Australias largest building approved

Green twisting tower in Melbourne 356m tall, thoughts?

Attached: D193DE55-9610-461D-A9B2-DADAAA1077F9.jpg (634x634, 115.59K)

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better than the shitty glass boxes the churn out here

Looks cool. They have one in Dubai. They've now made them rotate. Does this one rotate user?

That looks impossible and I doubt it’s real. Even at slow speeds. What are they rotating on? Its not like the floors are disjointed

the chinks are over compensating for their tiny obvious

doesn't look like a spinner user

It's for real user. I don't think it's been finished yet but they're building it


this trend of covering buildings in plants is the only good thing to come out of modern architecture.

Attached: index.jpg (1450x1087, 406.35K)

Looks to me like all speculation and CGI to get big money. Who is the designer of this?

I bet the root systems are fun to deal with.

it's fucking awful, way overdone most of the time. just have a nice park or something on top, this shit of putting green literally everywhere is just posturing and virtue signaling.

These may help
>czech em

They built one of those stupid spiral towers in Vancouver. It looks like a shit cheese grater.

Attached: michael-elkan_7021.jpg (640x800, 124.94K)

David Fisher - Dynamic Architecture
Still not funded yet though. Is the world insane. We should totally build it.

looks like shit. not suprised at all

The amount of sq ft wasted to grow some fucking plants to make retarded women happy in the city

This, I dont get it either why they build 200m high buildings with 1 square km of open place besides it, wouldnt it be better to build the whole area with 30m high nice looking houses

No user

Attached: FCB6166D-E5C7-413F-AFE6-04B5A6ECA0AF.jpg (960x960, 89.6K)

it actually looks retarded

Ok then
How would YOU design an office building?

it's aesthetically pleasing.

not impossible, central support column, each floor attached to it with bearings.

you'd have to be a tard to want to spin around all day in your own home or office though.


Vancouver has shit architecture. that's one of the better buildings

fuck soulless modern architecture

It's easy to build tall buildings there because they are under tension, not compression, due to them hanging from their foundations.

>central support column
Imagine how big such a column would need to be to support 30+ floors

Attached: 3323BB06-C610-4C94-8129-432C1E3DB6D2.png (300x301, 29.18K)


Probably not as big as you're imagining

>it doesn't look like a drill bit
Wasted opportunity.

Still though even if they finish it, it will be a nightmare to keep running. They are in the desert for god's sake. Imagine all the sand that is going to get stuck in between those pieces. I' sure there are a lot more issues to consider as well. Cool idea but I don't think it's realistic. Also they wouldn't be able to spin that fast so you would barely notice it.



good to see they are spending my $$ well.