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Don't fucking say it! He knows libtards are too stupid to drink bleach, he knows only the smart, upstanding Trump supporters are intelligent enough to understand him! Bleach is OUR TREATMENT SO WE CAN SURVIVE! IT IS NOT FOR THE LIBTARDS DELETE THIS THREAD NOW!

When you get a wisdom tooth removed swoosh some hydrogen peroxide.

>Trump says to inject 85 gallons of hydrogen peroxide into your kid

he's honestly incredibly retarded even for an american

>Drudge really is the best. He is no man's shill and he never has been. One of the few men in media to truly have stayed independent.
This so much

Trump knows how to keep his urine clean so he doesn't have hamburger time.

Attached: no more hamburger time.gif (500x282, 144.64K)

Baby killers.

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i bet miga will start drinking bleach to own the libs now

he is Trump

Fucking Drudge is unreadable lately. What's going on?


>t. Tranny bleach drinkers

trump abandoned his base, so his base is now abandoning him

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His ego will not let him accept the fact he knows nothing about medicine (that would be admitting the "experts" are better than him) so he keeps making stupid comments.

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Did you forget about dumbasses eating tidepods? Americans are fucking stupid and need parental laws and warning labels on common sense

Drudge quietly sold out. Go to rantingly

>Fucking Drudge is unreadable lately. What's going on?
Fucking Trump is uncomprehendable lately. What's going on?

Corrected! no need to thank me!

I injected 10ml of bleach yesterday and I feel great, no more cough and my feet stopped tingling

Lmao calm down leftypol

hes a literal gay jew. It isnt too surprising.

>seething commies

You're fucked when even drudge turns on your stupidity

The truth the lying liberal media doesn't want you to know is injecting lysol works! I recently tested positive for COVID-19 and at first I was asymptomatic but after a week I came down with sneezes and fever and soon it was hard to breathe. This was weeks ago but I read about the benefits of lysol and was wiping everything down with it and thought, you know, this is killing the corona outside my body, why not inside? So I found a syringe and got a diluted mixture of lysol, water, and lavender essential oils. I filled the syringe and placed the vial inside my anus. Which is the best way to take medicine. And it burned at first. My poops were a little raw the day after. But soon my sneezes went away! I could breathe! Honestly the liberal media is just trying to kill you to make Donald look bad. It's obvious. The media is the enemy of the people! WWG1WGA!

it's never hamburger time if you just switch your pee with someone elses

stop believing headlines on drudge, dumbass.

Sold out to Google like over a year ago now.

you keep voting against your interests

even Sleepy Joe is dunking on him

Attached: joe.png (1182x354, 71.98K)

Trump is so goddamn stupid

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Imbleach Trunp!

What do we honestly have to lose if a bunch of people drink bleach?


God you leftists always mess with Trump over fuckin anything!

>show me where Trump said to Drink Bleach
OZONE THERAPY you faggot leftists

fake news
trust the plan and inject yourself with bleach

Low effort post. Do some research next time faggot!


Who gives a shit? Trump says poorly worded nonsense that gets taken out of context every day, why do we need more than 10 threads on this particular one

That's something a commie would say