Your opinions on MAPs

Your opinions on MAPs

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The logical conclusion that the LGBT movement in general was always hurtling toward. Proof that slippery slope is not a fallacy

great tool if you wanna get somewhere but all phones now have GPS so you dont really need to know how to use em

what do you mean, MAPs?

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I was going to make this joke rip

It this doesn't wake the normies up then nothing will.

joke ?
is MAP some acronym or something ?

I think it means a person attracted by minors moyshe

It's a weakness of mine that I feel like people who are attracted to children but not offending (Including not looking at drawn porn) should be helped in some way, possibly with medical intervention if it exists, including elective chemical castration so that they may become normal people to a degree.
However, the instant that line is crossed I have no remaining sympathy. If they look at pornography of any sort involving children they should be chemically castrated to remove the urge and forever placed on a watch list. If they touch a child, execution by lethal injection.

There can be little leeway in this because any such allows for abuse to happen. There are flaws with this, especially with any such cases which happened to be around/across the age of consent but as I said, once that line is crossed you have to be firm.

MAP = Minor Attracted Persons. It's an umbrella term for diddlers ranging from babbies to late adolescents.

Back to R.e.d.d.i.t. and r/Yas Forums with you

thats pedo why you need acronyms

Wasn't this place better before it got raided by moralfags?

The image is from facebook if you were wondering

They are fringe at the moment, right? No way they'll get included into lgbinsanity.

I'm a pedophile. I live quietly and don't hurt anyone, but I know I'm not harmless. One opportunity, one slip of willpower, and I could hurt someone irreparably.

I basically just isolate myself except for work to minimize the risks. I do not need acceptance, tolerance, or political backing.

were you always one? was there an age you realized?

then go back to facebook you idiot. this isn't difficult, close this tab and never open Yas Forums again.

It's called a euphemism.

>except for work
Please user tell me you don't work for a daycare...

Marriage age should be 18 and no sex outside marriage. Death to anyone who says otherwise

>Your opinions on MAPs
Great if you need to get somewhere, horrible if you are a minor.

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why would you need euphemism for pedo

MAPs are B&R. Fuck grannies and fuck jannies.

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Around 16 when my preference stayed at about 11-12 years old.
A warehouse. I'm serious about not putting myself in a position to be tempted.

“Minor attracted person”. Newspeak for pedophile.

Pedos and Sandniggers get the rope
