most of the continent did not receive a drop of rain in the last 40 days. the rain intake for this spring is only 25% of the average, and this trend has been seen stabilizing in the past 5 years. does this not worry you in the slightest?
This is the current trend of precipitations in europe
>does this not worry you in the slightest?
No, we have figured out how to get water other than waiting for it to fall from the sky.
I've been doing threads for months of how Amerimutts have destroyed Europe's climate and every European should beat the shit out of every American spotted on the street for their pollution and climate denialism.
This is a 3rd disasterous spring drought in a row back to back, combined with barely any snow in winter we have another calamity.
Americans should be fucking harrassed
and where do you think said water comes from, moron? aquifers need to be replenished by rain and humidity draining from the soil. rain is indispensable, you are not. kys
How much of this is caused by the mangetic pole shifting? Is there any trustworthy research on this?
>Americans are responsible for global pollution
yes they are, along with china and india you're the greatest polluters on the planet.
we've been getting a fuckton of rain
sorry to steal your rain lads
Yes, the most polluting nation ever also the biggest concentration of climate denialists in the world
i have no idea, the sources on which i looked talk about a geopotential variation in the air masses above the atlantic, generating anomalies by attracting the african anticyclone from sahara to europe and then lasting above europe, with its core in britain. this phenomenon has become increasingly frequent
I wanted to wash my bike with rain water today. There was not a single drop of water in the water tank.
>you're worse though
And you're pretending that your carbon emissions aren't detrimental to the environment. Blame corporations and governments for this, but not some random fucking burgernigger lmao
Sun uses 12 year cycles
We can shift the jet stream (put a kink in it upwards or downwards) via weather mod
it rained 5 days staight until today
t. estremo ponente ligure
burgernigger lifestyle is mostly to blame.
The sandpeople are invading and turning europe into sand
>climate denialist
You're an anti-vaxxer, conspiracy theorist, white supremacist, incel and misogynist. We all are.
That's not very nice of you.
Dutch Welle: Artikelbild 24.04.2020
Berlin activists stage climate protest
Protests may have been restricted during the pandemic, but young climate activists in Berlin have found an alternative way of reminding people of the other emergency threatening life as we know it.
Covid19 causes global warming, GW causes earthquakes. It's anudda shoah.
It's been raining on and off for a week shitalian
Global warming caused the virus by increasing the probabilities of harsh climatic events in areas with high human and animal density.
Read on how the Great Plague of the 14th century started. It was droughts in China that caused rats to move to areas with high human densities, carrying the fleas with their deadly bacteria. Then the desease was carried through the silk road and ended up in Euope. There it killed 30 to 50% of the population during that century. And it wasn't over yet: the Plague restarted locally from time to time during the 4 next centuries adding millions of others to the death toll.
ahaha what a moron, really an amerimutt comment
Science. No sources, no measurements, no experiments, no theories, just blaming someone else for a complex problem that is not fully understood.
I think he was referring to reverse osmosis.
im kinda worried i got a wooden cabin in the alps with its own water source. theres also a 2nd natural spring on my property which i never used, but it did dry up 3 years ago. hope that shit doesnt affect my water here.
Last year it was the same in April, and then came May - 31 days of rain and cold.
Ah yes, blame us and not the Chinks or Indians
The way you type and word makes it pretty evident you’re not even Polish/from Poland.
well then let’s get rid of the countries with populations in the BILLIONS instead of millions? mutt land is tiny.
i can't remember rain anymore
last time must have been before the lockdown and i don't remember those times
We have lost 20% of our agricultural land due to desertification and have failed to have any good harvest in more than 6 years.But on the bright side 70% of our food is imported from Germany,Netherlands and Turkey.
Nigga it just rained last Saturday night for like 4 hours fuck you on about
And what action did fuking polish gov take? There has been "worst drought ever" every year for like last 6 years and literally every person working with water/geology says Poland is turning into a fucking desert. And our gov dont give a single fuck no new waterways or plans to recreate swamps only bailouts to farmers each year for lost crops. When they once tried to create tanks near rivers to storage water for dry summer local people did nigger tier uga buga black magic we dont want technology on our land and they backed off. In 10 years we're gonna live on the fucking desert and no one gives a fuck
Been raining like fuck here, thunderstorms and shit
Most parts of Europe do have enough water, it just has to be put to use.
Farmers are conservative to a fault: "muh daddy didn't need no stinkin' irrigation, so I won't either!"