Everyone is laughing at him right now
Everyone is laughing at him right now
Its like youre not even trying to hide being a shill.
SAGE in the options field
the jackass laughs at lies.
I sure as hell am, what a kek.
nobody cares what the news says unless it's about more people catching plague.
Right now? Everybody has been laughing at him for years now.
Yup hes a retard who talked about injecting disinfectant lmao, but hes our retard who wants to keep out the spics so it is what it is
Why would I laugh at him? He probably knows more about this shit than I do. Keep praying for that vaccine, though.
fuck you bitch ass nigger...this piece of shit told the american people to fukken drink bleach to kill corona and he wasnt fukken joking at the time he said it to us...
I tried to inhale some dishwash but coughed to much.
You US have some really hard times before you :D
I am incredibly racist and anti-immigrant and im beginning to turn on him, he's just too fucking stupid. Almost at the point where id rather have biden, he'd probably keep bombing sandies and roundin up the brownies but without all the bullshit about injecting bleach and saying we should return to steam power. motherfucker he is stupid.
>I am incredibly racist and anti-immigrant and im beginning to turn on him
This is where I was a while back. Embrace it, he's a fucking embarrassment to the office and this country. Biden couldn't possibly be worse.
Lol I know I am
But where the fuck is Joe Biden. Did he get lost somewhere.
That person is just a candidate.
As for the while laughing crap, that’s been going on for much longer than the Trump presidency.
i have never seen such obvious shilling. extreme turbofaggots
Trump is incopatent at his job. Time for Biden
Trump's come back from a ton of shit. He might come back from this too but man is this a massive fuckup. The memes are raging through the internet and no one is buying the sarcasm bullshit.
Donald got exposed as the dummy he is and so did his stupid fucking cult. Normies who pay no attention to politics are laughing at him and people who are defending him. No amount of name calling is going to change that nigger.
Ironically, if all of his supporters injected themselves with bleach he would actually have succeeded in making American great again.
orange man bad
The shills come out over the lamest nothings. They are desperate for anything that simulates victory
Nice larping pussy hat.
The man was obviously asking about medical possibilities that ought to be tested. Regarding "disinfectant" he was saying "Like" to describe what can be administered. something that kills the virus LIKE disinfectant. Anyone reading that he was literally saying "inject disinfectant" are just the usual pussy hats pretending they are centrists and right wingers who are abandoning Trump over "how dumb" he is. This latest controversy is an IQ test, and a lot of you are failing hard.
Only fools who are too stupid to think for themselves.
>I tried to inhale some dishwash but coughed to much.
Idiot, you have to inject it. And maybe stick some light tubes in your ass to kill the virus.
He didn't say "inject disinfectant" but publicly entertaining the idea of injecting disinfectant is a massive fucking problem for him. He showed his retard level which is higher than anyone thought possible. He clearly mentions injecting disinfectant but you know that, this is some pitiful damage control.
>The man was obviously asking about medical possibilities that ought to be tested.
It's not the time and place to ask about that, you retard. He's got all the best experts around him at all times and yet he has to go in front of cameras and blabber some retard shit? You're pathetic.
why are blumpftards such snowflakes? you are the most evil fucks on earth and you can't take a little shitposting about your cult leader?
Mods are straight up fucking faggots, anti-Trump anti Israel posts are not allowed on Yas Forums
Deleted my other post questioning Trump's mental stability, guess mods hate when their retarded president is being criticized
The rampant identity politics is mental, the people defending him have the audacity to call others "sheep".
There's a mod on Yas Forums who deletes threads and bans posters if they say anything negative about R*ssia.
I guess the same thing is going to happen here with post that critisize the orange retard.
>Everyone is laughing at him right now
.....this is cnn.
>.....this is cnn.
Nah nigger, this is every social media platform on the planet. In other words, everyone but the people who buttchugged the koolade.
We have to have a safe and welcoming environment for our T_D immigrants. After all diversity is our strength and it's the Trump boomers who don't use adblock and bring in the $$$. You aren't an intolerant bigot are you?
Orange "Grab 'em By The Pussy" Retard vs Late Stage Dementia Child Groper
I hope they have several live debates.
>if you fight back, you're a SNOWFLAKE!
>...and you're evil ;^)
Yeah nah, you are scum and deserved to be treated as such.
>Announcing saging
enjoy your ban.
the point of the press conference is to tell the press the developments of the day.
during the press conference, he mentioned that he had asked a question to the experts earlier in the day, and that they would look into it.
he did not ask the question during the press conference.
he did not tell anyone to inject themselves.
its really not that unreasonable in context