I boycott any company who gets woke or starts spouting anti-trump shit. Burger King won't get another dollar from me.
I boycott any company who gets woke or starts spouting anti-trump shit. Burger King won't get another dollar from me
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Didn't BK do this shit last year or the year before too?
Ok retard
They won't miss you.
>eating fast food in the first place
Yes, which is stupid, because they’re currently hemorrhaging money and closing shop across the globe.
Avoid fast foods in general, they feed poison
>not sure why
so they were told by someone else to say it?
lol I certainly don't eat fast food you faggot
The funny part is their "food" is literally poison designed to keep the slave class alive enough to work but in a constant depression, lethargy, and brainfog
Let them pander to leftists
>he doesnt know that Wendy is literally /our ff/
This meme is already as stale as their burgers. Bad business.
Same, I'm done. Their food was subpar anyway
this is a pretty sad thing to care about. From reading your post I thought this was actually woke anti-Trump shit. But imagine being such a cult-follower that you get triggered by somebody telling you not to drink bleach.
kek remember pic-related?
>don't drink bleach is now anti-trump
you actually can't make this shit up
Why would they post it if it wasn't in respense to something?
>All of the 'Brave New World' chemical-based development-impedance corporations drive away their white conservative base into the previously leftist-invaded whole foods lifestyle.
okay, this is ebin
not sure why I need to be the one to tell you this, but dont eat at burger king's
why post it at all?
Bleach tastes better than those lukewarm limp lettuce abomination known as the whopper. Pro tip copious amounts of mayo don't cover up those dry “meat” patties.
okay okay fine, drink the bleach.
unfortunately, telling people not to drink bleach seems like a disservice to darwin at this point.
too late bros, I just drank some cause BK didn't warn me sooner, don't think I'm going to make it............
Our local BK has Fox News on the tv so Im not sure what to think now.
>not eating from the salvation army twice daily for free
>telling people not to drink bleach is anti-trump
so what, are you pro drinking bleach? Being anti stupidity is anti trump now?
I love fast food places sending emails about what they are doing COVD19. Except eating their product is one of the biggest factors in increasing your chances of complications from the chink flu
Wendy's is the only Yas Forums approved Fast Food
They're implying trump said you should drink bleach
Either stop playing dumb or stop being a retard
You’re a bong so you may not know about Chick-Fil-A and In-N-Out
>le snarky corporate account
>jumping on fake news trend
>people actually fall for this blatant promotion
Owner of chikfila hates fags, my friendsdad knows him REALLY well. They are like best friends. They will stay based for a long time, typical based kentucky family
Yeah ngl never eaten in either only based Wendys
Burger King is only around because they made 20 of their shot nuggets a dollar and homeless people don't have much left after buying 3 forties
more like burger prime minister
I've been boycotting most of the companies who shit talk Trump and conservatives since before they started spouting off their hateful bigotry. Most of these companies simply didn't produce anything of value to me already.
>MSM says "Trump said drink bleach!"
>company makes a joke
>hurf durf Orange man bad!
I boycott ant Jewish owned companies.
Honestly why go to burger King? Ever.
They aren't a good deal anymore, 2 razor thin burgers, terrible fries and flat soda will set you back like $8. Spend an extra $2 and get a good burger at a real small business.
>Better food
>Bigger portions
Are you being serious? When did not drinking bleach become controversial?
Burger King Sells Gay Pride Whopper
Do you have brain damage?
BK has been woke for a while.
So brave.
Holy shit even Burger King is piling on... kekeke
No lie, the last 4 times I went to BK they fucked up my order, and this was split between two different places. Apparently it is a very very difficult thing to not put mayo on a burger...
Their entire reason for existing was because McDonalds discouraged people from ordering their burgers with whatever they wanted on it, and now if you want to "have it your way" you are shit out of luck.
trump is incompetent who live off obamas successes
I don't eat their garbage food anyhow.
I'm so bored I'm drinking bleach
I know, let’s just inject brother