Sweden encounters a weird problem: in top 10 of corona deaths

Sweden attempted to "flatten the curve" it did not work out


2152 Swedes have now died to corona. They are not mkaing measures of peoples control and Swedes roam the streets freely. Nobody is wearing the mask.

Swedish Health and Life Observing and Monitoring Organization (SHLOMO) says they are a bit surprised it went this far. People are dyign. There are 1000 more dead than they had predicted there would be.

Maybe people are careless and wanted to have a holiday during Easter. Soon they will want to have a Vappu Holiday (origin is German Wahlburgs Nacht) in Sweden it has formed into a workers free from work day where they drink Sima with raisins on top.

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yea no fucking wonder they failed with a bang. holding up the liberal facade is more important, meanwhile they look like complete idiots

It's walpurgisnacht. Which is celebrated on April 30/May1

Attached: liberal Sweden vs conservative Austria.png (659x774, 84.11K)

So some old people die, everyone else gets to continue living free. Small price to pay.


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In Finlöand people are not very free right now but there are very few deaths going on

it should be your grandparents next

You do realize elderly people can still stay inside while young, healthy individuals are able to roam freely right?

Color me unimpressed with Sweden genociding the elderly native white population in nursing homes like good little fucking evil communist they are...

So Sweden already had twice as many cases 03/30? Why would you expect it to not take longer to flatten the curve there?

except this is not happening. corona is spreading like a wildfire in nursing homes, Swedish government kept saying it wouldn't happen

You cant realy compare them, austria high case are due to being stuck between Italy and Germany nests.

Attached: SwedenYesCorona.jpg (1280x820, 211.57K)

Those elders who are healthy enough to not be in a nursing home are safe

It almost seems like somebody spreads it on nursing homes

>Sweden attempted to "flatten the curve"
Taking minimal measures to stop infection spreading is the opposite of "flattening the curve". It can better be characterised as "front-loading cases" -- looking back at it after the effects are seen it will not the worst strategy if the medical system isn't overwhelmed by it.

Closing everything down to reduce transmission has its disadvantages that the doomers don't wish to acknowledge.

i havent seen any sweds posting lately?
maybe they all dead?...So who claims that land now?

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She's pretty.

I'm torn, bros. The longer time goes on, the wiser Sweden's approach becomes. This will only change unless there's a mass culling of Swedes on the horizon.

Why does every thread of yours use .fi addresses you retarded shithead? It's an English language website. Most people can't check the source.

Sweden should have at least 100k deaths if coronachan was so dangerous. It’s been two months and Sweden has been completely open. Yes Sweden has more deaths than Austria or Norway but they should have exponentially more.

Sweden wants to cleanse the country of legacy citizens. Have to make room for asylum seekers.

>do it faggit
It would be the largest wealth transfer in American history.

clown world

>when the government cuckdown ends the virus magically will have disappeared and noone gets infected
t. gay OP and rest of world

fuck corona! This is the only time in the year where we actually have sunlight in sweden.
I ain't gonna let som fucking hoax of a virus stop me from going out and enjoying a beer in the sun.

Every curve is flat if you zoom out far enough . . .

What did they mean by this?

Attached: shut it down 17.jpg (1024x653, 255.8K)

report ban this reddit advertising faggot

>Sweden attempted to "flatten the curve"
they did literally the opposite you brainlet
do you not understand what the term means?

And every curve is exponential if you make it look that way.

Having more cases at the beginning is part of the model. You might have a "flat curve" right now, but the curve will quicly change directions as soon as they let you out.

But have have fun in your cucksheds until then

Alcohol with raisins floating on top
It checks out.

When you add liquid to a raisin you've essentially created a rehydrated grape.

2000 is absolutely nothing considering anyone dying of anything is called "covid" at the moment since there is no test.

Sad how pol is full of these bootlicking dipshits desperate for tyranny. Hiding in your mums basement from a virus like a fucking degenerate, hoping daddy government can make drugs to save you. Fuck off degenerate. Eat some meat, get some sun, grow up.

The log graph started levelling the same day as the u.s., March 23, which is when the lockdowns started here. No appreciable effect from lockdown

nigga poop sex

The 'front line heroes', nurses

>Swedish Health and Life Observing and Monitoring Organization (SHLOMO)


interesting. Austria's graph implicates, that if everything goes right, the number is just about to drop in Poland

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-24 Poland Coronavirus 10,759 Cases and 463 Deaths - Worldometer.png (916x626, 24.3K)

All statistics are dirty lies.
The worst liars are collating the statistics.
All countries set their own criteria for the statistics on covid.
Yet the crazed extremist zealots in Sweden still have to admit they achieved nothing except misery, suffering and death with their crazy “let’s refuse reality” plan. I’m super surprised.

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>2152 Swedes

You're wrong there kike.

Many of those are not Swedes but shitskins.

The English version is literally 2 clicks away.

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this. just like the flu and pneumonia. we don't shut everything down because car accidents exist. some old people that were going to die died a bit sooner. I don't care do you?