/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3425

► Detected: 2,768,062 (+45,018) ► Died: 193,863 (+2,944) ► Day: 106 (-09:35:36)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 10x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 70 vaccines and 273 treatments announced —
— 3,529 strains have been sequenced —


Italy claims virus found in dust clouds, fully airborne

Some strains 270 times more infectious than others

Infection causing sudden strokes in young adults

Blood thickening associated to infection

Virus killed more Americans in 1 month than the flu in 1 year

Virus doesn't show up on throat samples

South Korea "recovered" case reinfected

Survives up to 9 days on different materials

Survival rate if you need a ventilator is very low

Spain doesn't report cases discovered post-mortem

Beijing scientists: virus probably originated from Wuhan biolab

Infected in India only discovered post-mortem

Mayor in Italy says death toll 4 times higher than detected

▶ 3122 new cases and 109 new deaths in Turkey
▶ 12 new cases in San Marino
▶ 49 new cases and 2 new deaths in the British Virgin Islands
▶ 7592 new cases and 683 new deaths in the United States
▶ 494 new cases and 6 new deaths in Chile
▶ 50 new cases and 6 new deaths in Cuba
▶ 206 new cases and 2 new deaths in the Dominican Republic
▶ 4 new cases in Jordan
▶ 8 new cases and 3 new deaths in Andorra


Attached: CVG.webm (1920x1080, 1.31M)

Other urls found in this thread:


The hip thing now is Iranian camel piss, get with the news

Where's my hebbenings

Pic related is the type of burger this happening is.

Attached: DD670065-7153-4C65-8123-ED905A5C0AE2.jpg (209x259, 28.42K)

How do you even eat this?
Any American here who can answer?

Where's the Italy update?

Rate my PrEP goyssssssssssss

Attached: 1585056796843.jpg (1444x2249, 1.08M)

rolling for ca nuked third time

Are we past peak

Lads I feel bad for /ourgirl/ being locked in, how long before she is set free to travel and fuck whoever she pleases again?

Attached: 1585853743123.png (700x901, 532.66K)

Attached: 1586186952610.jpg (640x360, 17.89K)

Bite, chew, swallow. How else?

What is she thinking?

Attached: mVCBZXbRQ06wHzzx-[00.00.000-00.50.197].webm (1280x720, 2.67M)

How many of my fellow pedes have drank bleach? I just downed a gallon and will be attending an "Open the economy" rally today.

You don't.

Or a knife and fork, with three other friends.

Better luck next thread user

Attached: 1585157412628.jpg (600x900, 189.28K)

Goddamnit, I don't have any access to Camels here!

Attached: 1587683317704.jpg (720x960, 72.88K)

3k new cases

Attached: Knipsel.png (574x58, 2.97K)

Post one, request one. Please cite full file number

Attached: merge_from_ofoct.jpg (1735x3851, 2.42M)

How do they taste?

>he knows economy better than anyone else


chad gokcek tv leads the charge against chinks.

>if true, this is casus belli for china vs world
>chinks closed travel between hubei and shanghai/beijing, but not to istanbul, ankara, america, paris etc. there are very little cases in shanghai/beijing, how's that possible?

I am surrounded by idiots.

Like this: youtube.com/watch?v=g6JsDxDPTas


Attached: loved.jpg (600x585, 82.54K)

Get a better burger picture if this is going to be your threadly spam.

Attached: This Is America.webm (640x640, 2.67M)

nice ID

>it's raining outside
How does Corona perform on rainy days?

Attached: 125o984192841928412.jpg (444x444, 22.19K)

Are their daily cases up or down?

Is that looserman?

is this true bros?

if anything, I would've liked to consume more proper media instead of pointlessly scrolling online

Attached: wojak.jpg (750x983, 81.02K)

Italy had 2600 yesterday, today 3021

Nobody has the balls to actually go to war against China, it just won't happen as much as i want it to

it's never gonna end

>How do you even eat this?
>Any American here who can answer?
You turn it sideways, dipshit.

