The federal government recently confirmed COVID-19 is a chimera virus created in a lab using genetic material from HIV. That means people infected with COVID-19 will have a suppressed immune system for life, much like AIDs patients. At first, it was thought that once a person recovers from the initial infection, they're no longer able to spread the virus to others. Unfortunately, when the viral load increases in a recovered patient's body (flare-ups), the virus again becomes communicable. This has caused a massive panic at the White House, DoD, etc. and plans are being made to temporarily move the government and military generals to an undisclosed location for the duration of about 6 months.
A highly communicable HIV-like virus means the end of civilization as we know it. People that have been infected with the virus cannot be allowed to live and spread the virus to the rest of humanity. The government of the U.S. in cooperation with other major governments of the world, have made the decision to completely eradicate the virus by humanely euthanizing the infected, for the survival of mankind.
The National Guard has been activated in each state and given orders to begin rounding up patients that have tested positive. They will be relocated to to secret underground facilities where they'll be euthanized using a painless lethal injection. All countries of the world are cooperating and have made plans to accomplish the same worldwide at the same time. This is your heads up to say goodbye to loved ones if you've tested positive at some point or if they've tested positive. You have until May 3rd to say your goodbyes.
Was a good read and well thought out. That said it would be much much better to simply let it run its course and let the bodies natural immune systems develop and immunity on their own. To to that you would simply just need to allow it to spread. T. immune to HIV and most viruses because my family developed an immunity because the black plague.
none of those things you just said work that way. ADE exists, and you can't be "immune" to it. It's literally anti-immunity. this is why we get shit on, because you people just spout things with little to no understanding. there was a fucktard yesterday, who concluded the virus is nothing, because if it were actually dangerous, it would have killed all the bats and pangolins who have it.
Justin Wright
This. I wish though, im about to become homeless.
Brayden Cook still can be evicted during covid?
Easton Clark
>you can't be "immune" to it. I do not have the CCR5 protein, my body doesn't make it, my sisters body doesn't make it, my mums body doesn't make it. The viruses don't have the building blocks to recreate themselves (reproduce). Therefore if I get it, it simply dies. Not having that protein does lead to other problems though, like how the body regulates sugars.
The fucking nasty girls aren't going to do shit. The government won't do shit and you won't do shit. Fake and fucking gay.
Jaxson Bell
Isaac Mitchell
>How to identify a LARP: >Specific date in the near future for some major happening >Random claims of hidden intelligence, never actually revealing details >Other publically known information and lies stated with confidence and details to trick the audience >Official looking picture
Charles Gray
Okay. But what about the remaining 322 million Americans that haven't even gotten tested yet? What will become of them when they start rounding up those who tested positive? Are we just never leaving our homes again?
Carter Morales
This is such a stupid bullshit LARP. "hurrdurr let's start rounding up and killing people but only the ones who tested positive, while the majority of the population that does have or has had the virus hasn't been tested and will fly under the radar, meaning killing the first batch of people will have no effect whatsoever, and everyone else totally won't riot and start the worldwide boogaloo when they realize what's happening"
Jordan Rivera
I kek'd
Grayson King
Kicked out of my house. I don't wanna do a massive greentext but i dun goofed and i didn't do anything illegal
Noah Thompson
Refuse to leave. Play on the virus.
Aaron Davis
what's the tl;dr version? i need keks in these dire times