@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/23/20
>Team Trump Online w/Lara Trump &2ndLady Karen! 4/23/20
>2ndLady Karen on Emotional Well-Being 4/23/20
>SoS Pompeo on Hannity 4/23/20
>Don Jr on Hannity 4/23/20
>Brad Parscale on FoxNews 4/23/20
>HUDSec SleepyBen on Ingraham 4/23/20
>NECDir Kudlow on Dobbs 4/23/20
>ActDHSSec Wolf on FoxNews 4/23/20
>ActDepDHSSec Cuccinelli on America 1st w/Gorka 4/23/20
>ActDepDHSSec Cuccinelli on F&F 4/23/20
>StateDeptSpox Morgan on F&F 4/23/20
>Lara Trump on FoxNews 4/23/20
>ThiccSarah on F&F 4/23/20
>Trump2020PrinDepCommsDir Perrine on OAN 4/23/20
>RNCChair McDaniel on FBN 4/23/20
>RNCChair McDaniel on DiannaPlossShow 4/23/20
>StateDeptVideo: All Necessary Measures to Protect American People 4/23/20

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:

> ending the largest gun free zone

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>Stocks were taken for a wild ride on Thursday after The Financial Times reported — citing documents accidentally published by the World Health Organization — that Gilead Sciences’ drug remdesivir did not improve coronavirus patients’ condition. The documents cited by the FT referred to a Chinese clinical trial.

Chinese-controlled WHO trying to sink the US markets by purposely releasing bad study results from unreliable sources IN CHINA. Couldn't be more transparent how evil and rotten these chinks are, doing everything they can to hurt America.


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What’s with all this “inject bleach” shit? He didn’t say that.

>MEMBERS of the Marine Corps will no longer be able to fly the Confederate Flag after the force's commander explained it was being banned to combat hate speech. The ban on the flag, often used by white nationalists, is an effort to limit "offensive or divisive displays" in the military.

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I would like you, dear MAGAlistenders, to picture in your mind the existence of those who claim to be right wing and MAGA but which do not seek a job. They instead take and praise welfare then sit around posting here all day.

Would a white right wing man do that? I do not believe so. It's simply unMAGA and wrong.

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what's going to kill more people? CQ or trump's miracle bleach + UV light "cure"? CQ had a 30% kill rate in tests, i think this one will be higher than that.


Please cope harder.

Why don't we have a 'inject disinfectant and uv light' edition yet? It's a fantastic idea. You fuckers wanna #openup or not?

Take the #dettol pill

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Who cares lol, you're probably some retard that has to follow government instructions on how take showers you faggot

Contrary to popular belief, there are lots of armed people and drugniggers all over public lands because of limpdick retard policy

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discord trannies SEETHING because they know that Biden doesn't stand a chance, so they're getting four more years of Trump

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Trump will brag about exports being up.

>CQ had a 30% kill rate in tests

But the people not taking CQ had a 50% kill rate.

Trump is obviously incompetent but goddamn

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Remember that right wing doesn't refer to ideology, it refers to voting pattern


Friendly Reminder:

If someone presents a quote like pic related to you that has ellipses inserted conspicuously into the middle of a sentence, they are editing the quote to their benefit and are thus dishonest faggots whose opinions and arguments can be safely and summarily discarded.
>the more you know!

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> there are lots of armed people and drugniggers all over public lands
Yeah, Cartels grow more drugs stateside on Cali Federal lands than on Mexico itself

I would like you, dear MAGAlistenders, to picture in your mind the existence of those who claim to be right wing and MAGA but which do not seek a female. They instead take and praise tranny faggot dick then sit around posting here all day.
Would a white right wing man do that? I do not believe so. It's simply unMAGA and wrong.

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Why do mutts RESIST their ASCENSION?

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Just a reminder that Hydroxychloroquine is not recommended by the US government, tests in Brazil have been stopped due to it literally killing people.

The medication only "cures" people, by killing them.

kek biden was ahead by a few points, wonder why all polls are now showing Trump neck and neck nowadays.

incorrect. the control group had a higher "survival" rate.