Attached: Americanization of England.webm (480x480, 2.9M)

Very strange

Attached: 1585793352582.gif (842x584, 3.52M)

goddamn you glorious bastards accelerate

Attached: 1586505138337.jpg (556x798, 47.21K)

Pick one.

those are some nice milf viral milkers


Attached: 124.jpg (730x487, 92.34K)

#1 United States 894,034 (50,919) #2 Spain 219,764 (22,524) #3 Italy 189,973 (25,549) #4 France 158,183 (21,856) #5 Germany 153,584 (5,577) #6 United Kingdom 143,464 (19,506) #7 Turkey 101,790 (2,491) #8 Iran 88,194 (5,574) #9 China 82,804 (4,632) #10 Russia 68,622 (615) #11 Brazil 50,512 (3,365) #12 Belgium 44,293 (6,679) #13 Canada 42,773 (2,197) #14 Netherlands 36,535 (4,289) #15 Switzerland 28,677 (1,578) #16 India 23,502 (722) #17 Portugal 22,797 (854) #18 Peru 20,914 (572) #19 Ireland 17,607 (794) #20 Sweden 17,567 (2,152) #21 Saudi Arabia 15,102 (127) #22 Austria 15,071 (530) #23 Israel 14,882 (193) #24 Japan 12,368 (328) #25 Chile 12,306 (174) #26 Singapore 12,075 (12) #27 Mexico 11,633 (1,069) #28 Ecuador 11,183 (560) #29 Pakistan 11,155 (237) #30 Poland 10,892 (494) #31 South Korea 10,708 (240) #32 Romania 10,417 (567) #33 United Arab Emirates 9,281 (64) #34 Belarus 8,773 (63) #35 Qatar 8,525 (10)…

#1 United States +7,592 (+683) #2 Spain +6,740 (+367) #3 Russia +5,849 (+60) #4 United Kingdom +5,386 (+768) #5 Turkey +3,122 (+109) #6 Belgium +1,496 (+189) #7 Saudi Arabia +1,172 (+6) #8 Iran +1,168 (+93) #9 Mexico +1,089 (+99) #10 Brazil +1,020 (+52) #11 Sweden +812 (+131) #12 Netherlands +806 (+112) #13 Belarus +751 (+3) #14 Canada +663 (+50) #15 United Arab Emirates +525 (+8) #16 Bangladesh +503 (+4) #17 Chile +494 (+6) #18 Ukraine +477 (+6) #19 India +463 (+1) #20 Germany +455 (+2) #21 Portugal +444 (+34) #22 Indonesia +436 (+42) #23 Poland +381 (+40) #24 Romania +321 (+22) #25 Kuwait +215 (+1) #26 Philippines +211 (+15) #27 Serbia +207 (+5) #28 Dominican Republic +206 (+2) #29 Egypt +201 (+7) #30 Moldova +184 (+4) #31 Switzerland +181 (+29) #32 Panama +174 (+2) #33 Denmark +137 (+9) #34 Ghana +125 (+1) #35 Finland +111 (+5)…

Attached: CVG.png (2000x1027, 354.4K)

>Argentina is raining
>Denmark is +40 degrees Celsius and rising

How do we stop global warming chan?

Attached: 6F8CE551-E492-4874-A8DF-D637D4358E9D.png (588x441, 240.6K)

I need the 2 mil update

That's painful to watch. Just fucking pour it over it, damn.

Game changer.
A UPenn health system pathologist is exhuming bodies at a nursing home that has its own cemetery. He’s performing rt-PCR testing on lung tissue and found SARS-CoV-2 RNA amplified a unique region of the RdRp segment. The earliest victim of the “novel” coronavirus was 2002.

Corona will stop it.

kill them holy shit
just kill them

what use are these negros to anyone

They dropped in quality and dont get posted thta much anymore

Attached: 1586717099237.png (998x652, 1.08M)

Do you have an actual article? Even a preprint would be fine

Attached: 1524265037153.png (760x805, 113.6K)

Not even 1 pm edt and there's 63k new cases, maybe we'll get another 100k+ new cases day

Up from yesterday, 2,600+ yesterday

Thank your ozfags

Attached: move em niggers north.jpg (750x483, 52.12K)

Are you guys retarded?

checked I guess, but I'ma need a source on that.

Checked as well.

I was under the impression Argentina was a first world country.

Attached: 1435048610930.png (939x776, 11.04K)

so it's just mutated SARS?

A kind pole-user draw that along with pic rel

Attached: 1585867994639.png (600x900, 203.75K)

So we're definitely not past peak?

Attached: 1568022488821.jpg (1024x784, 49.52K)

Spain, what the fuck? Why did they had such much today?

>18:30 european time
>63,699 cases
Is this much? Are we going for 100k today?

