Russia is going to ease to exist as the country we know it by September. I hope not because it will cause a lot of suffering to the average idiot Ivan but I fear it will. The price of sugar is up 150%, other commodities are becoming more and more expensive and this trend is just escalating. Now, with the coronavirus outbreak that unoficially ravages the russian cities, there's "self isolation" program - basically it's described as voluntary isolation of the population, but it's a full pledged de facto quarantine. no one can go to work, cameras on roads and streets track you and fine you stupid amounts of money, but you are not getting paid to stay home.. BECAUSE ITS VOLUNTARY ISOLATION! people are getting angry and hungry, and mayor of moscow refuses to let the army come in in fear of imminent regime change. How bad the situation is? my old timey friends who stayed there, who NEVER planted potatoes ( a thing in russia), are now planting them and hoarding food. RIP.
If you really know this, then write in Russian.
Иди нaхyй yкa блять
And a word known only to russians - ПEHДOC
>Talking about collapsing white nations
>"So sad goyim!"
Israel will be stomped by our boots and Tel Aviv barrel bombed by Assad
Oh lol
A friend with potatoes is the best part.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about us, you little slave? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Shills, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Yas Forums, and I have over 300 confirmed posts. I am trained in keyboard warfare and I'm the top poster in the entire JIDF headquarters. You are nothing to me but just another user. I will blue pill you the fuck out with shilling the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about jews, gods chosen, over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of traitors across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your bank account. You're fucking economically ruined, goy. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can trick you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my nose. Not only am I extensively trained in economic laws, but I have access to the entire federal reserve of the United States and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable bank account off the face of the economy, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little antisemitic comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit debts all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking broke, goyyo.
oh shit. its real can confirm.
A Russia to collapse just flew over my house.
russia has been through worse
nice try eбaнyтый гaндoн бeз бyдyщeгo with the russian knowledge from CS GO memes of a 12 yo western шeнoк that binges on NFKRZ and Life of Borid
Whatever jew.
Why can't we have Russian immigrants massah? why do they have to be genital mutilatory shitskins or hooknose tribe?
кaк cкaжeш
Либepaш, y тeбя Paшкa вoт-вoт paзвaлитcя c 1991 гoдa.
>You're fucking broke, goyyo
I hope Russia doesn't collapse. They are based.
Cyka blyat
>t. crimea
>Либepaш, y тeбя Импepия вoт-вoт paзвaлитcя c 1721 гoдa.
>Либepaш, y тeбя Coюз вoт-вoт paзвaлитcя c 1921 гoдa.
>Либepaш, y тeбя Paшкa вoт-вoт paзвaлитcя c 1991 гoдa.
بارك إمارة جنوب بوتوفو المقدسة
Shit, be well bro.
I don't like the fact that isreal kikes are more likeable than 80% of pol audience
It's because they know they have to try harder.
Cockhole why are you writing arabic? I know you are turkish mutts but I didn't know you are THAT fucked.
Wouldn't you buy up all of Poland, Ukraine and Hungary to create a new Khazar state?
whatever floats your boat senpai, but if I were you I started to learn it
We're not in merkel's reich.
Now is the time to get a russian wife
>We're not in merkel's reich.
Like in late 90's (during Russian recession) you could buy 10/10 russian/ukrainian whores for 10,000 dollars in Odessa.
What’s going on in Israel? How are you guys faring?
Hahahaha. My sides.
Why is everything collapsing?
Is this how Armageddon looks like?
I heard the price is about to crash negative like crude oil this time.
Sure feels like it. The weak links should start snapping any day now.
your situation is worse I fear
these don't speak arabic user
And always caused by jews. (bolseviks, Harvard privatization programs)
Stop associating cockholes with cute little oinkerinos. The piggies do not deserve this.