So now America has exposed itself to the whole world, rational men in the civilised West can't help but ask themselves, how could they let this America abnormality exists on this planet?
America truly is a mistake.

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Biden has no chance and he never did.

We are literally just going through the motions.

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Right wing is ideological

They advise people not to go too far off of the trails in lots of places because they just love being cuckolded so much and having grow operations all over the place where people get murdered for wandering around a public park. It's really based and first world.

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to our croatia cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha

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drink bleach, your president demands you.

If someone wanted to join an anti-lockdown protest in minecraft, how would he go about finding out where and when to show up, since faceberg has shut down the organizing pages?

Can't let papa be wrong, obviously he meant to inject the GOOD disinfectant, not the BAD disinfectant.

Also, user, go ahead, finish the quote, you're right, it really clears up what he meant.

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Just injecr some Lysol bro
Hope you guys enjoyed his one and only term :)

"No go zones" aren't really a new concept for those areas tho, 15 years maybe? Since Bush?

>Trump was right
>shills were wrong

I am so sick of reruns.

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Four more years, faggot. Cope with that.

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I 100% believe that the "shills" who are trying to propagate the idea that trump is a jew are just trump supporters to make anti drumpfers look retarded

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have you tried drinking bleach?

That doesn't really make it okay or like millions of people don't need to be killed immediately.

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you cope harder dumb mutt

Gatorade cooler labelled 'delicious bleach' on a popular intersection. The Anti-Lockdown Protest will stop for intravenous supplies as long as you can slam the needle right into their butthole

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Poor Ahmed and his lack of critical thinking skills.

> go ahead, finish the quote

> "And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute."
> "And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning? "
Doesn't really look like he's telling people to inject cleaning supplies, to be perfectly frank

what about uv atoms in the blood stream.

He didn’t say it though. There’s no coping. I don’t even care for him as the POTUS, I just don’t want a Dem in the WH.


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Imagine willingly voting for the guy telling you to inject disinfectant.


Imagine posting in a /ptg/ thread and not injecting disinfectants after attending a public protest where you sucked off an covid infected dudes dick.

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Not when you cherry pick data from the whole VA & pick ppl who were in a severe condition & were likely to die anyway. HCQ is for ppl before they get severe cases, it is a treatment not a cure. It simply helps the body fight off the virus

Hope you enjoy quietly slicking away in shame in November.

trump went from shilling a highly dangerous "medicine" known for causing heart failure and blindness to shilling for bleach injections. what's next? swallowing uranium?

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> That doesn't really make it okay
Not point point in the slightest and yes, heavy handed enforcement that ended up with lots of deaths (even if on both sides) would be a welcome event

you should give it a try

I can't believe dump told us to drink shit that will kill us.

Why should I vote for him a second time?

lol I would just tackle her, pull down those scrubs, and give her the ole' dicky dick

dumb faggots

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>It simply helps the body fight off the virus
it does no such thing. the side effects are far worse than any benefit that it could possibly have.

>Right wing is ideological
Naw, right wing/left wing is defined in terms of the political parties that exist in the US. (It means right side of the aisle/ left side of the aisle)

Within a political party, there are political goals that politicians want to accomplish. And people vote for them based on whatever reasoning they want to use. SOME people might vote for right wingers on ideological similarity, others might vote for them because they accomplish a convenient goal.

>it was real in my mind

Show me where he said to "inject bleach"

Who wanna goon with me, we gonna goon, yo
a bully or thug, especially one hired to terrorize or do away with opposition.
"a squad of goons waving pistols"
oh, yeah i'm goonin, we goonin. get the goon on

You forgot the inject Clorox part, shill

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Naw nahnahnah hey hey hey good by dabnigga

but also yes right wing is ideological and not particular to the US. You are extremely stupid and wrong.

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>like that
Nice self-BTFO, Dave.

What do you think he's referring to when he says injection user, he even fucking says 'a cleaning'.

Enjoy getting reamed harder

Don't forget to Inject!

> 600 mg twice daily
That's not a high-dose: that's an overdose. Dosage for malaria is 800mg, 400mg six hours later, then 400mg each day for two days. You aren't supposed to exceed 600mg on any day except the first; this trial is doubling that.

