Michigan stay at home orders extended until May 15

>Michigan stay at home orders extended until May 15

What is going to be done about this little creep?

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>illusion of authority

probably get reelected. Now sit your tight ass down and take the quarantine.

Nothing. Forget it, Jake - its Detroit.

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>Nooooooooooooooooo I want to die for big linearino!!!!!!!

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Nothing. And nothing is going to be done about this faggot and his muh June extension.

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I like her.

Hopefully it gets extended until October

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Them titties tho???


It probably will. Democrats seem intent on total global breakdown of the supply chain.

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Just ignore it, I've been going out almost every day

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considering i make more on unemployment are i say this is pretty based. Now just do it permanently.

>Democrats are the real anti globalists
Dare I say, based?

Not as pissed, can at least get the fuck out of my area now.

She relaxed/reversed all the orders she/the state was being sued for. I'm sure the 15th will be the opening back up day as she is finally being hit with push back.

Hopefully she'll start to open up more business as time passes. I'm personally fine with the decision but do worry for those struggling to make ends meet. I applied for unemployment a month ago and still haven't seen a penny. Luckily I had money saved up plus the federal stimulus check. Best wishes to the rest of you Michigainians out there. Hang tight.

Nothing kills commies like commies. Good, hope the entire corridor fucking starves.

>What is going to be done about this little creep?
Corrective rape.

>May 15...
More like June 15. It a power grab. Please turn in your Guns and Sneeds.

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I wasnt following her orders anyways and im still wagecucking, so i dont really care much.

that order is merely a suggestion but it is pretty funny reading boomer's posts on facebook asking what the outside world is like because they haven't left their house in a month and a half thinking that the apocalypse is happening.

Literally grounded by their govner

gotta get that VP pick somehow

VA is till June 11th, fuck off

Do something about it...

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Even Trump is saying to stay home now, so probably not much.

In MD literally zero people listened to the lockdown orders. We as a state ignored it so hard they lifted the entire thing in like a week.
They naturally didn't tell anyone they lifted it but they did.

Dont give a fuck, just let Ohio stay away from her bullshit policies and open the gyms back up asap

maryland is going in the gutter. Cant believe it hasnt already become a hot spot.

Yeah, I know. And yesterday he said inject bleach into ourselves. Im starting to feel embarrassed about supporting him before. I think he actually might be retarded

user, its just the flu. Lockdowns don't stop it from magically happening.
Every place that is ignoring this draconian shit is doing fine. There is no actual pandemic.

One things for sure, we can't let him have access the nuclear codes, Fellow Republican.

>What is going to be done about this little creep?
A podcast with Biden where they talk about hairy legs and vice presidency.
Meanwhile, pic related is why we're all getting locked down.

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At this point I am convinced this is nothing but a power grab and a weak one at that considering she lifted her last set of order after a week and a half of implementing them. But other than that, her basic stay and home order will last till June and nothing will be done about it.

you are SO Not in this together.

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Ohiofag detected

What does that even mean lol?
Every US citizen that ignored it is together in this in rejecting tyranny outright.
And none of them have magically turned into lepers.