Serious discussion on why they send entire shill brigades in on stupid as shit topics.
They don't really think this will work do they?
Do glowies actually think people are that stupid?
I guess it wastes our time...? But I just filter and it would appear they could use their resources better.
What gives?
Why Do They Bother?
The basic goal is to render the site useless. (((They))) have succeeded at that.
>send glowies to shill
Imagine being this paranoid
Take your meds
They will be assimilated
> most important political person says something stupid
> most stupid political board talks about
Yea, I guess.
But it still doesn't explain why to choose the most blatant retardation.
Seems you could do the same thing and push believable narratives.
Why do they bother trying to manipulate Yas Forums in any capacity? This beast is untamable. Let them waste their shekels.
>doesn't recognize patterns
its called shitposting and only retards fall for it.
I'm more curious if Trump applauds his Jewish Son in law before or after he fucks his daughter each night.
They have a narrative to push, and the only disinfectants are lysol and bleach... obviously.
>The basic goal is to render the site useless. (((They))) have succeeded at that.
do you still believe Yas Forums is some super secret boys club on the internet you need a special handshake to get into? I don't blame you, man children have a delayed process of time due to an arrested development of adolescent emotions
Alright. So how does this problem get countered?
I can't think of a world where what you said makes sense or is a response. So I'm just...gonna...
>can't get Jew penis off his mind
Checks out.
Yea, so they all just in there talking to themselves? lmao
It seems generally ineffective.
Filter Awareness General?
Rather on my mind than in my daughters vagina.
topkek memeflag.
drink bleach, retard
my body my choice
give me the clorox injection!
This, just flood the catalog with identical garbage and bait threads. More people post in them than report them, and they reply to each other too.
I'm sure it's just indiscriminately astroturfed across all platforms and websites
Why did lysol come out in 24 hours to correct something trump never said but 3M stayed quiet while the MSM and WHO told the world for over a month mask dont work and dont wear them how many lives were lost due to this.
is there a manipulated campaign going on here?
Inject brother!
you're pretending that a congregation of posts revolving around "corona" is proof of CIA shillery wherein I faithfully argue fellow spirited user that Yas Forums and pol are the single most popular and high trafficked websites on the whole internet and you are still believe Yas Forums is some backwater secret level explaining away chan's popularity as some glownigger conspiracy
don't inject the lysol
this site isn't useless? what?
this is the goal, but they haven't won. If anything, i think its working against them. They aren't changing any minds here, all they do is spout the lowest possible IQ arguments that leftists have, and then proceed to be systematically BTFO by dozens of people. What effect do you think this has on the probably thousands of new people who come here every day and read the conversations? Which side do you think is more convincing? Shills are literally shooting themselves in the foot with their shitposting.
To call back to the old adage: they are pissing in an ocean of piss. They aren't making things worse, they are just putting a spotlight on how bad their arguments are.
It's the PATTERN. Like your pattern of faggotry.
The zeros on my post are the usual demoralize and blacked threads that generally hover at 2 or 3 all day lon, every day. They are all zeros at the same time corona adds more every two minutes.
So I recognize a pattern. I see ANOMALIES.
Thanks for playing.
>Do glowies actually think people are that stupid?
Clearly the President is that stupid...and anyone who actualaly supports his stupidity is even more stupid.
When 9/10 threads are about the same thing with the same OP narrative that he said something he did not and a very specific lie gets repeating on a site that is literally the most UN-PC on the internet its a operation bud
this is why you are on politically incorrect and see threads about anti racism and people supporting PC narratives or what ever flavor it is that week as if it is a natural culture here
This 100%.
I've said the same thing before.
The actual effect is to hone our argumentation so that when confronted with a normie spouting the same nonsense, it can be demolished in swift and efficient fashion.
the question becomes more why don't you question the possibility that trump actually said something stupid more so than why is this place being brigaded?
(((They))) don't have to do anything. It's you fucking retards, it's always been you idiots. The most obvious bait and schizo threads constantly get bumped while actual OP's with a thought out topic for discussion get ignored because you goddamn fuckwits literally can't help yourselves but reply.
I thought people were too smart to fall for the ridiculous levels of anti Q shilling but I’m not sure. It’s so obvious and predictable but somehow some Yas Forumslacks think a real person is asking them to take their meds. Yes, I know it now gets used ironically
Just like with pic related, the media failed to mention that the hydroxychloroquine the woman administered to her husband was fish tank cleaner
Islam has a term for it: Kitman, or "lying by omission"