I Was Just Pretending to Be Retarded
we do it here all the time, its just IRL shitposting and look at the mess he created by doing so.
i am laughing all the way to the bank with this one.
normies are mental
The truth the lying liberal media doesn't want you to know is injecting lysol works! I recently tested positive for COVID-19 and at first I was asymptomatic but after a week I came down with sneezes and fever and soon it was hard to breathe. This was weeks ago but I read about the benefits of lysol and was wiping everything down with it and thought, you know, this is killing the corona outside my body, why not inside? So I found a syringe and got a diluted mixture of lysol, water, and lavender essential oils. I filled the syringe and placed the vial inside my anus. Which is the best way to take medicine. And it burned at first. My poops were a little raw the day after. But soon my sneezes went away! I could breathe! Honestly the liberal media is just trying to kill you to make Donald look bad. It's obvious. The media is the enemy of the people! WWG1WGA!
All posts belowed me will be shilled to death
Who gives a flying fuck, we are directly in a demographic war for the future our countries and people care about this?
He's also being sarcastic about being sarcastic. How many levels of sarcasm are you on?
Trump is a tiresome meme
hang in hell faggot shill!
why can't he just accept his mistakes? how big is his ego
Wait, but Yas Forums told me about all these homeopathic Chinese UV light procedures that might possibly have a small chance of maybe somehow defeating Covid, they told me that’s what Trump was talking about and that he’s not a silly retard who doesn’t know what he’s talking about... but now Trump is saying that he was kidding? Who do I trust, the man himself or the weak spineless idiots who twist themselves in a knot to defend their favorite TV show host?
Trump is so stupid that even at this point during a pandemic that has killed 50,000 Americans and destroyed the economy that he does not understand that now is NOT the time to being sarcastic with reporters whose job it is to attack Trump and ensure his destruction
Goddamn Trump is stupid
As if it were not obvious Trump is not a "I take responsibility for my mistakes" kind of guy
Over 3 years of this, more than 4 to go.
Pathetic reeeeing.
I smell Chinese
Nigga Trump does this all the time. He says stupid shit about something so that it gets picked up by the fake news media, and people look into what he was talking about. People now know about what kills the virus in minutes.
This seems to be the only response I’ve seen from the MIGA crowd. Here’s a fun fact, we don’t give a fuck who’s president and Trump remaining president only gives us more shit to laugh at.
Whatever pisses off those chicom cocksuckers is alright with me.
really? Americans now know what Lysol and isopropyl alcohol is? You dumb fucking leaf
you sir get a (you)
>People now know about what kills the virus in minutes.
Yeah, drinking bleach. With the side effect that it kills the person drinking it as well.
Welcome to idiocracy
ordinally i'd be sus of this, but he's said stupid shit like this in the past to garner reactions.
usually it means he's trying to hide something else. what else went on in the world yetserday?
How can you support trump after you guys try to convince US that drinking bleach under UV lighting was a great idea...
I haven't been keeping up with the news, but I'm going to guess that Trump said something mundane, and the media twisted it, and now he's literally Hitler.
How close to the mark am I?
Pretty far off.
he asked the head of the DHS laboratory to research how disinfectants and UV rays affect virus loads inside of the body. no really
go fukken listen to him for yourself you asswipe disgusting piece of shit gay homo faggot...he and he alone told us to fukken drink bleach to kill corona...he was not been bait
>when you're playing 4D chess against yourself
that's how i smoke my weed.
which is a good way to put it, he was accidentally right, uneducated and said in a dumb manner and it is counter intuitive but this shit has valid scientific inquiries and study
Judging from these shill posts, it looks like my guess was right on the money.
you don't create the mass confusion and hysteria during the crisis
>defending a man who already pulled out and claimed to be sarcastic all along
Pick your battles wisely, my cultist friend
He didn't say that tho
real shit, too bad we wont hear about it because his top scientists dont know about it and the news ass blasts him for something that admittedly sounded dumb but is a real theory put forth by scientists
unfortunately i'm not a shill. he actually did ask the dude from NHS to research disinfectants and UV treatments
why are you still alive?
I want you to kill your self.
>now is NOT the time
No, it's exactly the time. Ever hear of the boy who cried wolf? This is the media who cried wolf. They keep hysterically reacting with pretend-shocked articles and reports on every little thing Donald Trump says, and it makes people seeing all this "news" take it less and less seriously each subsequent instance of this pattern happening.
