Do people really think Trump said to inject bleach, or is everyone including the media just trolling? I can't tell anymore.
Do people really think Trump said to inject bleach, or is everyone including the media just trolling...
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The truth the lying liberal media doesn't want you to know is injecting lysol works! I recently tested positive for COVID-19 and at first I was asymptomatic but after a week I came down with sneezes and fever and soon it was hard to breathe. This was weeks ago but I read about the benefits of lysol and was wiping everything down with it and thought, you know, this is killing the corona outside my body, why not inside? So I found a syringe and got a diluted mixture of lysol, water, and lavender essential oils. I filled the syringe and placed the vial inside my anus. Which is the best way to take medicine. And it burned at first. My poops were a little raw the day after. But soon my sneezes went away! I could breathe! Honestly the liberal media is just trying to kill you to make Donald look bad. It's obvious. The media is the enemy of the people! WWG1WGA!
Some believe it I'm sure, with non-stop media saying it over and over. The time to remove the media by force is nearly here.
>"I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters just like you, just to see what would happen," Trump said on Friday during a bill signing for the coronavirus aid package. "I was asking a sarcastic and a very sarcastic question to the reporters in the room about disinfectant on the inside. But it does kill it and it would kill it on the hands, and it would make things much better."
At first it could be excused that he just got off track in his wording but was talking about light treatment the whole time, but now he's saying he meant to ask a sarcastic question about injecting disinfectant even though he didn't ask a question.
oh shit time TO move the fukken goalpost AGAIN....
Taking Trump 100% seriously was always a bad idea. The hope was that he would reduce niggerdom in America to some degree.
So you really believe it?
This is why he shitposts on Twitter and why they wanted to ban him. Hard to spin when the primary source is right there for everyone to see.
god you blumpf cult tards are such snowflakes
I wish your picture wasnt ironic and that cunt actually swallowed bleach pods. Maybe you should too, OP.
like I said before, they try to take him literally, just to avoid taking him seriously
Cannot believe people gave money to this grifter.
People tought this is anything else but common cold virus and agreed to lose all human rights to not die. Drinking bleach is mandatory
I'm pretty sure the media and retard anti-Trumpsters are used to being uncharitable with Trump.
There's a group of artists who've consented to have their private lives invaded and the full data given over to people who hate them. I know they've consented to it, because they did it to me, and they hate me.
Opposing them is "BPD". They caused a huge empowerment of hatred, splintering leftist environs, but nothing was their fault. They treated people rejecting them as suffering dementia, brain cancer, or utter primitivism, even though they turned towards civic fascism and called it the fully reciprocal ethic.
They think they're progressive opponents of authoritarians, but they're artists who stalk others.
I used to be sexually engaged with people in that community, but they weren't good. I didn't like what they made me do, and I eventually realized they were constantly pressuring towards more awful fetishes because they were blackmail-farming for loyalty rather than honestly sharing with friends.
Shared here because tide pods meme. :(
It's hard to chalk it up to the media just trolling when you can watch it yourself.
I can imagine the liberal shitstain who concocted this image.
>"Hehe gotcha Drumpf"
Trump is just trying to make the world a better place, by euthanizing his inbred fanbase.
fuckin KEKKEd
Dumbasses. He never recommended it or implied people should do it with any certainty. He was musing aloud to his advisor off screen to the left. Was it a dumb thing to chat about when the cameras were still rolling? Yeah, but he wasn't telling anyone to do it
Checked and based
>this amount of cope
I suppose we should expect metaphorical advice from the president during a pandemic. Part of the fun is figuring out what he means
its fukken disgusting to say the least...if trump nuke new york they'd still say its new york fault and not trump...
i need to understand why are normally smart people so fukken stupid...conservative own the supreme courts the senate the WH and the Federal courts and the purse strings...
I didn't say he did.
No, he was just saying "it would be interesting to see". You're right, it's dumb to talk a out those things, but you can't get away from the implication that it was something he'd like to look into, something to try. In the full context he's telling people what scientists are doing while telling them to do things and returning to how interested he is in it as if to frame it that they're doing it because of his interest. But now he was saying that was all just sarcasm.
The media has had it turned up to 11 from day one.
They will say whatever they need to too just maintain the outrage level.
It doesn't even need to be true at this point.
I think they have learned how to fight Trump. Abandon principles and integrity and just lie through your teeth.
its means he wants you and your family to drink the bleach under UV lighting...7.594 billion people on this planet when it can only sustain about 2-3 billions
>Trump: people should wash their hands
>Media: man drowns because drumf
why are these people from a white house press release leak saying that everyone there got already vaccinated?
okay I give you the MSM is bias and hate trump guts but they didnt tell trump to suggest killing people by drinking bleach...thats on trump
>The time to remove the media by force is nearly here.
Execute with extreme prejudice
okay just for funnies and jokes im gonna give you this one but trump told you and me to drink bleach under UV lighting without the baiting from the MSM
Did the media say he suggested bleach? All I've seen is "injecting disinfectants".
Nah, he was just talking out of his ass about stuff he doesn't know anything about, and he said a bunch of stuff that sounded stupid and funny, so people laugh at the stupid funny stuff.
I'm just saying, read the quote in Obama's voice, imagine if the shoe was on the other foot.
Did the media say he said "bleach"? This looks like a case of "I don't watch the fake news media but I'm somehow an expert on what they cover".
Who cares except shills?
People who arent deeply in a personality cult
there is an anti cancer medication that has several descriptions, among them toxin and disinfectant
this is what they refer to
they're ignoring all other descriptive concepts and just focus on the desinfectant
they also conflate the ethanol inhalation therapy with it
many anti cancer medication also has the descriptive concept of antiviral, bio or viro static and many other things
they just like to cause division
inject urself with bleach, and find out OP
Of Trump nuked New York I would worship him as a deity.
He did not say bleach. He mentioned some old treatment using ultraviolet light, and asked a quesiton to the doctor about "injecting it" or how it works. Go watch the video. It's like 1m 45s long.
>media kikes say orange man bad thing
>Yas Forums is flooded with threads and posts saying the exact same thing
Really activates the old almond
KYS shill
He didnt say bleach. While rambling about testing UV light to treat the disease he starting talking about disinfectant and then asked if they might test disinfectant injections to clean out the body/lungs. It sounded like something a 3rd grade might suggest. I do look forward to watching two senile old men debate each other in the coming months, god help this country.
I just injected a full cup of Clorox. I’ll see the rest of you on the other side. I’ve been vaccinated. Join me poll
>now excuse me while I drink some bleach like Trump told me to
He said to inject disinfectant to clean out. I'm aware of using what could be classified as a disinfectant (heat is a disinfectant) in medicine, but to speak vaguely about something as only a disinfectant that cleans is poor choice of words. To turn around and said he meant what he said and that he was just being sarcastic makes it worse for him.
I'm not saying he said bleach, I'm asking if the MSM said he said bleach.
What if we injected ourselves with, wait for it... covfefe?
he didn't in the transcript I read, perhaps they changed the official transcript
but then I'm going to wait for the whole media sphere to explode over that than watch the video or believe "he said inject"
he's still an orange potato I don't like that shouldn't talk naively about things he barely understood but instead ask those people enough questions until he is able to relay it properly
he used the word disinfection however, just not the way you say he did
What exactly happened?