All of women would look like this if Hitler had won
All of women would look like this if Hitler had won
Me in the back
but i like brunettes
like dudes? no thanks
She’s gotten too fat. Used to be decent.
Ugh what could've been
the reality
she is a brunette
hitler would have banned bleaching because it's haram
Surly you mean like this
No they wouldn't
don't bump this retards
>all women would look like an obvious tranny
thats a man
Don't lie its not that simple
gdit she looks fantastic all the damn time fuck this shit
Ive never seen a white woman like this in real life
>taylor poster
Pew pew
And they still wouldnt fuck you.
Brunettes with blue eyes are the best why they always bleach
Are you implying Taylor Swift isnt blonde? Lol
Thank God he lost
Flat chest
No curves
I seriously love taytay so much
>All of women would look like this if Hitler had won
They'd look like Jews? Are you sure?
I hope you put cum in her dinner.
ya well all women will look like this when the Japanese win
>"Be positive sport, at least you're not pressing 2 for German!"
Check out her mom. Then tell me you support hitler.
good riddance
Have you got a laughing lumchan fren? I need one