We're on lockdown and thousands of people are dying everyday because of China. Millions of Americans are losing their jobs because of China. China lied, people died and people still somehow call it racist to point out that its China's fault. NPC's are truly hopeless and it makes me fucking sad
Normies will never wake up
You warned them enough times. Let their ignorance become their undoing
Fuck chinks and fuck the CCP
Their ignorance will be our undoing as well.
The problem is they still have access to food. When that changes so will their minds
U.S is still too comfy. Food shortage won't be happening anytime soon.
Was hoping America and the boys would be down to form a coalition and BTFO chicoms off the face of the Earth for their crimes. Oh well, a man can dream.
Zoomers are braindead niggers
am a zoomer myself. can confirm
Democracy has failed. The world now looks to China for leadership because on some subconscious level everyone longs for authoritarian rule.
It’s your government that didn’t close its borders when this out break started.
The majority have always been slaves, this is nothing new. But we aren't the majority, are we? We are the ones that bring the change, regardless of these soulless vessels.
Hiroshima pt. 2?
the west has utterly embarrassed itself in this crisis. everybody doing their own thing when we should be planning how to kick chinas teeth in together.
youre just paying attention to the toxic twatter crowds. irl is much different than that cesspool and most people realize china is to fully blame
>because of China
>because of China
>because of China
>because of China
Hollow words when literally the entire rest of the world somehow manages to make it through this relatively fine, and only the USA is a collapsing shitshow.
This is just what happens when you live in a decrepit empire ruled by senile gerontocrats.
You are a normie yourself, though. Normalfaggot, I would say.
ive reconected with many ppl during this and they are all surprisingly redpilled
they are just too npc to do anything about it or even care
I agree, fuck those retards, we all know your meme non-country is to blame for this.
>thousands are dying everyday because of Trump
also, drink bleach
>We're on lockdown and thousands of people are dying everyday because of China
Hello neocon shill. Have you found Saddam's WMDs yet?
How come countries that are not China's main geopolitical competition arent running anti-chinese psyops? Merkel, Macron, Lovfen, Putin, Erdogan arent going on anti chinese ramblings.
Eh sorry bro but it wasn't just China. They are all complicit. Same with 9/11 you believe that shit? It's a way to gain more and more power. Sucks but if you believe the official story it's you who is the NPC. Glowboys at my house soon
Hell, even the American founders were an inch away from installing George Washington as Emperor of America. People tout democracy and freedom as the best thing since sliced bread, but when the chips are down:
Order > Freedom
We ain’t doing shit until we have extracted more of the economy from them. Going to be a wild ride.
let me know when we raping Nanjing bro.
No, but shit like this happening won't help. Their only loyalty is basic comforts and the longer they're deprived, the more people will look for a new way.
>Thousands dying
Wake up Yas Forumsnormie.
You sure? I work in the grocery business and our orders are getting cut smaller and smaller every week. The shelves are skeletons.
You're right, I should start blaming the country that doesn't abide by biochemical warfare restrictions.
i.e. you, kike.
Did you really think America was going to be competent at all at handling a pandemic? We are so fucked because of Jews controlling our government
Lol. Cuomo mandates that elder patients with Covid be sent back to their nursing homes causing massive spread and recently he mandated do not resuscitate orders for all Covid patients. Guy has been padding the numbers with bodies from day one to gain federal funds he can funnel into the state deficit.