Trump has gotten the libtards and MSM to deny that heat, UV rays, and bleach kill viruses.


I am beginning to think he does have mind control powers

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But that never happened. You should probably see a doctor about those hallucinations.

"Creepy rape guy" scares me alot less than "inject yourself with disinfectants rape" guy.

Hey biden bros. Today a poll from very left lening monmouth showed competitive New Jersey house districts tied. In 2018 Dems won them by 9. uh oh.

I bet they didn't poll the Amish.

he's also telling you to inject bleach, what do you have to lose?


BS if ppl have a bad ticker they would not be given it, if they are giving it to ppl without even checking then that is bad medicine. HCQ has been used millions of times with zero deaths, having already elderly ppl who are already in a severe condition die is not a problem when they are were going to die anyway.


How to spot a shill using a VPN in one word

>FDA warns AGAINST using anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine touted by Trump for coronavirus patients outside of hospitals or clinical trials because it can cause serious heart problems
giving something that causes heart failure to people suffering from a viral infection that attacks the heart isn't good, is it?

take it
what do you have to lose?

Copeseethe, oofnigga snap unMAGAness

It doesn't matter. The NC districts have been redrawn so it evens it out.

Fuck off I don't speak chinese

Alright, wallow in ignorance if that's your preference


Can't knock a guy for having ideas. Trumps can be retarded but Biden is a demented predator



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The fullest quote is [1]

> If you look at the fourth line, you inject summer — the sunlight into that. You inject UV rays into that. The same effects on line two — as 70 to 35 degrees with 80 percent humidity on the surface. And look at line four, but now you inject the sun. The half-life goes from six hours to two minutes. That’s how much of an impact UV rays has on the virus.
Then Trump, sometime later
> We’re also testing disinfectants readily available. We’ve tested bleach, we’ve tested isopropyl alcohol on the virus, specifically in saliva or in respiratory fluids. And I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes; isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds, and that’s with no manipulation, no rubbing — just spraying it on and letting it go. You rub it and it goes away even faster. We’re also looking at other disinfectants, specifically looking at the COVID-19 virus in saliva.
> This is not the end of our work as we continue to characterize this virus and integrate our findings into practical applications to mitigate exposure and transmission. I would like to thank the President and thank the Vice President for their ongoing support and leadership to the department and for their work in addressing this pandemic. I would also like to thank the scientists, not only in S&T and the NBACC, but to the larger scientific and R&D community.
Notice, that's not Trump yet, that's Acting Undersecretary Bryan.Then and only then, after Bryan's presentation, Trump interjects



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Trump never touted it as a fucking cure. He said they were looking into it. The media is so fucking retarded.

okay, we got it. This is the rationale behind Trump's disinfection injection recommendation:
>US pastor runs network giving 50,000 Ugandans bleach-based 'miracle cure'

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you know, a few drops of bleach can purify water

just take a look, it's in a book

>telling you to inject disinfectant
literally never happened, SEETHE harder tranny faggot

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Why are Jannies not taking care of this?

>deny that heat, UV rays, and bleach kill viruses.
this virus has already been shown to be resistant to all those things. you need 96C+ temperatures to even begin deactivating this virus, it's resistant to even the strongest kinds of industrial bleach and concentrated UV light won't even begin to deactivate virions.

Don't remind me
lmao 2 rapist, 2 rapist.
You know it, only dumb libtards use the word cope

>linking another poster to your self-BTFO so more people can laugh at how dumb you are and how bad your reading comprehension skills are


I'm correctly stating that right wing refers to ideological concerns which is correct and has nothing to do with what you are saying, since you are wrong.

Okay, now type that again without crying, shill

He doesn’t understand how UV lights work.

Cope harder retard

Try harder

Common sense would mean you don’t question such scenarios you retard

Again it's a trial to discredit a drug that is safe. Those patients were probably elderly & probably a descendant of Mengele is enjoying his time with them

>BS if ppl have a bad ticker they would not be given it,
doesn't matter if you had a healthy heart before infection. this virus causes severe heart scarring even in asymptomatic or "mild" cases.

