I wonder why mods keep deleting this thread


apply heat and inject disinfectant


i was being sarcastic. You are fake news




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Not only this thread. Anything critical of Trump is being deleted.

Don’t you Fucking Love Science user??

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This fuckers are too sensitive

Cope fag

So if one were to take all the shilling seriouslyc and it turns out Trump is really retarded, all the Democrats would have to do to win the White House would be to nominate a candidate with a functioning brain. But they couldn't even manage to do that.

So why don't you drink bleach and go out in the sun

it's so transparent that Kush tells him what to say in these situations (situation being he said something off the cuff or his own opinion)
>Just say you were pretending to be retarded, Donald!

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That's cool, now try drinking bleach like your God emperor demands

Only retarded leftists think he wants people to drink bleach.

I injected 10ml of bleach yesterday and I feel great, no more cough and my feet stopped tingling

Hiroshimoot censors criticism of orange man

are you high? check the fucking catalog.
you and your friends have been making threads about this nonstop for hours.
making redundant threads is against board rules

remind your boss youre pissing in an ocean of piss.

life is a meme

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because there are 20 threads of this already. you aren't worth censoring.

>inject disinfectant
He never said this.

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He literally said it

Ok keep telling this to yourself it will eventually become reality

It’s only censorship when it suits their needs.

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Quick drop some truth bombs while you can. This might be your only chance.

no, you are quote mining, just like all the shitlibs.

Only retarded incels still like trump

Yeah but when you're up against a guy like trump it's easy to find quotes

>call yourself intellectual
>can only win whit intellectual dishonesty

well I expect nothing less from shitlibs

The funny thing about all this are the trumptards who defended these bullshit methods as "unproven" treatments.

drink bleach goyim, its free real estate

by your logic, no medical advancement could ever have taken place.

>no organ transplantation
>no vaccination
>no cancer treatment, be it radiation therapy or chemical

especial cancer treatment is a funny subject, you literally use deadly chemicals and radiation.

DO NOT LOOK UP UBI (ultraviolet blood irradiation)
ONLY BIG PHARMA CAN SAVE YOU ( at $1000 a shot)

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You are delusional

No, youve misread. The treatments and procedures you listed were unproven then turned out to be effective after trials and thus proven. The treatments trump proposed have long been disproved.

What I fucking love about this story is how since yesterday trumptards have been coping by saying that "he didn't mean it" or implying there was some kind of ground to it.
Now he just admit that it was retarded but didn't mean.
What does that fucking say about his cultist?

So are memeflags.

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>mods deleted my threaderino
probably because all of you memeflags keep posting repetitive threads. you're desperately trying to shape a narrative you know will never come to pass. he's going to be your president for 5 more years. but don't worry, comrade, nothing will change. then he'll be gone. then we'll get back to being openly run by bankers and international finance like our Jewish God intended.

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Is bleach good for you?

Trump is one of us and all the shekels for all the shills and showmen mean nothing to us.

Keep paying, keep posting because the messaging is reversed, the spell turned unbroken upon you; shining the light of truth upon you.

The drink bleach meme is old. What was that bitches name who did it hella long ago? Amanda?


Trump is one of us and all the shekels for all the shills and showmen mean nothing to us.

Keep paying, keep posting because the messaging is reversed, the spell turned unbroken upon you; shining the light of truth upon you.

>long been disproved.

>fallen out of fashion
>only sporadic research done in the last 70 years

remind me again why Sulfonamides are making a comeback?

Nice plebbit spacing, faggot. Wring those hands a little tighter.

People are fucking retarded. Haters just looking for everything they can to make the fearless leader look bad. They are just salty cause their team keeps losing to someone they see as inferior to them. Bunch of losers lol

I want you guys to remember this is the person you voted for. This is the person you've been advocating

>Remove blood, UV treat, reinsert blood
>Supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way.

Not even remotely the same shit, cope harder faggot.