Haha man did you guys hear the orange man just said we should all take bleach baths and use change all light bulbs in...

Haha man did you guys hear the orange man just said we should all take bleach baths and use change all light bulbs in our homes to UV lights. Verbatim! In front of the nation, haha fucking joke of a president! Nice going nazis!

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Still voting for him.over Biden.
Fuck niggers and OP


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Citric acid dipshit


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seriously, id vote for him over Biden even if he had actually said to inject bleach

It's sad that there's anons on Yas Forums who think voting does anything.

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if it didnt, trump wouldn't have won.
inb4 "hurr its all an act, they're all in it together.
fuck off

Way to twist words like a Jew, faggot

inb4 a bunch of conservatives die from poisoning from drinking bleach

>If i repeat what the opponent is saying back to them in a funny voice that means i win

Hand sanitizer works better than bleach. I tried this and I'm feeling much better. It's a lot of alcohol and it burns but it's good.

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Chinese led probably exacerbate the wuhan pandemic.... the emit high frequency noise, that’s why they have to be sold under a fcc license

Eh, maybe. Bleach can be used to treat water.

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Its gonna happen. A bunch of old white retards killed themselves with hydroxochloroquine.

> A bunch of old white retards killed themselves with hydroxochloroquine.
How many specifically?

Haha I know these Trump tards can defend their orange daddy all they want, nazis! Your president is endangering everyone by telling people to swim in bleach and attach uv lights to all their clothes! Idiots! Now this picture says it all.. HEROES, get it through your head dummies.

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honnestly the uv one isn't stupid, you could just have a small room where you install the bulb and everytime you come back home you putt your clothes in that place for some time with the uv on this way you will kill all the viruses and bacteria. I wanted to build such asetup at the beggining of the quarantine but i didn't find any uv light bulbs

Stop pretending you're a lib, yes Trump is an absolute fucking retard but so are you if you think anyone is falling for this shit

Let us know when you're dead

>Zionist, spoke at AIPAC and said he's going to destroy anti-Semites
>Zionist, spoke at AIPAC, said the most important thing Americans need to do is support the state of Israel as if it were their home. Also said he wants to destroy anti-Semites
Nancy Pelosi
>Zionist, said if America were ever destroyed one thing that would stand is her loyalty to the state of Israel
Chuck Schumer
>Hardcore kike, calls himself the "Guardian of Israel."
Now tell me they're not all in it together.

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Why are you listening to Trump for medical advice? Maybe you should inject bleach and get it over with.

It literally is all an act. It voting actually made a difference then the powers that be wouldn't let anyone do it. It's the perfect way to pacify people by actually making them think what they do matters in the political theater system. Not like Trump has actually done anything important like stopping immigration, arresting Hillary, draining the swamp(as if he isn't a part of it), or building the wall. All of it is bread and circuses for well meaning but oblivious boomers. If Trump was actually a threat to the system he
1. Never would have made it even remotely close to office
2. If he did somehow miraculously become president, he would've been Kennedy'd immediately

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That's a very broad term
Sunlight for example is a disinfectant

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Ok conservacuck keep trying to derail, your orange daddy will not be in office soon. Especially after he told everyone to drink 3 gallons of bleach a day and wear a uv light necklace at all times.

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that picture is so over the top

why not just have them straight up sucking off doctors at that point?

like we get it, "doctors are heroes" jesus fucking christ they went to med school for 4 years and work crazy hours, no one needs to remind us theyre heroes, we all agree we all get it.

why dont you have a different take for once you fucking moronic losers

Excuse me but that picture is POWERFUL, something Drumpf can’t ever be! You heard he told people to dunk their face in bleach 10 times a day and attach uv lights to ceiling fans to cure the virus? Fucking idiot I swear and all you racist ass fucks will go and vote for him, good luck though. People can see through your emperors bullshit a mile away.

It's still burning but I don't think I'm going to die. I think the pain means it's working. It's a little hard to type now my fingers are numb. But not sneezing anymore. Will keep you posted.

Mr. Clean just flew over my house.

I'm telling you. This nurse/doctor idolization feels so weird and astroturfed. Makes me really uncomfortable because I can't place a reason as to why they're doing it.

thanks for making me laugh off the cringe attack this picture gave me

He has brain damage or what?
I can't believe this shit
O my God

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Keep trying to set up a false dichotomy, it's cringe as fuck and you're a dumb faggot.

Stay mad drumpf lover

Miga cope

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