A statewide antibody study found that 21.2% of New York City residents have been infected with the coronavirus, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said on Thursday.
The study tested 3,000 New York residents statewide at grocery and big-box stores for antibodies that indicate whether someone has had the virus. Overall, it found that 13.9% of New York state residents had been infected.
The highest rates of past infections occurred in and around New York City, which has been the epicenter of the US outbreak. In Long Island, 16.7% tested positive, and in Westchester and Rockland counties, 11.7% tested positive. In the rest of the state, just 3.6% tested positive.
"What we found so far is that the statewide number is 13.9% tested positive for having the antibodies," Cuomo said. "They were infected three weeks ago, four weeks ago, five weeks ago, six weeks ago, but they had the virus, they developed the antibodies and they are now recovered."
>politicians lying so the wagies can make some jews rich
Andrew Phillips
Test. Post are not showing up or delayed.
Nathan Young
>Herd immunity, anyone? It's people who are going out and willing to hang out in a big box store in the middle of all of this, and spend extra time there, around strangers, to get tested. So basically there's a massive selection bias there. I know Republicans and conservatives don't want to hear this, but this is how science works. I know Republicans and conservatives don't LIKE science, but these are the facts.
Also a large percentage of those people will be testing positive in a PREsymptomatic phase. Note not A-symptomatic by PRE-symptomatic, as in they are in a prodromal phase and will develop the COVID-19 illness within the coming days
Jordan Diaz
Lincoln James
It’s an anti body test you absolute brainlet.
Thomas Jenkins
Can they look for specifically covid19 antibodies? Or are we talking about random cold and flu as well?
Matthew Carter
Imagine being desperate to be a wagie again. Leeching jewish tax dollars beats work anyday. Get a real job you 16 year old.
Brandon Cooper
You guyim must go back to work, but don't you fucking filthy maggots even think of going to a bar or restaurant. Don't you care about 90 year old diabetics with stage 4 cancer?
Bentley Gray
You can still have positive antibodies tests in the early stages of infection, user. It's less common, but it still happens. So you'd have to figure a large percentage of those people, on top of the selection bias, are presymptomatic
Xavier Lee
it would put the morality rate at ~0.9%, roughly 10x worse than the flu
Noah Smith
It means this is a flu, memeflag.
Isaac Phillips
>it's less common >large percentage
Cameron Adams
Just remember china who has been lying thw hole time to save face said their fatality rate was 4%. The people lying to save face say 4%.
Robert Scott
>but don't you fucking filthy maggots even think of going to a bar or restaurant. retard alert. Service industry is most of the conomy. those are the ones they want open as soon as possible
Adrian Cook
Each strain leaves everyone with antibodies. This shit leaves only 20% with antibodies, means it can and will reinfect people.
Colton Peterson
Yes. That's right. Those two things aren't mutually exclusive you absolute anti-science mong.
Dominic Wilson
That's if everyone they say died from covid actually died from covid. Which is clearly not the case.
That’s assuming the covid death count hasn’t been inflated. They weren’t testing everyone, they don’t account for cormorbidities. Basically anyone with any corona symptoms is written off as corona.
Luke Baker
healthy diet, exercise, exposure to sunlight. That's all that's really needed, but it's hard to teach old dogs new tricks; even though we've been telling them for at least 60 years.
Evan Moore
Are you NEETs still thinking this is the end of the world? You happening fags have never once been right. Never once.
* Death and critical care risks are drastically lower than reported. * We're much closer to herd immunity than anticipated (>=66%) and likely would be at herd immunity if not for the lock downs. * Contact tracing is absolutely useless for trying to contain the spread of this virus because of the number of people who have no symptoms and no idea they ever had it. * This is basically a faster moving flu that is slightly more lethal to at risk groups. We have literally detonated our economy of a flu.
Colton Clark
Imagine being anti-science yet calling other people anti-science mongs.
Isaiah Wood
>americans literally repeating CCP talking points KINO LADS. You did it.
21% with so few exposers LITERALLY means the virus isn't anywhere near as lethal as the msm are claiming. you'll also make a note of how vague they are in exposure time.. this is because they are going to have to explain just how COVID-19 killed so few people. and finally, why is new york the epicenter with lethality rates dwarfing everywhere else on earth. really should get the noggin joggin.
Dominic Rodriguez
they don't always have enough tests to confirm confirmation. So they confirm it 1) they display all the symptoms, and 2) if another person close to the deceased person has a confirmed case.
Sounds pretty reasonable to me.
Blake Miller
You realize some people actually enjoy their work.
Joshua Garcia
>Imagine being anti-science But I am literally a scientist. But whatever. Nothing on this website is important.
Lucas Moore
No you don't. They may or may not develop symptoms at all. If you have data showing othewise, please share.
Easton Williams
perfectly summed up.
Caleb Gonzalez
China’s entire goal was to cause a global freakout.
Xavier Miller
About 1% of the adult population, yes. Most delude themselves in to thinking being a wagie is okay.
>They may or may not develop symptoms at all. Right. That's how it works. Nobody ever argued differently. No idea what you're sperging out about other than that maybe you're stupid and illiterate.
Some of those people who are newly infected may never develop symptoms, or at least not symptoms that they are consciously aware of, but most will. Despite the sensationalism from right-wing media, there's no good, sound data that has no bias or proper methodology that suggests that asymptomatic cases are any sort of a majority. Asymptomatic cases are prob only about 1/4 of total cases, but it is hard to tell so early on because there is still so much we don't understand.
Isaac Foster
Kek /cvg/ on suicide watch
Levi Ward
You're a bad one
Eli Wright
>two more weeks >within days oh npcs you funny
Nathan Clark
Can someone actually say what the flu’s death rate is? People said it was 0.2% back when we thought the covid rate was 3% in Italy and now all of a sudden happeningfags are quiet about what the actual number is.