed Hindhu and Buddhist structures cut from single pieces of stone.
Luis Sullivan
something tells me, if you had this knowledge, you could really narrow down the NWO