Have YOU remembered the Alamo today, Yas Forums?
Have YOU remembered the Alamo today, Yas Forums?
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Another US defeat and surrender? Sorry forgot that one
Actually no, there was no surrender, unlike every story in the history of frogland, frognigger.
No surrender. 185 men fought to the death for their right to be free.
Why would I want to remember dead white men? They were slavers and fought to keep the evils of slavery from being destroyed by the noble Mexicans. If I remember the alamo it'll be for Santa Anna.
Ah then just another defeat then.
You're welcome for your independence, kike
maybe if you baguette faggots couldve kept emperor maximilian in power and backed up the confederacy, the world wouldnt be such a shithole, double-kike,
We can't fight all your wars sorry. We already got rid of Cornwallis for you.
You didnt get rid of cornwallis for me, you got rid of him for yankees, who you let buttfuck your backstabbed knife wounds repeatedly.
Almost as if you got what was coming to you.
You WISH you was in Dixie.
New Orleans must've been a gem.
Texas was it's own independent nation when the Alamo happened you retarded projecting surrender monkey.
And we paid the spics back when we sieged Mexico City.
Name ONE war won by the US on their own
to think all those spic cartels couldve been fruity euro bread bakin, cheese chuggin, wine swirlin queers.
tsk tsk.
How about the one we are currently talking about you retard.
Name one war in modern history that France won on their own, without having to be bailed out by England, Canada or the US
You surrendered tho.
Name just ONE war won.
Cowardice flows in your veins mutt
World War 1,
also World War 2
All of them
We are number 1
Read a book maybe????????
certain guy from Corsica comes to mind brainlet, literally best commander of all times
You just gonna ignore getting your shit pushed in by Germany consistently since 1871?
>showing last months when France Britain and Russia literally got credit of 99% of the Central Empires losses
>won by British intel and Russian manpower
Napoleon got his ass rocked at Waterloo
>number 1
>manlet euro coping
Yeah I guess winning against Russia + UK + German States + Italy + Spain had to stop at some point
The US has yet to win a war
You are kiiiiiiiiiiiiiikes
Really shitty military history
Suits a nation of cowardly negroes quite well
Still lost, frog
No he didn't. He barely lost, only because Ney was a retard that did that whole pointless cavalry charge and these two dudes, can't remember their names, failed to pursue the prussians, which were smacked down easily
Nigga, he conquered Prussia in 7 fucking days. He was unbeaten for nearly two decades. There's an 'era' called after him for a reason.
Is there a single war you've won all by yourself? No, seals don't count.
Thought so.
I've been to the Alamo, nothing to see and nothing worth remembering. Davey Crocket was a retard
There is more books about him than days past since his death
Based Poland still mentions him in their national anthem
Are you... brain damaged?
The US won the war with Mexico, that's why we own Texas.
Are all frogs this stupid?
And where is his empire now? France hasn't successfully defended herself against foreign invaders since Napoleon without Anglo help you nigger
The stars at night,
Are big and bright...
i prefer this one
Fuck yea, Napoleon was based (outside of dumping a giant debt on us and sending our boys to haiti to die off niggers and diseases). Rothschilds, the fucking kikest of kikes bankrolled Britain and Prussia and Austria at the time, tells you who should've won.
Awards of US : we have won a war against tacos dealer.
Napoleon is at fault for the rise of liberalism and you are literally a confused and uneducated man that only knows of the romance of Napoleon and not the tragedy.
That one was where it all happened for Texas.
Also its memorial obelisk is cool
yeah and Hitler is responsible for nationalism becomming a political taboo, entrenchment of marxism in every facade of western societies, Israel existing, jews having unbreakable political power, European colonial empires collapsing and 5 decades of communist rule over half of Europe.
Yet Yas Forums still suck his dick despite doing more damage to the white race than anybody ever.
>Napoleon caused the rise of liberalism
>Thats why, following the Napoleonic Wars, imperialism and conservatism ruled supreme for nearly a century, until germans ruined everything.
sure Enrique, sure.
This. This napoleanic circlejerk is literally the equivalent of worshipping hitler without realizing the true damage he left on the west
polack is mad at uncle Adolf because he lives on German clay
They ayayay to this day over it kek
ur black
Nah. 185 men held off an army if 5000 for 13 days before they were finally killed.
I live in a jewish shopping mall. Thanks for nothing
yeah, sure, we live on "german" land, despite them stealing that land from us in the first place, sure.
you stole literally ALL of your lands as well Cheng, give it back. Das rite, your "argument" is beyond retarded and you know it Shao Ming.