Why do so many Americans defend this orange retard...

Why do so many Americans defend this orange retard? I can't believe the amount of damage control and cope going on this board, it's almost like they're being paid to shill for Trump.

Attached: Trumpbriefing1.jpg (768x392, 48.3K)

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I couldn't tell you where you live or who runs your country."mini russia"

Well you wouldn't know where I live since Americans don't know geography.

same, they are way too emotionally invested at this point

nonsensical fpwp

Why do so many people accept the video clip at face value? I just got shown the BBC's clip by someone who was mocking him and the most noticable things that nobody seems to talk about are that it starts mid way through the subject, depriving us of context, and everything he is saying is him recounting a discussion with an expert and the quotes that people keep parroting are questions he asked the expert, not statements.

Yeah trumps def a retard on this one. Holy fuck I couldn't believe it. It was like I was in an elderly retirement home and he had heard this from his grandson.

Hes an embarrassment to your nation.
Total Joke.

Attached: 1582684916300.jpg (749x807, 103.83K)

it is a personality cult. weird that the right has decided to worship a guy who has seemingly been friends with the left-wing and lived a degenerate life

Trump is a retard that never read a book in his life, like most of the retards that voted for him.

Nice spacing faggot

It's the same with dems and demented Biden. It's quite entertaining to watch.

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Despite reports that he reads more than most people? You’re literally retarded

Trump wouldn't have half the scandals to become with if he just stopped thinking out loud lol

>all disinfectants are lysol and bleach
Why are leftist so fucking stupid?

Ok, 'dying Spain'.

Everything the media has said about him is a lie.

COVID19 is the flu and democrats are antiAmerican pieces of shit.

Luckily Trump will win again in November.


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Remember when Obama through more journalists in jail than anynone else and separated kids at the border (like the law requires to make sure they're really related?)

Yea either do liberals even though it happened.

You people are fucking retards with sub-80 IQs.

try again retard
no shekels for you for this poor performance

Attached: fuckingretard.jpg (987x827, 240.8K)

It's a cult. If he looses to sleepy Joe in November expect mass suicides.

I bet you don't know how vaccines are grown do you.

You're a parrot parroting bullshit.


this is called a shitpost
you are NOT supposed to reply to it.

The topical disinfectants that kill the virus in "one minute" are those such as Lysol and bleach. Trump may not always be wrong but he surely is a retard. If he wasn't the president I couldn't see anyone defending his idiocy.

>dude lmao people should edit what they say otherwise the media will edit what you say out of context

Not all of them are paid, but there are certainly some people on the RNC and GRU payroll here. There are certainly some southern trailer park sticker-car boomers on here too, people who migrated here from RedState, FreeRepublic etcetera..

This is truly the golden age of boomerposting. Slave morality.

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Because we love to mine salt.

It's a mental gymnastic cult here.

Hi comrade.. I um.. just like you i've ben scrubbing like hell with antimicrobial soaps and gels, and just like you I lick my fingers when I shouldn't. I've probably got half a pound of lysol in my lungs now since for 2 months you and I have been spraying it everywhere like paranoid jokers....
> the imaginary co-lib commie op friend above is not me you retarded ass sucking monkeys

Attached: Trump 1000.png (600x363, 314.64K)

The right wing of this country has revealed their true colors and they put their all-in on trump. They HAVE to rally to him or face their party disintegrating.

Assuming we don't collapse, I'd love for a new conservative party that actually advocates fiscal conservative views while abandoning the retarded social conservative views.

LIberal low-IQ cretin niggers (because that's mostly who votes for democrats) get BTFO
MARCH 29th


ok boomer!

Careful now you're hurting feelings by posting that

Again this just shows more of Trump retardation. Maybe if he actually was literate, people would know what the hell he was talking about but instead he talks in gibberish.

Deal with your own chink flu epidemic first pablo

>posting a fake tweet is a thread with an out of context video
Just about sums up the kike medias approach to anyone they don't like.

Considering the media was trying to convince governors to ban an inexpensive commonly used drug to stump Trump it was good idea shine the laser pointer at some other bullshit for the media chase face first into the wall.

>fucks with media about O3 & UV therapy
>world flips shit
I fucking love these Corona briefings, they've essentially devolved into Trump fucking with the media for an hour a day. Very lulzy, will vote again. Trump 2020

Sunk cost fallacy and wishful thinking. They have defended him for so long that they just cant bring themselves to break with his dumb opinions, so they pretend its just all a ruse, he is just playing 5D chess and pretending to be retarded.

>the amount of cope.

They are. Trump has a network of blue checkmarks that push his talking points and a lot of them spam that same shit here to field test it and see how it plays. You can see how this worked with the bleach shit. First it was "he was misquoted" or "taken out of context" but even here he was getting mocked for it. So now the white house is saying he was being sarcastic.