Why is this irrelevant third world shithole in the news so often?

Why is this irrelevant third world shithole in the news so often?

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They supply gas to Europe.

>third world shithole
second world, friend!

Shills make threads encouraging anons to shit on Poland, Ukraine, and Russia + to encourage infighting between anons from these countries.

Anons should recognize this tactic and avoid taking the bait or bumping these threads.

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not anymore.
You're poorer than us, lmao

Few reasons why:
1. Boomertards still thinking it's the 70s and 80s trying to fight a familiar enemy.
2. Russia trying to feel like a big dog when it's a has been loser.
3. Russia is a surprisingly effective troll.

If the rest of the world just ignored Russia and focused on the chinks who truly are the bigger thread, we'd move forward.

Tldr: boomers being tards and Russia trolling.

Because they have the largest nuclear arsenal.

Because of this

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Mark my words. Russia collapses in around september, screen cap this if you must.
Probably some territories will form new nations, like the osetia region, but the rest will stay under another dictator or military rule.

thats not how it works, dumbass
open a book once in while

Because they are always chimping out over something and trying to provoke Europe

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I always dream that our generals would launch a nuclear attack on Europe, where their children study and wait at home.

Anglo-American news need an "enemy" for domestic purposes.

USA and Europe need a boogeyman. Russia is the best option for a boogeyman right now.

because they have the nukes and they have the natural resources. Imagine Nigeria having all that - practically the same thing

it's a great big tragedy that biomass excuse of a people got hold on those things, but that's the world we live in

Because boomers watch TV and boomers were raised in the cold war.

>calls countries irrelevant third world shithole
>be from south africa

How's that Jenkem doing, Tudor Franklin Voorhees?

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It's a bogeyman that won't retaliate in any way, no matter how much you shit on him.
I dare you to antagonize someone like China on that level. No one will, because apparently they quietly own everyone.

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>Stupid south American claiming the definitive Second world country is not
Thats almost as dumb as someone claim the USA isn't first world or your country isn't third world.

Russia should be collectively nuked by the restof the world, tbqh.

hello untermensch

I agree

To go out in a flash of nuclear hellfire would be a blessing. Too bad you niggers won't do shit.

Most people dying during a nuclear strike don't die instantly

>collectively nuked by the restof the world
The nigger proposed something that would surely make us all die instantly.

>tfw Russia is a literal third world shithole and you are only relevant because of nukes.

Yeah, so?

Rent free lol.

Envious African, even a good manga will never be made about your country. Not to mention movies or books. You are not important in terms of world history.

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compared to brazil theyre clearly not

Cuz of this

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The only relevance Rusktards have in world history comes from communism, genocide, imperialism and international terrorism. Surely something to be proud of.

And this

Attached: chartoftheday_8301_the_countries_holding_the_world_s_nuclear_arsenal_n.jpg (960x684, 211.01K)

And this

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And this

And we are providing more than 40% of gas in Europe.

It is pretty important. Oil and some other things too.

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>18 tanks

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Because they are a relevant third world shithole.

Russia is the back-up boogeyman if China loses the top spot.

At least you don't have to look for my country on the map, unlike yours.

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>basically we are only relevant because of the army daddy Putin uses to terrorize the world and his citizens.

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I know right.

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Kek, my country was a leading world economy throughout most of the 20th century, then you guys came in and fucked it all over.

ppp is a meme

Weaboo-debil at its finest

1. China is too powerful.
2. USA is falling apart.
3. Russia enjoys the attention.

We make a not bad movies, I haven't heard of any good Venezuelan movies.

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GDP comparisons using PPP are arguably more useful than those using nominal GDP when assessing a nation's domestic market because PPP takes into account the relative cost of local goods, services and inflation rates of the country, rather than using international market exchange rates which may distort the real differences in per capita income.[3]

The US dollar is dying, so nominal is also not very relevant. We will have to find a new way to calculate this bullshit.

I dunno I wish we weren't. Leave us alone, somehow no matter if you like or don't like Russia or even don't care the discussion about us is impossibly retarded.