Ok, whatever man. You do you.

Awwww did your eventually suicided brain decide it came up to a couterpoint to DILATE? KYS tranny abomination

Then Trump interjects
> Here we go. The new — the new headline is: “Trump Asks People to go Outside. That’s Dangerous.” Here we go. Same old group. You ready? I hope people enjoy the sun. And if it has an impact, that’s great. I’m just hearing this — not really for the first time. I mean, there’s been a rumor that — you know, a very nice rumor — that you go outside in the sun, or you have heat and it does have an effect on other viruses
> But now we get it from one of the great laboratories of the world. I have to say, it covers a lot more territory than just this. This is — this is probably an easy thing, relatively speaking, for you.
> I would like you to speak to the medical doctors to see if there’s any way that you can apply light and heat to cure. You know — but if you could. And maybe you can, maybe you can’t. Again, I say, maybe you can, maybe you can’t. I’m not a doctor. But I’m like a person that has a good you know what.

Still on light as the natural disinfectant. Then he continues

> THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. So I asked Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of, if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you’re going to test that too. It sounds interesting.

> ACTING UNDER SECRETARY BRYAN: We’ll get to the right folks who could.



Have you tried electing a real government?
I know an intersection where I can find protestors in my city—they hang out in front of a big strip mall. But I want to travel to Olympia and attend an actual protest, because I'm tired of Inslee's overreach into private lives (and not only about the quarantine, but also because of the law mandating sex ed for kindergarteners that he just signed in the middle of the quarantine so it wouldn't be noticed). I'm a normal looking person, not a kekistani shield-bearer nor a khaki-and-tiki-torch wearing glownigger, and I look respectable in a tie. I promise not to carry any signs saying "sacrifice the weak."

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Yes because a shitty Chinese study said so. Millions of ppl have had this shitty virus with no ill effects. Face it, you doomers got caught out with your own hype & it is all collapsing in real time.

Then and only then the meat of the "controversy" comes
> > THE PRESIDENT: Right. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you’re going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds — it sounds interesting to me.

Then the most important clarification that get ommited
> So we’ll see. But the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute, that’s — that’s pretty powerful.

Trump was talking about light as a natural disinfectant the whole time, after Bryan described the effects on in vitro samples.

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>Someone is posting something I don't like which has not violated the rules, why are they not punished for rule violation
Go back 2 leddit if you want some safe space where people who hurt your feelings go away

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Stop trying to make these faggots care about reality and facts, they never will. These are "men" driven by emotions. Waste of human life

>Trump touts hydroxychloroquine as a cure for Covid-19. Don't believe the hype


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kill yourself faggot

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spamming is against the rules

Guys! Now that Trump has fucked up, we're going to be more progressive than Sweden!
>Sorry TrumpTards!

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So, where's the Trump signature?

lel mao dilate tranny and cope your oofseethes I'm snapping you right now lolololol

It's not spamming, you're a nigger retard.

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I pretend to be a Biden supporter often

Based. All the niggers & 41s will die

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tl;dr is

> Acting Undersecretary Bryan: UV lights are proven to kill Coronavirus in vitro
> Trump: could that work as a treatment? Worth a look
> Bryan: studies are being made

Some time later, on MSNBC

Then sometime later, for "woke points"

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Do Americans really?

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Why would you embarrassing yourself make me cry?

I actually think it's pretty funny that you guys can't read at an adult level. Not all that surprising though since lefties are known for their double digit IQs.

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>exporting coronavirus
>by deporting illegals who came here amid a global pandemic
>just let them stay goyim, you’re exporting the virus!!
Gradually, I began to hate them...

>hydroxychloroquine repeatedly being btfo as a poison
>magatards backpedaling
>n-n-n-no Drumpf wasn't pushing a poison to people!!!!!11111

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man, trump has a weird signature

last I checked we weren't doing too bad responding to the virus

>Common sense would mean you don’t question such scenarios
Facts: You're a retarded faggot, and Trump is winning in November. COPE with that.

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