Attached: 1582890357180.jpg (1080x1074, 769.14K)

tell your mother to give me my money back

Are new Italian cases from people infecting each other in the same household?

What's funny about this picture is that there is only 1 confirmed case of a criminal infected with corona

these people are useless to society why are we even keeping them alive holy shit

Is this some sort of degenerate pornography meme?

Attached: 1585952080881.gif (150x250, 791.63K)

post ur feet

Spain is going for a record
Actually literally every European country is going up again, from Italy to Germany

>why do they always get sexualized THAT hard

Attached: 1585001935198.jpg (924x1004, 432.3K)

up from yesterday and again 3k they're well over 6 weeks into quarantine now

>What's funny about this picture is that there is only 1 confirmed case of a criminal infected with corona
That's one too few

Attached: demonstrating my saiya style.gif (420x360, 2.15M)

Trump and co. Have failed miserably
>lie about virius sevearity
>lockdowns that do nothing because "its just a flu bro"
>focus on building ventalitors that save nobody
>focus on testing, that will save nobody and is unreliable
>antibody tests are useless
>thousands die every day
>nothing is stopping it from wiping out the country given more time
>normie cattle wont listen now because its obviously a deep state hoax to take away muh freedoms
>"um...what about drinking bleech?"
>trump and co. are washing thier hands of the situation, pretending it doesnt exist and hoping it magically goes away

Attached: c58e23b18c6764b277ea63cf5b75dabc.jpg (900x579, 73.81K)

explain yourself Spain

I took the coronavirus test in preparation for going back to wageslaving. No results until next week


>the romanian media keeps telling us that we haven't reached our peak yet

>pic related exists

FUCK The media. Fuck the government and fuck the idiots who believe those lies.

Attached: 1104612-blank-355.png (355x253, 263.88K)

How long until civil unrest? My guess is it begins in summer and picks up with the resurgence of the disease in the fall.


Waiter: Sir, is this enough cheese?
Me: Could you please paint it with cheese?
Waiter: Pardon?

Attached: Melty Cheese.webm (640x640, 2.37M)

i dunno man

Attached: 1586439876963.gif (600x700, 1.48M)

What a f

Nothingburger, my black boyfriend had it and he got better by drinking orange juice barely any symptoms.
His testicles and cum were fine too.


Tits or gtfo

what is ecuador?


They somehow lost the Coronachan lottery even worse than places like Brazil and India.

Because people are retarded

Any Spanish user here? My retarded brother says there is 6k in Spain again because they
>count everyone with antibodies as a new case

This will be worse than anyone can possibly imagine

Attached: felled.jpg (225x225, 12.84K)

there's no peak, those are just people winging their job with stupid predictions

The stupid tattooed hand explained it all then.

Attached: mac-and-wild-london.jpg (768x960, 85.91K)

Ecuador fucking doubled in 24 hours. kek

Attached: Screenshot 2020-04-25 at 12.41.04 AM.png (558x74, 12.93K)

How did that work out for you last time?

Attached: anon i dont think so.png (1407x921, 2.23M)

▶ 3021 new cases and 420 new deaths in Italy
▶ 11536 new cases and 16 new deaths in Ecuador
▶ 1581 new cases and 94 new deaths in Brazil

Attached: CVG.png (720x480, 221.23K)

Yes. We are.

>these shitty little gay numbers barely 5k deaths by the end of the day worldwide

Attached: 1549246581800.gif (404x347, 1003.32K)

Nice, zoomer lum is hot

Attached: 1587395829127.jpg (443x332, 16.4K)

Ti-o pui cu cabral?


There is no peak
Human extinctions in 2 years

what is romania?


Do they have a deadlier strain there or something? They also have a huge percentage of dead. Of those 11k, I bet 10% are gonna die.

I'm turning religious.

This is what we get for ignoring Christ for so long.



Attached: file.png (422x38, 4.9K)

>LARPing as a female
>who dates niggers
okay user, you're officially a faggot

Are you a bot?

Why the fuck is the dot green now, it was blue a few minutes ago. Fuck fuck fuck

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Are new daily infected numbers actually from 2 weeks ago due to lab time?

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noice, needs more tp


Attached: Fuck.gif (200x267, 857.62K)

I'm an essential worker and I can't even get tested, I still have to go to work.
At least now I work nights which means that I'm mostly alone at work.

> I bet 10% are gonna die.
Over 30%

Some reports guayaquil say over 7000 deaths

how is it only 16 deaths?

