Why does everyone think the only options are Capitalism or Communism? That if you hate one you surely LOVE the other...

Why does everyone think the only options are Capitalism or Communism? That if you hate one you surely LOVE the other? If you complain about how we leave people to die in the street, you hear "COMMIE!!! 8748237489 BILLION DEAD RUSSIANS!!11!!!!1!" If you complain about commie blocks than you here "CAPITALIST PIG BOOTLICKERRRR!!!!111!!"

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If the Russians were able to nullify $2,000,000,000 in spending by spending $250,000 on facebook ads why don't we hire the hyper efficient Russians to manage our food supply?

>capitalism made resutrants shut down

Naw that would be power hungry totalitarian leftist governors

>Here you go, food banks, 100 tons of unprocessed wheat!

>farm in texas dumps food
>alaska food bank has a shortage
wHy iS cApiTaliSm sO bAd

>Why does everyone think the only options are Capitalism or Communism? That if you hate one you surely LOVE the other?
Because they're idiots.

Well the idiot in your OP obviously never farmed anything or grew their own food.
When they say "dumped" what it actually means, I am quite certain, is composting. So they're gonna put that food back into the soil to bring nutrients to the soil. This is a crucial part of growing and will ensure a bountiful harvest next year.

But yeah I agree our current society is retarded. Not sure "muh communism" is the answer but I guess I can't expect ignorant morons like you find on the left to come up with a sensible, viable answer to our many issues. Really you've just got to stem the corruption and overt statism that makes banks and usury possible. Personally I am with the left on the landlord issue, too. But whatever I mean that's just my opinion.

>Bro the homeless can just winnow that shit on the street

We will have National Socialism, not your retarded jewish nonsense Vaush.

I always underestimate how retarded libertarians are. Do you think ALL that food can grow in Alaska? Maybe... just maybe... they SHIP food to Alaska!

>it's the fault of an abstract economic system that farmers are "dumping" their food
And in the Leftist variant all farms would be forced by armed state goons to hand over the majority of their crop at under market value prices or face possible imprisonment/execution. Then those leftists would "distribute" the agricultural products that were basically stolen from farmers who can barely make any profit off their labor. Talk about "seizing the means of production"...

The problem is mutts think any social policy (that's not aimed at the ultra rich or the military) is some stalinist communism.

That's what I'm supporting. 3rd position boys.

>socialists cause food shortage with virus psyop
LoL, dIS bE wHy We Be NeEdInG dAt CoMmUnIsM

his point was that it's ridiculous to complain when the distance and disparity is so great, especially when you're trying to blame an abstract economic system (in this case "capitalism") when the reality is probably poor mismanagement at a local government level.

That's like an average weekly spend on ads for a mobile game company

Okay Hungary please donate all excess food goods to Poland thank you!

Sorry, I called you Hungary kek. Been a long day. Anyway the meme is the same. Hahahahahahah

How about I just live my life and we all take responsibility for ourselves. Anything beyond that is a self defense situation

Calitalists and socialists are both Jewish materialists. That's the real problem. Society and the race is more important than money.

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It’s the divide and conquer dichotomy. Vax vs anti vax, pro or anti nuclear, climate change believer vs denier, pro or anti immigration etc. The media stifles any debate and every single contentious issue is reduced to a false, extreme, for or against position so people will fight amongst themselves

They're throwing it away as a direct result of trying to keep the price of the food UP via scarcity. It is DIRECTLY caused by Capitalism. A NatSoc society would be pumping out as much food as possible for the Volk

Why can’t the food banks just buy the food from the farmers?

actually the german rail way network spanning all over europe and connecting all the holocausters with one another is the most efficient system there has ever been

I don't really care about the economic system, I just hate jews and browns

I don't care if we went socialist if the whole country was White aryans.

Proof of that claim?
Even if it were true then it only shows you that there is the perfect opportunity for Alaskans to locally insulate their economy. It's completely ridiculous to rely on foreign imports if it means you will cease to exist without them.
>pumping out as much food as possible for the Volk
Yeah, by following the socialist model which doesn't work and just causes even heavier levels of corruption. When you force industries to sell their goods at UNDER market value so you can mass distribute them, they're going to create avenue's of distribution in order to actually make a profit. OR, you are going to see increasingly lower and lower levels of production due to lack of work incentive, nobody wants to work for table scraps. In addition, there is the other side of the coin in which Party bureaucrats are able to monopolize power around sycophants by being able to regulate who and where the food gets distributed. "Problem" communities can be purposefully starved, it was a similar situation in Ukraine during Holodomar.

Economic systems can be mapped onto a single axis denoting the level of control the state has over economic activity. Historically, countries which have described themselves as "communist" have had a very high level of state control. We probably need new words for the two ends of the scale but it's hard to debate about "controllist" vs. "freedomist" economics without sounding like a dork. Whether the mass murders and starvation associated with state economic control can be separated from that control is another important question.

Thissss so much.


>keep the price of the food UP via scarcity
Total fucking bullshit, farmers throw away food because they don't have the capacity to store it long term and big companies only buy their food at a set price. The remaining food either gets spoiled because buyers refuse to pay for produce AND the transportation or the farmer uses it for compost to recycle it and mitigate his losses.
Canada refused to buy food, now they got food problems, truly only a socialist hellscape can blame the fucking worker when in reality it's the fault of shortsighted retards running the country who are to blame.
Here we got the same absolute bullshit and it's only a matter of time before other EU countries start blaming Italy and Hungary for not exporting the cheap food akin to daylight robbery and guess who will be blamed again? Muh far right and muh intolerance for not feeding other countries welfare parasites.

>That if you hate one you surely LOVE the other?
if you grew up watching jewllywood you would think this way, everything is good guy vs bad guy, there is no in between, one side has to be good, one side has to be bad.

Ok, go drive to Idaho and grab what you want then
Neolib entitlement is asounding.

Thank god we have a nice binary two choice system of capitalism or communism we can’t ever deviate from. No need to ever look at the American system of Hamilton and Clay which actually made the US the most prosperous country in the world.

Glad youre volunteering to pay for shipping and storage.