New York State

wtf went wrong?
NY has almost 1/3 of total US cases and almost 1/2 of total US deaths.

Attached: NewYork.png (1093x963, 142.76K)

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Nothing. It is the cycle of life

Attached: AD797769-4DE4-49E7-86EF-0F6F5A1223A9.png (784x625, 454.47K)

I hate seeing that man.

NYC is a dirty unhygienic city. The subway is a Petri dish of pathogens in normal times and it was never shut.

New york city is a shithole.

I swear NYC is responsible for the entire pandemic all along the east coast.
They really fucked up.

>wtf went wrong?

Subways. Get a fresh dose of virus™.

Attached: nycsubwayWuhanBlackDeath.jpg (1536x2048, 428.08K)

they are just early

so many dirty bums

Bullshit, the other states will come no where near NY's numbers, not even NYC's.

they will catch up during wave 2 and be in much worse position

>wtf went wrong?

You mean a vrius that transmits through the fucking air with a higher than reported R-Naught # infected millions of people in one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world because of how slow the US Gov't response was?

We have the numbers out of NY that we do because they have tested more than any other place

Say it ain't so!

Attached: 1574739503599.gif (448x252, 1.99M)

nothing. the world wasn't ready for a pandemia

what went wrong? literally and unironically pic related.

Attached: coronavirus redpill.jpg (1920x1200, 1.82M)

Fucking saved.
PA just removed 200 deaths because they were miss reported. That's complete nonsense.
NY just fucked up.

NYC is a vertical sewer
a multi kulti shit hole where people live like insects

The subways are a disgusting pig pen.

The world would've been if the world would've known it existed right when it started. CCP covered it up for months.

Thats what I tell people. This bad but wtf would have happened if stage 2 was ebola chan. The short of it is we would have all died. Also I want to pay half going forward for healthcare, it's a shitty service, for what you pay and its obvious it isnt getting better. I laughed and laughed when best healthcare system in the world ran out of masks before it even started.

Im redpill PDF user - im making version 4 right now which is why I made that last image. but you can feel free to read version 3.

Its long but worth a quick glance through, gonna make a short version and connect the dots.

Even similarly dense cities like Tokyo didn't have such a high count. Don't know how Jew York fucked up so bad

Exactly. Same as Washington State and California. They got it first yet are lower than some of the other east coast states that New York spread the virus to.
It's like they got chinamen to coof everywhere.

democrat areas are disease ridden shitholes.
this surprises you?

>The subways are a disgusting pig pen.

Attached: photoRisk.jpg (1080x1302, 208.48K)

What surprises me is how they fucked up so badly compared to other disease ridden democrat controlled shitholes.
I really thought it'd be California with their shit covered streets and homeless problem.

Attached: 1585513828613.png (642x348, 320.07K)

Population density is obviously in play here. It almost would appear that stacking on top of each other and breathing into each others mouths is unsanitary. Who would have guessed?

b ump

this was god's punishment against globalists and globalization.

NYC / northern NJ has a lot of international travelers and is very densely populated.

more like who gives a flying fuck about anything covid related

>New York
>what went wrong?

The difference is when mitigation steps were taken. California was quick. New York took forever to close schools.

most densely populated place in america. massive amounts of subhuman gooks fly in daily

Upstate here. Don’t lump us in with cityfags. They are vermin.

The only thing the federal government could have done was shut down travel and tourism around Christmas and New Years time.

NYC is a hub of tourism and immigration and international travel. Just for New Years alone you would have had millions of foreigners coming in on planes, at the airport, on subways and then at the New Years parade. The city is crowded and dirty. It only takes a couple of people who are asymphtamatic carries and do not know they have it to spread it to large masses of people.

The US is also not doing worse compared to Western European countries either. That is propaganda. The real solution would have been to shut down immigration and travel along time ago.

Attached: De Blasio March 11.jpg (1119x872, 146.2K)

Attached: De Blasio March 2.jpg (1125x1232, 149.78K)