I am a real human bean.

>state already opening up
>I have to start job hunting again
Fuck this gay earth

Attached: 1326828617842.gif (450x254, 1.74M)

they didnt wash their hands

Attached: 1584319588483.jpg (767x696, 110.84K)

was it 70 major strains? you need to get at least 70 vaccinations then.
LOL at vaccination tards

Look up Dakin Solution. Bleach chemical is used to treat infection. Trump isn't wrong to ask if it would help. Also look up UBI and Aytu Bioscience for UV light treatment.

I consider canon up to 1M

No, for we must accelerate

Attached: 1581387602829.gif (868x766, 3.82M)

yeah this is the nothingest burger ever 5 k a day pffff the atom bombs dropped on japan did 100000 in seconds call me when corona achieves that

>not herd immunity

personally I like to inject my bleach with a needle much more sanitary

how many cases was Ecuador reporting for the past couple of days?

Attached: 1585262940575.png (1000x948, 306.9K)

also apparently she handles moisture and heat well

Its the case here anyway.


A country just like yours,congo

Are you guys having lockdowns? Because if so, that's not a peak, that's a slowdown due to lockdown. Wait until it gets lifted.

>11K at Ecuador
>Just this day
What in the fucking fuck.

Attached: 1581599354983.png (362x352, 141.19K)

Oh holy shit, it's actually true

Attached: equa door.png (1139x958, 105.04K)

>only 11k
complete nothingburger

200 - 500 daily, except for one day with +2000

Attached: LET THE BODIES HIT THE FIELD.png (3108x1418, 2.37M)

>420 new deaths in Italy

Attached: italy 420.png (1770x836, 742.73K)

HAH, no tegnell has explicitly said we need a vaccine. not that im gonna take one.

Ahura Mazda is the true God of this world.

Attached: ecua.png (933x595, 24.88K)

No joke, what the hell happened?

Attached: you didn't manage.jpg (1000x563, 86.05K)

>Over 30%
>Some reports guayaquil say over 7000 deaths
thats fucking crazy. I guess shit medical system is to blame for a lot of that too.

>they didnt wash their hands
fuck WHO and that meme. they knew all along that the most infectious vector was airborne and all they said was that you don't have to wear a mask and only wash your hands. fuck those chinks!

>also apparently she handles moisture and heat well
I saw a paper few weeks back that it doesnt... is this a new development?

Attached: 1565566709543.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)

Sweden made this virus

Attached: sokay.png (700x700, 2.93K)

I work for the gubmint so they of course don't want us infecting the important people. We might even get n95 masks upon reopening.

>not going to work and coofing/spitting all over your boss's office/ car door handles etc.

Attached: 1587502747072.jpg (1327x1018, 428.88K)

>During week 13 and 14 Sweden this year had 1000 more deaths than normally
Purple line is this year and the Sian/green line is the average year
But remember its just a flu

Attached: 134348437348.jpg (1880x830, 223.22K)

How many times must I remind you people
>Please don't strongly interpret the dot!
That being said you should look into psi research. SRI did a lot of it for the CIA which eventually developed into project stargate and project grill flame.
This talk Jacques Vallee gives where he discusses a remote viewing experiment he ran as part of his network computer research back on ARPANET is crazy stuff

Attached: 1587168907668.jpg (386x573, 73.82K)

Is there anything special they do here or do I just heat up a side of a block of cheese in a pan then spread it?

probably 3 more days and we're gonna pass korea

mutation perhaps? could be

back when /cvg/ was good

The calm before the storm. It was blue because it was winding up, now we are in the eye of the storm.
I still believe we're gonna get a high profile death today, possibly live, or a proper escalation towards war.

I'm more interpreting how it seems to be winding towards the middle, but will spike in either direction soon and then something will happen.

aw shieet

Attached: 1587049165983.gif (560x420, 174.55K)


She's doing quite good even on lockdown. No other infectious diseas comes close. Soon she might be at full power agein if idiots lift the lockdowns

Attached: 1586661577664.jpg (1400x1980, 724.48K)

Attached: svensken_er_ond.jpg (495x738, 78.35K)

Wtf are you?

Did they recently got more test kits?

who cares,qatar?

Don't forget the best girl

Attached: 1585912830647.png (600x900, 171.3K)

>Coronavirus update just came in, time for me to beat the shit out of you
>yes, honey

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-24 at 11.55.26 AM.png (846x396, 71.57K)