>trump inquires if there’s a way we could use disinfectant in the body
Kind of a dumb statement but Ok
Jesus Christ why are leftist so fucking brain dead
Trump inquires if there’s a way we could use disinfectant in the body
It's great.
3 years plus down, a little over 4 to go for these unhinged dipshits to screech and seethe about orange man bad.
trump said a retarded thing and sounded like a retard, people will call him a retard because of this
>>trump inquires if there’s a way we could use disinfectant in the body
He didn't even say this. He was asking if there was something that was similarly strong as disinfectants' effect on surfaces. He was asking about "something like" disinfectants, not disinfectants themselves. Ignore fake news.
Holy fucking mental gymnastics.
People aren’t Just “calling him retarded” they’re saying he told people to kill themselves
COPE hahahaha
It's a perfectly reasonable question for someone who's in charge but not an expert on the topic to ask. But it's something to ask behind closed doors, not on a world broadcasted news conference
Not an argument
The right is getting upset at meme.
Inject bleach already.
And then they tell you you're the one doing mental gymnastics. Absolutely mental these people.
if he's this retarded chances are some of his followers are too and will take what he said (which is already incredibly retarded) and apply it in a retarded manner i.e. consuming disinfectant which will kill you
That’s a fair point
That’s more just them being retarded not him
jesus christ do you know we can hear what he said? not everyone is looking to deliberately misinterpret every vague statement and twist it into something absurd to score cheap political points. the left is so gross
but why would he even say it? his uv light thing was slightly retarded but the disinfectant thing is irredeemable
All i know is when a leader is thinking in terms of sunlight and bleach, somebody is going to get disinfected.
>hahahah drumpf bad amirite fellow Yas Forumsacks?!?!
The level of damage control my you /ptg/ faggots is astounding
Inject brother
It’s reasonable question someone to ask
If they’re in the 3rd grade.
Dilate xister
He has already said that he asked the question sarcastically. You can't argue that he is being misrepresented when he says that the question was sarcastic. He is admitting that it wasn't misrepresented when he says that he was being sarcastic.
Holy shit the lefts tea kettle has been whistling mad since the black kids stroke my leg hair ad.
Natural selection.
what is vinegar
So all of a sudden we care about misinterpretation?
Because he was kind of put on the spot. You have to realize he’s not a medical professional and is more akin to a boomer if anything. I admit it was a retarded statement but the comparison they’re making is like me saying “is there a way I could make diamonds out of pissing in bleach” and then saying “GUYS HE TOLD YOU TO PISS IN BLEACH LMAO”
Listen to the fucking clip, god damn. He's recounting the story of him asking his team about it as a way to frame the information to the public. He does this ask the time. Instead of just saying
>the guys from the x team said y.
he says
>so I was talking to the guys from x team and asked them about z. And they said they're looking into y. And y is showing great results right now, tremendous potential. So I think we should keep looking at y
He does this all the fucking time and somehow people keep claiming that he's the one suggesting "y" out of his ass to the public
This clip is literally
>my team was showing me some promising leads with uv light and disinfectants. I asked them if you could get it inside the body and treat the virus directly. They said they're looking into it. I don't know much about it, so get the medical doctors on that. It's really interesting though.
He said “is there a way we could inject disinfectant into the body to cure the virus?” Not “Inject Lysol into you to cure the virus”
Invalid post, go back to China