How much disinfectant do I need to swallow to get rid of covid as per Trump's recommendation?
How much disinfectant do I need to swallow to get rid of covid as per Trump's recommendation?
All of it please
as much as you can get
The actual quote Terry.
All of it becuase your retarded ass can't listen to what he's actually saying.
He wasn't talking about actual disinfectant you knob he was talking about this. It's a UV device that enters the lungs and cleans them out of infection.
all of it
I drank one but I'm still sneezing. Does it work better taking it some other way?
Should I be swallowing it or spraying it up my nose?
>How much disinfectant do I need to swallow
At least a 55-gallon drum of it, just to be sure it gets the job done.
Full quote:
>"I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs."
That won't work.
You have to INJECT it.
Man, Trump is fucking retarded. It's hard to believe people are defending this as him "spitballing ideas." It's honestly one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.
It tastes like soapy vodka, but it's good. I'm feeling better.
Lemon is a disinfectant you utter moron
Ask your co-workers Obamafaggot
Do Not take Bleachposting into day 2
Disinfectant doesn’t mean what you think it means leaf
I assume he means antiseptic. I mean, not defending the quote but he probably just heard some stuff that sounded like gibberish to him and tried to repeat it back.
Fuller quote:
>And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute, and is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets inside the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that, so that- you're going to have to use medical doctors for that but, it sounds interesting to me.
I'm afraid it's only effective if taken intravenously.
Breathe it into your lungs.
So it was a question then, not a recommendation.
It was Democrat activists that swallowed aquarium cleaner (chloroquine).
Take hydroxychloroquine. What do you have to lose?!
It's a legitimate question. Just as we ignored social distancing as we protested selectively against Democratic governors, there will no doubt be ardent Trump supporters such as us drinking hand sanitizer bottles as a result of this.
So he asked a question about a potential treatment? That’s it? Fuck the media
Are you working with the tranny discord on this one Obamaleaf?
I assume anally since thats what your current physician recommends.
Vape it
Source is pure love and light. We are light beings after all. We are made in the image of God. The new age has been right all along.
I leave you in light and love.
>something like an injection
learn to read
Watching MIGApedes cope about this is amazing. Gonna be funny when a child fucking dementia patient wins in November.
This video will explain
That's a funny way of spelling semen op. Don't worry, you already chug enough cock to not have to worry.