I’m a jew

Hey guys, it’s ya boi, me, the (((them))) boi. Ynow I’ll be getting my orders from the *insert slur for Jews here* any day now, so I can finally control all of you and keep up the lie that the mass genocide called the holocaust was obviously fake because all of the people from the concentration camps are liars and the pictures are fake. I’m hoping I will get to control at least 4 banks. I’m really hoping that (((I))) will be able to control you all soon. :)

Attached: 9FE57BFF-DA18-4375-95E8-B52478679352.jpg (338x381, 15.68K)

Other urls found in this thread:


That’s great user, I hope you’ll be doing good!

Come on man bro, leave it alone. Build Israel with love, things based on love can last for ever, things based on hate always goes lost.

nice thread chang, real quality stuff


Oy gevalt!

You realize that this is the internet right? You're allowed to say kike if you want. No really, I won't even tell anyone.

We can help you, just step into this room right here. I know there isn't any furniture and thats a little weird...Don't worry, you won't be standing much longer and you can finally take a break and relax.

How is shit like this getting so many (you)s


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Yeah lol, but realizing this fallacy might, you know, hurt some feelings?

Attached: cc-16.jpg (770x514, 57.14K)

>You realize that this is the internet right? You're allowed to say kike if you want. No really, I won't even tell anyone.

Oh sorry I just forgot which slur we are using now

You realize this is a site controlled by jews right
just like corona virus was planned and then 20 pandemic series and movies instantly came out

its actually just 1 big joke at this point next joke trying to up the ante.

Your only outlet of sanity in this shithole back to front world is a site controlled by jews used to demoralize you, you who ultimately know the truth and cant do anything about it, your own people will stop you and destroy you from saving your own kind, who are going extinct.

theres even further levels to the joke. @fbi

Attached: MV5BOTU0ZGVmY2MtMTM1OS00YmNlLWE1NGUtMGYyMjI1MjY1NWUzXkEyXkFqcGdeQWFybm8@._V1_.jpg (1404x797, 118.2K)

Drop meme flag then, falseflagger

I'll start

Why you give him 4 banks eh?


Attached: Annotation 2020-04-22 022239.jpg (526x540, 42.16K)

See you soon.

Slide thread

imagine thread

jewdarators bump to top

over my half ass attempt at a real thread as any slightly real thread of content just gets swept under the rug here

imagine thread

jewdarators bump to top

over my half ass attempt at a real thread as any slightly real thread of content just gets swept under the rug here

i hate jews

Take it easy with the autism, user correctly noted that this is a slide thread so take the hint and no spamming

Oh, REALLY????

I thought everyone loves Jews on this site

ok retard

Attached: 1495887325521.jpg (960x720, 49.62K)

Too late:


Nigger - the kikes responsible are part of a particular MAFIA. It's not ALL kikes in on it, dumbass. Most are realistically under the impression they're not part of any grand conspiracy - but - Jewish nepotism, it's extremity, it's extent, and the general poor moral hygiene of your people causes all of you to be insufferable in general. These are not things you'd typically be aware of, they just play out in your devil-spawned life over time.

larping as a jew
cool story discord tranny

What even is that picture

The state of academia

>expelled 1,030 times
Full list with sources: chuckmaultsby.net/id154.html

Fun fact: Norway had it WRITTEN INTO THEIR CONSTITUTION until the late 1800's that jews were literally banned from their country


>The truth about the jews, the holocaust and the world wars:
>The truth about jews and slavery:

Attached: wake expelled.jpg (924x10000, 2.05M)

i cant can you help me?

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