The shooting in Nova Scotia which killed 22 white Canadians was a Jewish terrorist attack carried out by (((Gabriel Wortman))) likely a Mossad agent (Mossad is the Israel intelligence agency who mastermind 9/11) The motive behind the shooting was to remove gun rights from Canadians by accelerating a "assault rifle" ban, red flag laws and other bogus restrictions on personal freedoms. Canadians MUST be able to protect themselves against their tyrannical Jewish controlled government. CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service) is controlled by Mossad just like the CIA and is typically staffed by diversity hires, Jews and transexuals. The RCMP are mostly Masonic members and Masons are a Jewish controlled organization full of pedophiles. The Canadian government is currently planning more false flags and terrorist attacks to further erode the rights and freedoms of Canadians. This behaviour has been tried in the US many times and false flag attacks to remove gun rights are a staple of American history.
The shooter was Jewish, both his first and last name are common Jewish names and his facial features are semitic. The shooter also used to attend a synagogue, was a millionaire and his occupation was a (((Denturist)))
>Wortman Name Meaning. English: metonymic occupational name for a grower or seller of vegetables or of medicinal herbs and spices, from Middle English wurt, wort 'plant'. Jewish (Ashkenazic): nickname for a reliable person who could be trusted to keep his word, from Yiddish vort, German Wort 'word' + man, Mann 'man'.
The shooting happened on the same day of the start of Jewish ritual sacrifice week(s)
Don't forget the crisis actors that were at the Las Vegas shooting too.
Nathan Adams
False flags are real happenings user
William Rogers
some memeflag kike keeps posting this same thread multiple times a day. don't let them control the context when it was possibly a freemasonic ritual rather than a Jewish ritual. Last time I applied the Jewish law of lashon hara to the shooter but now i realize its the poster who is responsible for keeping the truth hidden.
8. In certain circumstances, such as to protect someone from harm, it is permissible or even obligatory to share negative information. As there are many details to this law, one should consult a competent rabbi to learn what may be shared in any particular situation
probably. police snipers shooting peopl while they drive to work or go on walks
Ethan Sanchez
>t was possibly a freemasonic ritual that reminds me. There was a guy named Blaize Jones who was talking about wortman and his police cars, so I looked him up on facebook and he has freemason friends
You dont have tonprove it was the hook nose jews, we all know it was, every false flage and terrorist attack is the doing of those kike nigger jew fagglets
Grayson Reyes
these arent jews though. theyre low class trash the freemasons use to be false witnesses
Liam Young
Freemasons are controlled from the top by Jews
It's a good Goy club for mentally retarded white boomers
Nathan Sanchez
im not here to debate about whos the puppet master
Parker King
>The shooting happened on the same day of the start of Jewish ritual sacrifice week(s)