ITT What Trump actually said, that is driving the shills bananas today

Part 2.

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I like boobies. Let's discuss boobies


shut the fuck up and drink your bleach leaf

I prefer big saggy milkers with gnawed nipples

>He actually owns libsssss! Giezzz I'm Surious!!
He was told intense UV light and disinfectants kill the virus in a petri dish. The dumb motherfucker than tries to extrapolate this evidence and say "it's only a logistical problem getting those irradiation sources INTO the body."
Dumb leafs are trying to justify the logic of a toddler rather than seeing our dumb as fuck president for what he is.
>This is really just 5d chess, GEOTUS is supa smaht
Inject you dumb fucks.

No. What I'm showing is what he actually said. Not the farce and misrepresentation the shills and MSM are currently spewing.

Which is probably why you're so butthurt about it.

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>doesn’t recognize a tongue in cheek statement
Do you need the government to hold your microdick while you piss

You didn't watch the video leaf.
He is pushing the idea that they should be evaluating using intense UV light and possibly disinfectant in the body.
He doesn't know shit about basic biology.
Absolute zero.
Inject, you dumb fucking leaf.

everything he says is 100% accurate.

All the experimental treatments, some new and some revisions of old....use injection of disinfectant...and placement of UV inside the body

This is one of the funnier meltdowns I've ever seen on the left. You fuckers are so blind you can't even google for 5 minutes any longer and find a medical journal


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All happen outside the body you fucking boomer.

Drink bleach guys.
T. Trump

I cant believe Trump told me to dissolve my children in bleach and disinfectant and then inject them into my other children to cure the virus. Doesn't realize that could be dangerous?

>user doesn't know about Ultraviolet therapy or HGDS
sucks to be you, chump

Are you even reading them?

The Healight goes inside the lung via a form of intubation.

Hyodroperoxide is a nebulizer that injects into the lungs and coats the surface.

I feel sorry for you.

>Trump says something dumb, like he does every day
>people make fun of it

Republicans actually believe what he says.
Low iq


Why so angry? Did you run out of purple hair dye?

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It's not.
You are wrong.
Man Yas Forums died when all these sub human boomers came in.

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drink bleach

Wasn’t he just asking whether or not injection into the body was possible? Why did the media say he “urged Americans to drink bleach?”

Are your retarded?
That whole bit was him asking a docter if they were researching stuff like that.
Holy shit fuck off you lying piece of shit.

You're clearly a shill since I've provided links to a nebulizer (one of many) as well as internal organ UV light treatment.


Hold on the lysol and inject bleach shit is coming off the press at lightening speed
Does this mean trump does have credibility here hmmmm


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I'm really smart guise.
T. Trump

No true Scotsman eh

>trump says something that's not dumb
Best part is you leftards think you're actually smart.

Trump is the biggest lier in presidential history.

>not liking Trump means you're leftwing

>is there a way you can do something like that
Do you know your own language?

>trying to spin the retardation into something meaningful
it's getting boring, he is just plain retarded

what's it feel like to be dumber than a nigger?

Nebulize h2o2 will denature proteins in your lung essentially cooking them. So will UV light.
Corona binds to heme groups in hemoglobin in your blood.
These treatments do far more damage than they could help.
Boomer shills out in force trying to support their retarded president.

Republicans have lower standards of education.

He actually wanted to inject disinfectant into people. I thought it was just trolling but at 35s he literally suggests injecting disinfectant.

You said something that makes me mad. Therefore you are a shill.

I'm not going to play semantics with some kike faggot.
>I know, i'll insult them! take that haha me brain still biggest

That correlates with, but hardly causes or even measures intelligence.

>muh republicans
>muh democrats
They both want the same things for different, and wrong, reasons.

The orange retard told people to drink bleach. Trumpniggers btfo

Or a 3rd worlder, yes. A vote for Trump is a vote for replacing RBG with another Kavanaugh or Gorsuch. Now tell me why that's a bad thing, shill.

Biden is a senile old fool, but at least he can string a coherent sentence together from time to time, and he's not giving people dangerous medical advice. Trump on the other hand is more than a few tater tots short of a combo meal.

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And Covid19 kills people and forces them into intubation which is a death sentence.

So in an all out onslaught on a body, you can use those one or both of those two therapies in trace amounts to slow down the spread and give the body time to recoup during the spread.

Try again.

See: chemotherapy

I guess it's better to just let the patient die a painful death as the cancer spreads as well right?

You fucking suck and people like you are the bane of Western civilization.

He's literally advocating for blasting people with UV or injecting disinfectant. He's retarded.

Yet he's not. Injection refers to nebulizer. And UV light is referring to the Healight and derivatives thereof.

Have you not slept since 2016?

I bet you think only republicans lie.

>all the asspain ITT

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I would love a link if you could provide one to shut up my friends.

tried googling it's all crowed by liberals jerking off over what he said.

Chemotherapy should just be repeated a million times today
To every single poster
Make them suffer

don't coom plz

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Imagine reaching this hard to defend your senile double digit IQ boomer. He could literally state 1+1=3 and you'd find some way to claim it's correct.