Is circumcision good for you?

Is circumcision good for you?

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lmao small sick

why the fuck this that roastie touch that penis?

lmao small dick

well he is white
what else can you expect but tiny worthless dicks?

why not

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did they fuck?

wtf that's hot

>used literally one finger

how will white men ever recover from this?

American man here. Yes, circumcision is good for you and saves you from horrible diseases brought on by not cutting parts of your penis off. It's also just a cool look. Nice and slick with fewer moving parts. I

Listen, would a chick rather bang a caveman with overgrown hair and toenails and fingernails that smell like shit or a modern gentleman, nice and proper? Same goes for cutting parts of your dick off.

Also the Bible says you have to do it so if you don't you're going to hell.

> this is what liberals want

Look at those hair legs on her.

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it teaches you while you learn


that woman really freaks me out desu

Reveal banner

No, watch eric clopper

The Bible says Jesus is the new covenant and we don't have to do that, moshe

Lol at white men.

No wonder white women want Muslim and Black immigrants.

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american man here, too
but I'm not a jew
so im not circumcised
I'm 40
never had a problem or disease

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PFFFF HAHAHHA Cope more you mutilated faggot, you were branded by the jews

Kind of hot not gonna lie.

Wish more non-leftist women would.

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I'm sure the casting director is a Jew and made sure to pick a White dude with the smallest package and doughiest body he could find for this sex (((education))) video.

Wow that white girl can't wait to touch that guys penis! It's almost like she isn't bothered at all by it's averageness. Is it because it's white why she can't help but be enchanted by it?

t. small dick anglo

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>Is being mutilated good for you?


This. Seriously this. If every circumcised white male in the USA watched this then riots would break out and America would get purged kikes.

Watch it and forward it to everyone you know.

Scandi's (Norsk) are perverted, not implying it is educational

Ngl that looks like my penis

Its over bros

>youre an anti-semite if you say no and try to ban it


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Are you fuckin retarded

She's like a slave trader showing off the human goods to sexual deviants.


How the FUCK do americans even live without a foreskin? I guess south koreans, too, since you guys mutilate yourselves all the time.

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Unkept bush is so fucking gross, on both females and males. To me it is a sign of bad hygiene.
Just trim it, how hard can it be?

Yes you generally want circulation otherwise it falls off.

36 uncircumcised also. All's well.

Everyone's looking at his dick but I can't take my eyes off that disgusting fucking carb gut
Seriously he looks pregnant, wtf I hate fatties so goddamn much

>The hairiest pussy and the smallest dick they could find.

how did he not get an erection halfway through the explanation?

awoooga that's hot

What degeneracy even is this


It's flaccid you fucking retarded shitskins

It looks like a 7-8 incher when fully erect

European Men are GROWERS not SHOWERS
Unlike filthy niggers whose dicks are bigger when flaccid, but only grow about an inch or two more when erect.

His dick wouldn't be small enough without his gut harming blood circulation.

It's only a sign of bad hygiene when you're a filthy favella monkey who can't afford a shower every day. Fuck off.

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It's the mark of the Jew beast

When did you realize you were a faggit?

damn the bitch on the right has a nice waist and hips and bush

no, its genetaila mutilation, a barbaric act thats needs to be forbidden world wide.

probably, why else would americans be doing it?

>Pussy is so hairy you need to dig and dig and dig just to see the clitoris
>Small dick looks even smaller because the huge amount of pubes.

>a literal penis inspection

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