I watch Tucker almost every-night just because I keep Fox News on in the living room. But can anyone honestly say that he isn't a brainlet who just constantly talks over his guests and argues with pre-made talking points?
I watch Tucker almost every-night just because I keep Fox News on in the living room...
I'd feel worse about it, but
(1) he's way less bad about it than any leftist, and
(2) there's no point in trying to reason with leftists anyway. They are unreachable and should simply be purged.
Anyone pushing "die for wall st" right now is evil. The end. Tucker is one of the people pushing that, along with the rest of fox news. I liked some of tucker's segments about immigration back in the day, and I liked when he LARPed as a lefty with anticorporate stuff. But he's shown himself to be a total metaphysically evil mouthpiece for his billionaire masters. "A millionaire working for a billionaire" as that one fag dude who went on his show put it.
He's probably more intelligent than you realize, but he has to tone it down for his audience.
Agreed 100%
But he also shills for Corporatism and Imperialism without even knowing it sometimes.
That's my original OP point, he's too much of a brainlet to know what he's arguing for half the time. I've watched him argue for Socialism without calling it Socialism and then next week talk about the evils of Socialism.
Hey rabbi, watcha doing?
>pre-made talking points
you mean facts
>keeps fox jews on in the living room
>calls someone a brainlet
It's been so sad seeing the McKinsey guy talking about china being a collectivist society and tucker attacking him in return with ultra individualistic cuckservatism and with the "muh poor goatfuckers are in camps" bs(and talking over him when he mentions WW2 jap camps). He is literally the most redpilled TV personality in America and that's his rhetoric. America will never be united as a nation again, it's all going to be individuals jerking off to the free market forever. Blackpilling
(Although fuck chinks and fuck McKinsey)
>I've watched him argue for Socialism without calling it Socialism and then next week talk about the evils of Socialism.
Left wing socialism is bad, right wing socialism is good. Or at least that's a reasonable excuse. I'd like to think Tucker just isn't showing his powerlevel for his own safety and livelihood and will allow himself to speak more freely as the zeitgeist shifts. inb4 flag
Can't watch Tucker now that I've discovered Graham Ledger.
I would vote for Tucker as President in a heat beat.
>who just constantly talks over his guests
That's how you can tell you've never watched. I can't wait til tonight. The average person is going to think "did Trump actually say to drink bleach? I'll watch an another news program and see. "Welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. The stupid democrats are telling their stupid base that Trump said to drink bleach, these people are stupid and they say stupid things" then they leave the channel on and get educated. He destroyed McKinsey & Company last night.
Tucker is the only talking head on the MSM I bother watching or listening to. The rest of them are awful. For a mainstream guy, Tucker is pretty fucking based.
>I watch Tucker almost every-night just because I keep Fox News on in the living room
>I have the boob tube constantly on in my home spewing propaganda and telling me how to think.
Congratulations OP, you were the brainlet all along.
Imagine actually spending even a single moment of your life watching cable news
no I like him
He did well when talking to gabbard and yang. I don't watch tv much though.
The only people saying "die for wallstreet" are commies like you. It's a leftist talking point that leftists made up. And yes, they are evil.
I bet a dollar he crushes the “inject disinfectant” shills tonight
McKinsey shill
He is better without guests. He is also the only person at any news network who actually talks about interesting shit.
Tucker is a rich faggot and only cares about protecting his family wealth.
He doesn’t give a shit about the Jews raping the country.
No one on Fox talks about anything interesting, even YouTube bans wrongthink.
>noooo don’t tell the government not to tell you where to go
Let me guess you are a gun grabber too
>a brainlet who just constantly talks over his guests
how is that any different from how FOX anchors have been for the last 20 years?
>muh talking points
typical retard
>refusing to allow leftist faggots to spin and deflect
>talking over them
It’s called debate and he ass fucks the idiots that go on his show and try to spin an obvious bullshit narrative.
Tucker is the best pundit I know of.
Left wing socialism is communism. Right wing socialism is nationalism. So yes one is bad and one is good, plus the good one eliminates international Jewry so it’s extra good.
'Globalism' is similar to this. Globalism is just a word for capitalism for people who are afraid to admit it.
Yas Forums actually loves socialist policies, look at how many cheered for Trump doing it. They just need it to be branded with a 'conservative' stamp so they're allowed to think it's good.
Fact is the best countries have a mixed economy, some 'socialist' stuff and some 'capitalism' to bring the money in.
>I watch cable news all day, now listen to what I think about other people's brains
>Left wing socialism is communism. Right wing socialism is nationalism
'Nationalism' is not a system of government. Nationalism is something that can happen with basically any system but isn't a system in itself. Neither is 'capitalism'. You have 'capitalism' within a country but the country isn't run by 'capitalism'.
You'd be crazy if you think the USSR wasn't extremely nationalistic.