I don't understand the reason why / pol hates bullfighting

I don't understand the reason why / pol hates bullfighting.

For those who do not know it, bullfighting is a Greco-Latin tradition that Spain kept for more than 2000 years.
I thought you liked the culture of ancient Greece and Rome, but you are like the basedboys with your NOOOOO MY POOR BULLERINOOOOOO NOOOOO THIS IS BARBARIIIIIIIIIIIC


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It's a stupid-subhuman pre XXI thing, very Spanish indeed

Show your flag

>sum cuk literally plays with a prepped bull

I don't believe in goring animals for my amusement. I don't believe in torturing animals for my amusement.
I think these things are very unnecessary, and also cruel. While yes, people do need an aggressive outlet. Boxing and such things work just fine for that. I do however find the Matador rather cool.

also this

bullfighting is based and redpilled

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>a prepped bull

? this is a toro bravo or toro de lidia, this type of bull only exists in Spain and Portugal, this is not the common peaceful bull, this beast will kill you.

It's not barbaric. Anyone saying this is retarded or ignorant. Cattle is treated very humanely until the moment they enter the stadium, unlike in slaughterhouses which lets face it most of them are not humane.
Also the bull gets eaten anyway so food is not wasted, in fact it entertains.
Additionally the bull gets a chance to prove himself. He can actually be saved if the judges deem him worthy to reproduce. Eugenics should be a plus here. Not to mention he gets a chance to maul to death the fuckers who are trying to kill him.

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Yeah this reminds me of those videos of chinese people torturing a yoked bull to death for no reason.

This shit belongs to a different time and really has no place in the modern world.

Because it's a fucking joke. They bleed the bull before the matador fights and it's still a fucking bull.

You people act like it's a tiger or a bear.

based tauromaquia

I was obsessed with bullfighting when I was a kid and I wanted to become a torero. What's funny is everyone I meet from Spain either doesn't care about corridas or thinks I'm weird for being into it.

This must be how weebs feel when they meet Japanese people.

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This is not a regular bull this is a toro bravo, OMG

This bull can easily kill a tiger.


> They kill an animal slowly as a crowd screams

Would even prefer gladiators if they were going to fight voluntarily.

These are Iberian fighting bulls, they're half the size and twice the muscle of regular bulls and once they are separated from their herd, they become heated and angry and will fucking kill you.

Ever see the running of the bulls in Pamplona? You see those pastores with the whips? They are there to whip the people to keep them from separating the bulls so they don't end up killing anyone, they're not there to whip the bulls themselves.

it's gay

Plz no bull parades

They're also starved, parched and hit in the balls several times before they even see the toreador. The bull's already half-dead before he goes through the gates, it's gay as fuck.

see and

What?? why are you lying?

It's subhuman and needs to be ended and its subhuman supporters exterminated.

Enseñad la bandera, sé que sois latinos ardidos. Estáis jodidamente obsesionados con España.


Kek Nothing funnier than an argentinian getting burned to death.

Agreed. Gladiatorial matches are a better blood sport because you get to see human ingenuity. Somebody could fake out their opponent or come up with a new plan on the fly, not just taunt a panicked, enraged and already-injured animal.

I'm fine with it.

Fox hunting too.

It's a bull who gives a fuck. Seriously people are so soft. It gets a chance to fight. It lives a good life. It's an animal there for our use.
Life isn't a Disney film. That bull isn't going to go home, wash up and tuck in his wife and kids. It's a giant, dumb animal without a sentient thought it it's literally thick fucking skull.

A spectacle of bravado and talent is worth more to a people than the welfare of one raging ball of meat.

They don't tie it down and slice at it. It's not torture. It's not sadistic. It's sport. There's a difference.

This is bullshit. Anyone who knows anything about these bulls knows they're bred and cared for with the highest quality, each one has its own name and grade. Also, they live three times longer than any other cattle and live in their natural habitat in the dehesa and if they show a good performance, they are pardoned and allowed to return to the dehesa to breed.

These horror stories about how the bull is tortured before the match is propaganda by animal rights homos. Look at the camera in the bull's pin before he's released into the ring: Does that thing look or behave as if it's been beaten, starved, or drugged?

Anyone with two eyeballs and clearly see a healthy coat, wide, bright eyes, and it's body thrashing about waiting to be released from the pin so it can finally run about. Drugged/starved/beaten/tortured animals don't have this level of vitality, if they have any at all.

Psycho detected

True, the bullfighter has to train for years the technique of bullfighting, otherwise he would die. This is the essence of bullfighting, a 500 kg wild beast against an 80 kg man and his technique.