He literally couldn't be worse. I'm in. Can't wait to vote this senile fuck out.
nice pasta
Nah you’re a fucking idiot. Dude implied injecting disinfectant was on the list of things the FDA was going to test, FDA says “no, that’s retarded”. Trump backs down and claims he was only joking about injecting disinfectant. Pretty typical “4D chess move” in a game that only Trump is playing.
And....is there something wrong with asking someone to research something?
Did he tell people to drink bleach, or not?
>Coping this hard
Nigger please
He does this all the time. How do people not get it?
no. but the media is stretching the truth just a little less than usual. its like a 60%lie instead of a 90% lie
This is how he got elected in the first place, zoomer-user.
>dabbing on libbies by pretending to be a downie
I'm practically sick of all this winning!
Check Twitter, people are far from being over tired about Trump’s stupidity. In fact, this whole disinfectant thing has actually reenergized the entire anti Trump folks to the point where Trump had to say he was only pretending to be retarded.
name one mistake
Since they got the last quote wrong how can I trust they're giving this one correctly?
He is white and successful
That was before people understood how completely incompetent he is
yes, you just "pretend" and everyone is completely cool with that user
“Yeah so you guys are gonna be testing bleach injections, right?” Might be a really good way to show everyone you have fucking no clue what you’re talking about.
>Check Twitter
pretty sure he means metaphorically
>And....is there something wrong with asking someone to research something?
Yes? Why is he trying to tell experts what to do when he doesn't know what he's talking about? What's so hard about just shutting the fuck up for a minute and leaving it to those who actually know what to do?
He supports Israel.
In all of this I have yet to see EXACTLY what he said. It's all "Trump tells people to inject bleach into their dicks!".
What exactly did he say, verbatim?
Fucking this right here. Yas Forums has lost the plot
i drink a glass of sagrotan to that
You will defend this.
Twitter doesn't even represent 1% of the population. It's an extremely vocal minority.
>Put forth by a scientist in 1904
Idk I think there might be a reason doctors don’t recommenced UV therapy or why the FDA doesnt approve of it.
This defence is dumber than his original statement. There are multiple treatments that fit his definition and have been used to treat diseases in the past, why not just say he meant them?
but Yas Forums was telling me that he was just inarticulate explaining a totally legit cure he knew about and they even had NIH studies to back it up.
So, Trump wasn't talking about this cure and was being sarcastic? I'm confused.
So what you're saying is, he ordered the doctors to start testing bleach injections?
Why not? Yas Forums has used twitter as a source since 2011.
he wasn't even suggesting internal disinfectant use, just the use of something as quick acting as targeted light/disinfectant
same old bullshit lying media running with a false story as usual
>real life is becoming Yas Forums
>we don't care
God Trumps advisers are so fucking stupid, they didnt even do research , they could have found all this medical tech even new stuff that just came out for covid directly and they could have said look he was right this is a field of study but no they told to just say it was sarcastic. why cant smart American have access to give info the to executive branch why is it so closed off for them to be isolated and controlled by the powers that be
>Light is retarded hurrrrrr
Because those treatments are fucking ineffective and considered homeopathic at best
you don't take anything on Yas Forums, seriously, do you?
>no he didnt actually mean that!
>n-no theres TECHNICALLY some truth to what hes saying
>ok actually he was saying it as bait
pure delusion
There's a reason they dropped thorium reactors too. I wonder what it could be.
>over tired about Trump
No. Taking the media less and less seriously each time they have yet another hysterical gossip-fest about the latest Trump comment. I remember when the news used to contain information about the world and what's happening in it instead of it all revolving around trying to catch bad orange man saying bad things.
>all this cope ITT
this video isn't even related to what he was saying in the conference that has been taken wildly out of context, he never even suggested internal disinfectant, only suggesting something as quick acting as targeted light / disinfectant
He thought that they were already testing bleach injections.
oh realllllly nigger, you know it all huh? loo at this new treatment that actually caused this companies stick to go up , they did this for covid specifically fuck you low IQ bitch keep making your own suppositions with out research you are perfect fodder for the fake news system
>quotes from the president’s direct mouth is not considered information about the world
You pussies have been saying the same shit for four years. “Wow I can’t believe the media would report on something the president said!”
Do you need some seer stones and chicken bones to cast to help you divine the true meanings behind My Presidents words?
Everyone here knows this and that the media is spinning it hard
But lets be honest and admit the way he phrases these things is beyond moronic. He needs to own it and explain he didn't literally mean injecting disinfectant and was asking if there's a way to clean the lungs. Then shame the media for maliciously misconstruing him.
But he won't because he's already said he was only pretending to be retarded.